23 July 2007

pretty packages perched on my porch

such a lovely surprise. marianne of applehead sent me a brown paper package tied up with (baker's) string all the way from australia. it was packed full of foreign beauties including an array of colorful stamps, vintage wallpaper samples, postcards and more. thank you!!

i especially adore the japanese bound book full of hand scripted calligraphy. i've based my quote journal binding method after the art of the japanese bound book. once i learned the patterns, i fell for the simple yet stunning way it holds pages together. the japanese expert i live with (seen below studying the book) explains that it is a play published in 1936 about a famous Buddhist priest with selections of his poetry. since it is pre-war, dan tells me, the characters are more complex and intricate. i love the thick inked strokes, the delicate drawings and fancy flair of the characters. wow. what a find! not only am i over the moon, but my husband is thrilled too.

i've already tucked it into my shelf, nestled right next to my teacup and wooden geisha. thank you thank you! these items are perfect for my upcoming projects. i will be putting them to use. what fabulous inspiration (and timely too) for the small book swap i am participating in!

her shop, appleseed, is full of unique finds like the ones pictured below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there really is nothing like happy mail.
what a treasure!

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