without curiosity, you can't have individuality. it just doesn't exist. and without curiosity & individuality, you're not going to be able to adjust the modern world.
the function of art is to make you look somewhere else - like into your own life - and see the secrets that are in the shadows, or in the way the light falls somewhere.
by robert rauschenberg
found this yesterday and remember copying it down while sitting on our plaid couch four years ago, balancing a heavy rauschenberg coffee table book on my lap, pages open wide with possibilities. i believe in writing things down. {i wish i were more disciplined in doing so.} love discovering things and being inspired again to find the shadows and seek the light which tends to fall in the crevices of life.
there are endless good reasons for writing it all down.
mart..i love these quotes. you know how to brighten up someones day.
It's so fun to discover something tucked in a book or written on the back of a card. I often hide things I've jotted down just for the joy of finding it someday.
Love that second quote particularly - am going to have to write it down myself...
Found your blog on a comment on another blog... I love this quote. AND I love writing things down. Seems to make it stick in the brain.
You're much better than I am at writing things down. And yours always looks a bit more poetic when written than mine. No fair.
"endless reasons for writing it all down." that's just what i needed to hear! so often i find lame excuses to not journal or blog when i'm feelig compelled to do so...it's so fun to read back and discover where you've come from and discover little treasures of prose that might otherwise have been long forgotten!
If you turned your handwriting into a font, I would totally buy it 5 times over.
ps - still enjoying the quote journal. thanks!
that's a great quote. thanks for sharing.
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