07 January 2009

my little explorer

the way my babe looks around with such wonder makes my heart melt. he is discovering his little land bit by bit, even managing to hold his head up with high hopes not to miss one detail. it is so amazing that we as his parents are introducing him to the world. it is a big responsibility to grasp, that we are his first teachers. the things i say and do and show him affect him and his outlook. i hope and pray that i can open up a bright big world, inviting and welcoming. how i hope he will see the world with optimism and happiness and thankfulness. but more importantly, i hope to teach him to understand who he really is. such an important soul, not only in our home, this small sphere where a happy trio resides, but also in the big picture. and day by day, my baby teaches me. i can barely get it all down in writing, a lesson is in every moment. the way he raises his quizzical brow and gives me a giggle, showing me that life is good. life is to be enjoyed. i imagine him as a beautiful unfolding book, each day a new page opens up. he grows and learns and shows us who he is. he is my own version of a curious tale of benjamin, with those wide eyes full of excitement and curiosity. i have a feeling he will love going on Exploration Hunts, almost as much as his companion, his happy go lucky papa.

today my little one taught me to open up my eyes, my heart, my mind and discover something, understand something, and explore the unknown.

“Learning is the discovery that something is possible.”
Fritz Perls

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes
but in having new eyes."
Marcel Proust

“The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.”
Mark van Doren

“The beginning of knowledge is the discovery
of something we do not understand.”
Frank Herbert

“There is no such thing as the pursuit of happiness,
but there is the discovery of joy.”
Joyce Grenfell

“Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen
and thinking what no one else has thought.”
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi


Whatever Dee-Dee wants said...

It's amazing how much a baby can teach you!

talesofahummingbird said...

am watching my almost-4-week old babe go through the same process of discovery and find myself watching him in awe...wondering what this new world must look like through his big blue eyes and understanding on a deep level how big a responsibility and how wonderful a gift it is to be one who will show it all to him, one day at a time. oh the adventures we will share, if even just in our own tiny back yard!

magnolia queen said...

I ran into your blog...
it's so sweet how you are cherishing this time with that sweet little one.

sweet sweet post!

Anonymous said...

enjoy the wonder. he is a beauty and a lucky little boy.

The Robinsons said...

You are the most amazing mother and the way you can put the wonders of motherhood into words is beyond me! Thanks you for putting a voice to my own thoughts!

sara, ryan, and lucy said...

Hey Mart, Your little man is such a cutie! I just want to munch on those chubby little cheeks. We'll have to set Lucy and Benji up when they get a little older. Ditto on all that you just wrote. Being a mom RULES!

Lindsey said...

Hi Marta,
I just wanted to say thank you for your kind comments. I have been loving (see secretly stalking) your blog for awhile now and I think you are fabulous.
Thanks so much!
Lindsey (Green Apple Photography)
AKA Lindsey from scottandlindseystewart.blogspot.com

melissa deakin said...

benji is just too cute.
i love that sweet inquisitive face.
no babe yet...still waiting!

summer said...

what an exciting time!
i hope when i'm a mom that i will be as faithful as you in documenting all this fun stuff.

Anonymous said...

One of the best books you'll ever read as a parent is RAISING A LIFELONG LEARNER by Lucy Calkins. Beautifully written, super informative and inspiring.

Anonymous said...

That lil boy is changing so much! He is adorable! I can't wait to see him again!
Love this post. Can't believe it will be me soon...

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