11 June 2007

true colors

i really love this commercial by dove. i am intrigued by their campaign for Real Beauty. i don't know anyone who wouldn't agree that we should definitely surround ourselves {and the little girls in our lives} with more things like this. thanks, nim. your post really got me thinking. and ps. you are an amazing role model for your three little cupcakes.


Christie said...

Welcome back - your blogging was missed!

Travelin'Oma said...

This is so good!

jordan said...

Maybe it is because I watched this commercial late at night but it totally made me cry. Thanks!

Glad to have you back and blogging.

Anonymous said...

I so cried when I saw this on the tv, she reminds me of a good friend who also (and still) hates her freckles... and yes we do need more things like this for the young girls growing up to balance all the other crap!

love.boxes said...

and I just love freckles.. aren't they supposed to be angel kisses... :)

Dede said...

I just love this...

I'm A said...

amen to this.

Em said...

I love this. Its true and soo horrible.

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