What a great quote. I have been a blurker for some time now and I thought I would let you know that I really like your blog. Thanks for the happy quote today!
Hello! I just wanted to drop you a little note and let you know that I really enjoy reading your blog and I have given you an E for Excellent Award. You can drop by my site to get it. http://luckymebeads.blogspot.com The only requirement is that you pass the award on. You're supposed to give it to 10 other bloggers but I find rules like that are annoying. So pass it on to whomever you'd like! xo whitney
The first thing I thought of when seeing that picture was a Monet painting. It gave me a little lightness of heart as most of Monet's art does to me. Thanks. :)
unless otherwise designated, all text and images on this blog are the copyrighted material of marta dansie design, llc, or are used by permission. you may link to material on this blog provided you include proper attribution. thank you.
What a great quote. I have been a blurker for some time now and I thought I would let you know that I really like your blog. Thanks for the happy quote today!
I just wanted to drop you a little note and let you know that I really enjoy reading your blog and I have given you an E for Excellent Award. You can drop by my site to get it. http://luckymebeads.blogspot.com
The only requirement is that you pass the award on. You're supposed to give it to 10 other bloggers but I find rules like that are annoying. So pass it on to whomever you'd like!
Isn't that the truth. I am still headed towards my destination and isn't been a wonderfully happy ride.
Thanks for the quote. I'll be saving that one.
We're on the same page today - I posted the same quote this morning! :)
Hope you have a nice trip to happiness too.
such a nice reminder marta. great quote.
amen. amen.
That is a great quote. It perfectly describes what I'm experiencing now (hope you don't mind that I added it to my sidebar).
The first thing I thought of when seeing that picture was a Monet painting. It gave me a little lightness of heart as most of Monet's art does to me. Thanks. :)
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