06 March 2008

fab fabric

oh me. oh my. i don't sew and yet i'm swooning.
this fabric is beautiful. and breathtaking.
and perfect for a nyc takes paris nursery.
otherwise maybe for my new kitchen.
or craft room curtains.
or dan's library office.

lately i've noticed,
it's easy to dream (really) big
when you are stepping into
the unknown.

you should try it. and then email me about it.
and then we can be adventurer penpals.


Emily said...

Hi Marta--I've admired your blog for some time and between the twenty-four hour torso takeover (loved it!) and this post, I decided it was time to introduce myself. I know what you mean about the unknown. I'm getting married this summer and it's so totally awesome and yet the absolute scariest and most ridiculous thing I've ever thought about doing. But out of the woodwork has come concrete dreams of finishing my writing projects and some hard core discipline to sit down and do it. I'm glad. My dreams help me feel like myself when everything else is changing.

Congratulations on the bebe!


Kathleen said...

Dear Marta,
I, too, am a long-time-lurker, first-time-commenter. Your blog and your insights, simple, profound, and always beautiful, are first-reads on my google reader. Thank you for your candidness, transparency, and just plain cheery disposition. You brighten more days than you might think!

This post of yours has me feeling all sorority-sister about the new things in our lives. You're soon giving birth to a new little life, which will change you and bring you experiences you haven't had before. And I am applying to a grad school far, far away from this here state of Florida (thank GOD! I've been wanting to leave since I arrived almost three years ago!). For eight years my "baby" has been growing inside me-- I've been wanting to go into private school administration since I began teaching. Fast forward through life changes, moves, teacher-burnout, and recovery, and now I'm about to give birth to this dream.

This is probably the longest comment ever, but I'll try to end it with this: thanks for your one-for-all attitude about these big changes we all have in one way or another. It IS easy to dream big when stepping into the unknown. The world (of motherhood, or of grad school) is our oyster. I can't wait to hear about your pearls.


Unknown said...

you always find the loveliest things! i especially love the ones with the city scenes :)

casey said...

oh my goodness, this fabric is beautiful! it would look great as everything you suggested. i am a beginner sewer, and i am always looking for great fabric!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness M. I totally know how you feel!

I just got engaged last weekend and I'm applying for the full-time Interior Design program at a local school, I feel like my head is just spinning with dreams, really big dreams, that I want to see come true!

Unknown said...

such pretty fabrics, marta! although this is one you didn't include, i lovelovelove it: http://rosapomar.bigcartel.com/product/blythe-paisley-stripe

i'm looking for awesome gorgeous fabrics that whisper my name to put on a chair that i'm (sort of) reupholstering. it was my first garage sale find of the summer last year, and will be my first DIY project for my new apartment (first ever!) when i move this summer. having finished my undergrad and bought a car already, it's time to move out and move on with the rest of my life now ... starting with this chair.

the fabric's gotta be juuuust right though.

{there are just so many possibilities out there, shyly poking around the corner}

Anonymous said...

Beautiful fabrics, I think they would look great as wallpaper too.

Nikki said...

I am too a long time reader and first time commenter (I think). I love this fabric, my head was swimming with ideas when I saw your pictures. I just HAVE to know where you saw it?!

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