20 December 2007

notes to self: 3 things.

random bits for the new year. i have ideas over flowing. like you.

my sweet cousin gave me a necklace for christmas. it has a tiny rectangle charm which holds a tiny rectangle collage. wherein is pasted, in mixmatched text: 'Sometimes there is a storm in her brain'. i love when people give goodies like this and then their cursive note says, 'this made me think of you.' i don't know if i could receive a better compliment. number one; they were thinking of me. number two; they think this adorable/rad/amazing item has something to do with me. so much so they decided to purchase it.

anyway, she's true. there is a storm in my head. and i'm lodging it all into the 'next year' section of my brain which i often think of as a color coded, sectioned chart. i wish whenever i thought of something incredible and not to be forgotten, this brain chart could immediately update a list (preferably in georgia font with bullet points) and organize it in the correct section of my color coded brain. i know, this is scary. i think the new mac leopard is getting the best of me.

here goes. my bulleted list to get back to after the new year. (because throughout the holiday break, i am not supposed to think about anything like to do lists or color-coded brain maps. i am only supposed to sleep, lounge, bake, give, mingle and be merry).

• start a love journal. a friend journal. a happy journal. there are so many possibilities once the calendar clicks to a brand new year. i have thought about doing this, but never have. here's the deal. buy a lovely book that makes your heart swoon. maybe i should make this a habit when i'm picking out my new planner. choose a person (or you could do it for yourself) who means a lot to you. write something everyday for them. something you love about them. something they said. how you feel when they are in the room. the way the sunlight hits them. something that made you happy in one small moment. write what that day brought to you. little by little after jotting down daily thoughtfuls, you will not only have a record of details. you'll have a treasure journal to give away, to be read again and again.

on a side note. i saw something really happy today, something fitting for a daily jot journal. i witnessed a random act of kindness. there i was, staring out the window of the train to see my familiar stranger who i call pixie girl get off at a downtown stop. {she wore a leather skirt and spiked boots and a corset top over a fitted tee. she always has the best ensembles.} we really should become friends, i see her more often than my own mother. anyway, she hopped off and placed her still valid train ticket in the slot where you put your dollar bill. i'd never seen this done before and have often thought what a shame when i throw away my tickets once i arrive to my destination. i was in the midst of thinking, genius idea. spreadin' the love. brilliant. wanting to imitate her good nature when seconds after pixie girl had left the scene, seconds before the train pulled away, i witnessed a new stranger pull out his wallet to buy a train ticket. his eyes beheld the free ticket waiting there. just for him. it was his lucky day. i smiled all the way to the next stop. i couldn't help it.

• resolve to throw more parties in 2008. if not only to buy and send these beauties. aren't they lovely? i adore them and think the idea of circling the event date is genius. most fill-in type invitations don't suit me, yet these amaze. creative people make me so happy. please forget i ever showed you these, if in fact i throw a bash, i'll want your reaction to be genuinely delighted upon opening the invitation. isn't that the best part.

• clean out my inbox that is now stocked with not only papers to be filed, but cherry lip gloss, mix cds, random envelopes. am lucky my bills have a stash all their own, i have finally come up with a system. paying my bills online was one of my top best decisions made in '07. clean out the old. start a plan of reconstruction. for me. for life. for the mini mart. for side projects (and remember to schedule in downtime). i love writing in all the good stuff in a new planner, wondering what notes to self i'll be jotting come february, august, october of '08. can't believe it's creeping up right around the corner.


Jake said...

your blog is a great love journal and a true gift to your faithful readers every day!!!

keep that storm brewin' in your brain...i love to see what spills out!

Unknown said...

first. love the charm. need one of my own! second, your color-coded brain chart sounds much like my brain matrix of people i pray for! gotta keep it organized somehow... :)third - love your blog. it makes me happy every day!

Travelin'Oma said...

I wish all your readers could know you in person. That's even better than your blog!

Holly O. said...

I idea of a love journal has got me all twitterpated. I hope the mini mart opens in time for me to pick out a journal! no rush, don't you worry.

Traci said...

What a grand idea for a friend or love journal to give to someone else!! I may myself have to try that for 2008 too! Thanks for the great suggestion!

Christina said...


First of all, wanted to let you know that the monogrammed c. cards arrived looking so lovely. This batch was for gifts, but don't worry, I'll come back to order some for myself soon.

Second, I love love your blog. You're just the kind of girl every other girl would like for her best friend. Seriously. Thanks for being so insightful and so authentic- your posts really resonate with me.


Ann said...

i LOVE your love journal idea. you're so fantastic. i've just been thinking about all the things i'd like to do next year as well.

Carrie @carrieloves said...

I love the random act of kindness, that may make me smile all day! Also, love those invites, very clever Etsy artist.

love.boxes said...

Love the train ticket story!

karla said...

What great ideas! I love your creativity, generosity, and they way you combine them - they speak so clearly through each of your posts.

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