27 September 2007

melt in your mouth minis

i made these divine individual cakes for our sunday night dinner party last weekend. the menu was classic: strawberry spinach salad, grilled steaks, garlic mashed potatoes, and mini molten chocolate cakes (fancy schmancy name, yet oh so simple). mmm. enjoy.


Krista said...

I have been wanting to try making these! thanks for the recipe!

karla said...

Oooh - sounds delicious!

Jane said...

you are killing me with the delicious treats this week. i am still thinking about the cookies (with added rice krispies) and now this! molten chocolate? yum!

and by the way, a belated happy birthday to you ....

jess said...

Yum, thanks for the recipe!

celeste said...

I had these at a friend's house last year and have been wanting to make them ever since. Thanks for the recipe!

amber {daisy chain} said...

sounds like a very tasty autumn dinner, do you mind of I copy it for a dinner party this weekend?

Heather S. said...

Ooh, those sound so yummy. I was wondering what size ramekins you used. I've seen so many different sizes and I have different sizes of them but I want to try this.

marta said...

ooh, yes, go ahead copy the recipe, make it tonight, and tell them it's yours. it'll be our little secret!

i use 6 oz. ramekins. i got mine here: http://www.surlatable.com/product/emile+henry%26%23174-+baking+ramekins%2C+set+of+4.do?search=basic&keyword=ramekins&sortby=gsa&asc=true&page=1

Dansie Family said...

the dinner sounds fabulous. the molten cakes sound yummy and beautiful. tom and i ordered one on our anniversary dinner when i was in labor at a fancy scmancy italian restaurant for 6 bucks, but they overcooked it and there was no pudding in the center. i guess i will have to just make my own.

Anonymous said...

I can attest that the molten cake recipe turns out really, really good. I ate two.

Sarah said...

Thanks for sharing this recipe, I made it for our anniversary last weekend. I hope you don't mind I posted about it. But I did link to you.

Liz Stanley said...

this looks divine!

kori said...

Hi, Marta! I've been following your blog for some time now and just stumbled upon this recipe. I'm so glad I found it! I have 10 oz. ramekins that I'm obsessed with now (go figure - I was perusing your gift ideas and saw the hostess post with the set of ramekins, which then led me to this recipe!). Anyway, your recipe looks a lot easier than others I've seen, so thank you! I love your gift ideas and basically every other thing you write about. :) Happy Holidays!

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