25 November 2007

meaningful words

here's a story about a little ditty that turned into something more.

it started out as a collection of words for whit. then last month, i decided to print some more {for the taking}. someone saw these little freebies at the boutique and decided she wanted a collection of inspire words for herself. i was happy to help and customize a few.

she thought of one word that best described each of her dear friends. she plans to include them in her holiday cards this year and explain why each personifies the chosen inspiring word. way to personalize a special gift and honor a friendship as well! i love this idea. am glad to collaborate in spreading the joy.


Jessica said...

Darling idea.

Anonymous said...

It is such a cool idea. A concept that many will probably borrow.

love.boxes said...

those are so pretty how you've printed them too!

all over the map said...

great idea. anything with a personal touch means soo much. i love the idea of honouring friends, family and loves with words to describe their being.

Sabina said...

the best idea i have heard in a while - this is what the holiday season is really all about!!

Anonymous said...

this is so fabulous.
you rock.

Chelle said...

I always leave your blog inspired. Always. That and thinking, " wow, that lady is nothing short amazing."

Travelin'Oma said...

One of many words to describe you: Genuine.

summer said...

what a great idea.
you really do rock, m.

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