01 February 2008

d day

d is for the way he dances with me, is oh so daring and down right darling. a is for the adventurer, the athlete and the absolute charmer within. n is for his never-ending dedication, the constant caring, forever giving. i is for his irresistible sense of humor. e is for his extremely optimistic, happy-go-lucky, laid back attitude. l is for the way i love him and the way he loves me back.

happy birthday daniel.

if you want a slice of dan's all-time favorite birthday cake, find the recipe here. i baked it last night. we'll be serving it with a scoop of ice cream topped with magic shell chocolate. {christie, if i could, i would attempt to copy this camo tank cake for him. maybe you can bake one of those beauties next time you're here. talk about pure boy town.}


Anonymous said...

dan is one of my favorites,,have a fun day

Jake said...

Happy birthday to a wonderful guy.

Christie said...

I think the tank cake was easier than anything in a bundt. Bundt's get me every time - it either sticks to the pan or is undercooked. I hate the bundt.

Happy birthday, Dan!

melissa deakin said...

happy birthday, dan!
love what you wrote, marta.
you are such a lovely wife.
have a fabulous weekend!

D-dawg said...

Your sister just sent me over here because our husbands have the same birthday! I hope Daniel has a great day, he sounds like a great guy.

Anonymous said...

i bet birthdays in marta world are extra special. lucky dan :)

Travelin'Oma said...

Is this Dan's 1st day of school photo? You spelled out why your husband is awesome. Happy Bday!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Dan! I must agree with that personality, he is one funny guy!

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