10 October 2007

am loving every minute of it.

so i got in last night at midnight. number one travel tip.. check to see if your driver's license is expired before you leave your house. your costco card will not cut it. repeat, won't cut it. neither will your student id which states your maiden name. geez, with so many rules these days for flights.. i hardly remembered that one at all. i mean, i remembered to put my lipgloss and my nail polish in a baggie, yet i forget about expired licenses.. can't a girl catch a break.

how do people remember stuff like that unless you get pulled over or get to the airport and find that you can't check in with an 'invalid' license?! if anyone knows someone who has a tip for remembering these types of things, along with flipping your mattress, cleaning out your vents, yearly dates to sweep behind your fridge and other martha stewart tendencies, do tell. surely there is a Real Simple article all about updating items in your wallet. i must've missed that issue.

number two. have a hero hubby who can speed home in the nick of time, grab your passport and save your trip to see your sista. hurrah hooray. number three. bring snacks. this goes without saying. the 'treats' the flight crew deal out now are quite sub-par. all agreed? (note: have you noticed.. the flight crew seem to all sport the bouncy voluminous hair with curly q bangs. is this a Delta requirement? and how do they keep their hair so 'Hairsprayesque' while flying for four hours, working and running to and fro in turbulence!? perhaps everytime they go to one end of the plane or the other they give a big cheer and spray a huge cloud of AquaNet to celebrate the softdrinks were a success!) man, i guess if you were born in the last five years, you don't realize what you're missing in the food department. i mean, it was never gourmet but i used to have this trick and pre-order 'vegetarian' meals for flying across the country. not only would the meal arrive to my tiny flipflop table earlier than everyone elses, but it was loaded with fresh fruits + veggies and a little dessert that seemed a tad on the healthier side. now flights serve only the pre-packaged preservatives + triangle cheese in tinfoil. mm. yum.

yet i love a good airplane ride, no matter how much i complain. i love sitting next to the window, getting out a pen + paper and writing my guts out. when i am home in the hustle, i often let that practice slide. yet no matter how much i blog, getting the pen to paper is a very good thing.

as the saga continues.. i got here safe and sound and was welcomed with a big hug and a delicious midnight snack. homemade chicken noodle soup, homemade wheat bread and a halloween brownie. life is good. it's so nice to see your sista in the role of mother. i hope to be just like her someday. with a stack of halloween storybooks near the fireplace, pumpkins and pots of mums on the porch, nice shampoo in the guest bath, and a little surprise on my pillow. what a welcome. the getting-here flight may have been a bit of a trick, but being together again is a true treat!

to be continued..


Unknown said...

You have a real tlaent for writing. I love checking out your blog to see what new words and ideas you have come up with. You should start flying Jet blue. they serve yummy snacks and you can have more then one + your drink. I am a true blue fan.

southern daze said...

I absolutely love reading your blog...thank you for always making my day!

Hope you have a fantastic visit with your sister and I look forward to hearing all about it!

alyson. said...

you are too funny. I'm coming up on my license expiring here shortly. and now that I live in Oregon, I have to take the written driving test, again!!! it's not helping my nerves that I failed, twice, when I was 16.

Travelin'Oma said...

I always get a notice in the mail when my license is about to expire. This prompts sending in my $20 which is all they really want. I guess you get so much in your "good mail" slot that you forget to open the common mail. Anything that isn't a bill or a credit card deal is good mail to me.

Erin said...

Mart, I wholeheartedly agree with the airline snack problem. My good hubby packed me 2 pb & j's for my flight out here to Utah on Monday and it was a good thing he did as I got bumped to a later flight.

kelly said...

thanks for all the great tips, i'll definitely keep them in mind. have fun! see you soon!

Christie said...

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard - why does your license have to be current to fly? Are you going to be FLYING the plane? Stupid airports and their stupid rules. Ugh.

Okay, so I'm still bitter from my bad flight a few days ago. I'm working on that one.

Have fun with Gab. Give those kiddos a hug from us!

laura crow miller said...

i love flying, too. but the whole current i.d. thing is a pain. i always take my license, passport and military i.d.....and if all of those don't cut it, i'm just not going! :)
so glad you had fun!

Anonymous said...

Your post today made me smile.

jamieanne said...

Haha. As a former airline employee, I know the joys of travel all too well. I also understand the behind the scenes reasons for the annoying restrictions.

Have a great trip!

Sarah said...

I've got you beat... I went to the airport with a passport that expired before my return flight. What a pain. I had to change my return flight, then go to the US Embassy in London on my vacation to get my passport renewed. Not my idea of a good time.

amber {daisy chain} said...

I was about to write about my uber-embarassing expired-passport-at the-gate moment, but then I just saw the above...glad I'm not alone! you're blog always leaves me with a smile, thanks!

Robin said...

Ugh..when I tried to leave China at the Shanghai airport they told me I had the wrong permits, which turned out to be true. The school I worked at was shady. They told me I couldn't leave...I had to rely on tears to soften them up and let me go!

love.boxes said...

Your sister sounds awsome. I want to be like her too. I still need to get all my pumpkins. You are going to have such a wonderful time. I'm so glad that your nice husband saved your trip.

Ellen said...

Another weird thing? A few months ago we arrived at the airport for a trip and I realized I forgot my wallet. And airport security? Was kind of okay with it. They told me I could fly without it, I just needed to go through an extra security search. My fiance's parents ended up driving back to our apartment to pick up my wallet for me, but I was allowed through security and was waiting at the gate when my wallet arrived. A friend of mine recently flew without any ID too -- what's the deal with that?

brittany said...

What a very neat sister!

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