top 10 matches made in TV heaven
10. kit & mark {Road Rules I}
09. kat & neil {The Real World: London}
08. rachel & ross {Friends}
07. brenda & dylan {90210}
06. summer & seth {The OC}
05. kelly & zack {Saved by the Bell}
04. merideth & mcdreamy {Gray's Anatomy}
03. angela & jordan {My So-Called Life}
02. pam & jim {The Office}
01. felicity & ben {Felicity}
I was just about to write, "what about Seth and Summer?!" and then realized that my eyes had fooled me; they were already on the list. Thank goodness.
Marta, hope you don't care but I've been reading your blog. I can't help but comment on this one. I would say that David and Donna are way more heavenly than Dylan and Brenda.
David waited for years before Donna was ready to "go all the way". Dylan would have waited like two weeks.
Hi Brad! I am super pleased a graphic expert like you has passed by m.writes. (Your super sleek site rules. The wedding pics are gorgeous - such a fun additive!)
You bring up an excellent point, one which might turn all the tables. David & Donna and their saintly ways - which lasted all of like 2 seasons - was pretty incredible. What great role models they were/are. Apart from suing her own mother, she is pretty much an angel. The pair just might make it on the next list..
it doesn't surprise me that ben & felicity are #1 who i completely adore and yes sometimes believe that they are together in real life, but what does surprise me is that kat and neil made the list. I mean of course they did..who could forget kat being jealous of neils vday pig heart from his girlfriend? what about sharron and lars? shouldn't they go in somewhere?
Corey and Topanga?
Sorry, found this via google images search, but I just had to mention those two--they were born for each other!
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