25 September 2008

today i turn

today i turn twenty seven years old. today i will awaken with a birthday girl grin on my face. today i will be eating cake of some kind. today i care less about celebrating myself and more about celebrating this sweet li'l babe turn one month old. today i turn into a new less selfish self. today i realize i am growing up. today i have been a mama for one whole life changing month. today i might even apply eyeliner. today i will write in my journal and tell it how being a mom makes me more joyful than i ever imagined. today i will tell that journal what a lucky lady i am to have two adorable boys living with me and making me unbelievably happy, day in and day out. today i will laugh with dan until dawn. today i will win him at a checkers championship (i hope). today i will fix my hair and then let it flop into a ponytail by dusk. today i will lounge on my sofa and hold my brand new babe. today i will never want to forget how little he once was. today i will want to wake him up from his noon nap just to see his deep blue eyes blink open and peer up at me. today i will notice his cheeks getting a bit chubbier. today benji and i will get the mail together. today i will design something. today i will listen to today by joshua radin because this beautiful song haunts me. today i will eat pieces of cantaloupe in a ramekin and maybe some leftover chinese. today we will wrap up in a soft blanket and go out for a stroll. today i will attempt to discover beauty in the ordinary. today i will seek a surprise. today i'll make a wish. today i will fall in love with life all over again. today i will tell myself (as i do annually) that this coming year will be my best yet. today i will actually know it to be true.

today i will love deeper. live happier. become better. create more. hurry less.
today i turn
into a whole new me.


Anonymous said...

happy happy happy birth day:)
What a wonderful way to celebrate.

Anonymous said...

happy happy happy birth day:)
What a wonderful way to celebrate.

Anonymous said...

Bonne Fete Marta!- how lovely all of this is.

Sherrie said...

Happy Birthday! Enjoy your today. :)

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful day and enjoy every single moment!

southern daze said...

Happy birthday! I hope you have a magical day.

Hannah said...

Happy Birthday, Marta! You sound like a wonderful mother!

Anonymous said...

a great big happy b-day to you. i love your list of things that you will do today. i celebrated my birthday yesterday. and made a list, too.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Marta!

al + sar said...

Happy Birthday Marta!

The Mighty RandR said...

Sounds like today's a big one! Happy birthday, Marta!

mary plus vince said...

happy birthday miss marta!

again, your words are always so beautiful. here is to your best year yet! hip hip!

Missy said...

happy birthday to you and happy one month to the babe!

Ashley Thalman said...

beautiful post for a beautiful day

flourish by mindy said...

Happy birthday! What a wonderful soul you have!

Christie said...

Happy, happy birthday, cute girl. Best wishes for another great year!

Jackie Rice said...

happy birthday marta! i hope you have a wonderful day full of celebrating life!

Laura said...

Isn't it just wonderful having a late September birthday?!

Have a wonderful day!

::Sylvia:: said...

Happy Birthday Marta! May you have many more happy and healthy years with your sweet family!


christina said...

Happy, Happy Birthday. Hope you have a great day.

ellen said...

Sounds like it will be a wonderful day!

You Are My Fave said...

I love how you make the ordinary sound so terrific. Happy Birthday.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. May all your wishes come true!

I've been a reader of your blog for awhile - not sure how I found you. But, you inspire me and make me want to "do" just a little more.
So, you can add to your "today" list that you will also inspire someone you don't even know. :)

The White House said...

Happy Happy Birthday my dearest Mowda!!
How i wish you were here for a birthday fiesta!
Have a wonderful wonderful day!! :)

KJ said...

happiest of happy days. let's celebrate sometime soon.

Lizzie said...

Happy Birthday Marta! I enjoy your blog & love your thoughts on motherhood.

Meg said...

Happy Birthday! I really love this post. I myself will be officially mid twenties in a few days and I've been thinking a lot about this. The whole "turn into a whole new me" as you put it. Lots to think about as to how I want to do that. Or maybe do nothing and just let it happen...

I hope that you have a wonderful day cuddling that little baby!

Whitney said...

I love birthdays. They give you a chance to look at your life and be happy with where you've been and look forward to where you're going. Happy Birthday, new mama!

Oh and Today by Joshua Radin is amazing. Especially in concert. :)

EliseBlaha said...

you are magical.
happy birthday!

Bryant and Crystal said...

I love how you described the simple moments in your day with your son. They remind me so much of when my now seven year old and I used to spend the day. Almost brings a few tears. Enjoy!

Jen said...

Happy Birthday Marta! Cheers to a new year and you!

Ali said...

I'm so glad there's a day to celebrate you, because you are such a beautiful person. Thanks for inspiring so many to be their better selves!

whit said...

Happy Birthday Mart!!! Wish I was there to see your gorgeous face and that darling little babe. I'll see you soon to celebrate. Love you lots

christine said...

sheesh, has it already been a month since your little one came?

your still sooooo young! Just wait till you hit 30, its a whole new world.

melissa deakin said...

happy, happy birthday, miss marta.
this will be your best year yet.
you are an inspiration.
i hope all your wishes come true!

Unknown said...

happy birthday! once again, i'm amazed at your graceful transition into motherhood. i too had a birthday one month after i gave birth to my first little one, and i spent the day crying about how nothing would ever be about ME again. ah, some transition gracefully (you)...others of us (me)...not so much! :) hope you have a great day!

Dansie Family said...

happy birthday! to both of you!

anne said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! What a beautiful post! Congrats to you on motherhood :)

Carin said...

oh, you inspire me.

happy, happy birthday, miss marta.

write on.

Courtney said...

Happy Birthday! I hope it's a wonderful one.

gem said...

happy, happy, happy birth*day, dear you, inspiring being...

all over the map said...

happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dearrrr maarrrtaa ............. haaapppy birthdaaaaay to you!
and many more.
you are lovely.
eat lots of cake and remember to save a piece for the next morning's breakfast. mmhhh yumm!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday! And many many more to come.

Erica said...

Happy Birthday! I seriously LOVE your blog and whenever you comment on mine, I feel like a total celebrity read my page. So silly, but you are my "blog celebrity!" Hope your big day was fabulous!

P.S. said...

Happy Birthday Miss Marta!
We have your birthday written down on our calendar and all day I kept hoping our own little girl would get to share your special day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Marta!!!
You are so lovely and you made me feel like it was my birthday too... in that I wanted to give the gift of love and happiness to myself and those around me, and just enjoy the beautiful gifts of life. Thank you! I hope you enjoyed you day. Here's to a wonderful year for you and your precious family!

leah charbonneau said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you had a wonderful day!

Melissa A said...

Happy Birthday to you today. Very inspiring and optimistic words. I love your life attitude.

Michelle {lovely little things} said...

Happy birthday! What a lovely, heartfelt post

AngieK said...

Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday Marta :-)

Kadie said...

Marta - Q for ya. Which Joshua Radin album would you recommend buying??

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