pieces of me no. 01
am starting a new ritual: self portrait weekday. (i cannot commit to one particular weekday, i am not so good with self obligation.) play along if you please. have decided to start posing (and therefore posting) because i am already experiencing my body change shape before my very eyes. i better start documenting who i was before mama-mode kicks it into high gear and i hardly recognize myself.
happy p day.
happy p day.

j crew blouse
h+m sweater
cloudveil hat
friday/8 pm
way to clash
love this idea marta! you look happy happy happy : )
your little bloggy has very quickly become one of my favorite and daily reads. i'm so excited for you and the wee bean that you've got growing in your belly. i can't wait to see the creativity that motherhood inspires in you, the talented miss marta. thanks for sharing your adventures.
love, lindsay
This is a fabulous idea! I should do it too. (Except, I want to document my body changing back from mommy mode.)
How right you are to document you NOW. Mommy mode can be overpowering, but it is even better when you still have time for yourself now and again.
cute photo! :)
great idea!
cute idea Marta. I love self portrait projects!! and this one is extra special, documenting your first little one.
love this idea! i might have to play along...
you look darling!
You always come up with the cutest ideas. :)
wee bean! aw!
marta, your creativity and cuteness abounds. i look forward to seeing more of your self portraits and posts, as always - and what a great idea to document yourself.
Fabulous idea. If your baby is a girl she'll someday love all these posts. A boy will be off climbing trees, totally oblivious to your creativity, but giving you plenty to blog about.
love this, m.
you are beautiful!
Such a great idea. Your ideas are all so great!
You are so brave, and that is so cool. Wish I had done that when I was a pregnant person.
you are super cute!!
where is the baby? I am not seeing anything. love the shower curtain!
you exude joy
pursed lips and all.
life. love. laughter - all you!
all spill from you.
go happy girl.
sp is fab idea.
i'm so excited that such a joyful person has been blessed with her own bundle of joy. congratulations!
I'm laughing too.
This is a great idea!! Something I did also was write down all the things that I did while pregnant, like jump into a waterfall, run a race, move, etc. Fun time to remember how "superwomanish" you feel!
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