13 April 2007

enchanting audrey

"Pick the day. Enjoy it - to the hilt.
The day as it comes. People as they come . . .
The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present and I don't want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future." - Audrey Hepburn


jamieanne said...

Marta, this is confirmation indeed, that we are blog twins (as if we needed it)! I was just about to post a pic of beloved Audrey, when I saw yours.
I'll wait a few days so people don't think we're like those weird girls in junior high school who planned outfits together. Actually, I think I was one of those weird girls on occasion.

Christie said...

I love and adore Audrey...so much so that I wanted to name Hannah that. J would not hear of it, but I take great pleasure in the fact that Hannah has now named her imaginary friend - Audrey. There just isn't anyone like her (the real one and Hannah's imaginary friend!)

Anonymous said...

I love the picture and the quote! Lets have an Audrey night..."girls night!"

Travelin'Oma said...

Do I look anything like Audrey? It's been my lifelong goal.

Anonymous said...

I hadn't seen this photo of her before. It nicely straddles her more mod look in the latter half of the 60s with the frilly touches of her early career.

And what a marvelous quote as well.

love.boxes said...

a lovely human being...

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