30 June 2008

32 weeks

am celebrating all the moments before the wee one comes. perhaps i should've cleaned the mirror off before my close-up. oh well, i have more important things to do. like photograph the growing belly. and dream of what he will look like. i wonder whose big eyes he will have; his mother's or his father's? with the looks of our nieces and nephews, my guess is his father's. which i'm completely and utterly more than okay with.

52 days.


Travelin'Oma said...

You are the cutest pregnant girl! It must mean he's a cute baby.

Lucky Designs said...

You look wonderful! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

You look fab! Not long now :)

Anonymous said...

Ah! I remember being 32 weeks and thinking, "This is gonna last forever." But now the time is here, and I am due in a week and a half. Time does fly, even when you think it won't.

And you won't ever guess what your baby will look like until he/she comes out and greets you with that perfect little scrunched up face. That's the most womderful part of having a baby, seeing them for the first time. Talk about take your breath away.

You do look great. Pregnancy suits you!

mary plus vince said...

you look absolutely adorable! how exciting!

The White House said...

You are so incredibly cute pregnant! So SOO cute! :)

Anonymous said...

darling pregnant girl!

Kerry said...

You look pretty! Cute outfit.

Anonymous said...

You make 32 weeks look fabulous!

Unknown said...

looking good, girlie! see, you've managed to find some acceptable maternity tops! what's my problem?

Tara said...

You have that wonderful pregnant glow just like they talk about.
(I was going to comment on how beautiful you look, but I see that's been mentioned a time or two already. hehe)

Virtuous said...

You are looking wonderful!! I was wondering when we would get a picture update!
I pray for a safe delivery and a healthy baby!!

Virtuous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
all over the map said...

you are the cutest, again!
love this shot. cute top too.

Anonymous said...

so I saw this post on Google Reader and was like "woah...she's soooo cute!"

then I visited your blog for real and saw the comments. so it's been said.

wanna hear it again? You're sooooo cute + adorable.

Jake said...

Can I have that shirt when you're done with it?

Diana Hulme said...

you make me smile.

Shan @ Design Gal said...

Marta, love the blouse! You always look so stylish! Just wanted to write a quick note and tell you how much I enjoy your blog!

About said...

wasn't it just yesterday when you were making those little tags and had everyone of us marvelling at your lovely handwriting? it's been such a ride. best wishes, great health & looking forward to pics of your bouncy baby!

al + sar said...

You are the cutest pregnant girl Ive ever seen!

southern daze said...

You look absolutely gorgeous! There's definitely a glow about you :-)

Kristin said...

Can I just say you look so great! Definitely 32 charming weeks---

Unknown said...

Enjoy the end of your pregnancy, it will be over before you know it and you will miss the little wiggles inside. I am so excited for you, this is such an exciting time!

amy said...

okay. you are pregnant. and so adorable. i feel like you are a million miles away from me dear. and i don't like it. love you and your blog is consistently wonderful since the first day i came across it.

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