26 February 2009

how it's going.

hello thursday.
and thank you for the conversations. writing week numero uno. i must admit, my first writing session was not pretty. i was all set up. my babe was napping. the clock was ticking. this desk was all cleaned off. i was ready.

i imagined my words would be so eager they'd be fighting each other to land on the page. not so. i had a hard time concentrating and letting my mind go and letting the words out. it was close to impossible not to guard myself or edit my sentences or want to completely start over. so that was day one. forced and ferocious. it's like the first pancake. which in my case, always burns.

day two was better. i had a load of laundry next to me. a little smiling boy looking up at me. and i just wrote the details of the day. time went by fast and it wasn't so painful. it was just the real me and a notebook. and some words.

happy writing to you. i am inspired knowing so many of you are with me. don't get discouraged, just write and dig deep. remember today is brand new.

this photo absolutely made my day.

thank you mary!
keep up the good work.

tomorrow is friday and i have a little game up my sleeve. i'm going on a blog hunt.


Alisha Stamper said...

So, I'm not sure if it is still a hunt if you are referred to a blog, but lately i'm slightly addicted to http://littlebrownpen.blogspot.com/ good writing and it inspires me a little... well, a lot, lets be honest. i'm really enjoying this writing club, by the way.

Donna said...

Can't wait to see what you find!!! So many great ones out there!
Donna B.

Andrea said...

My first day was excruciating too but here's hoping things get easier with time.

Jamie said...

Thank you for inspiring me to grab my pen and find a pad of paper. I want to be a better writer but it's intimidating. I'm thinking your club will help me be a more confident writer!

Eleanor said...

Your first prompt was probably one of the most wonderfully inspiring concepts I've seen in a while. For me, I get so wrapped up in using the right verbs, and telling adjectives, that I often forget how important a good noun can be.

Thank you SO much. I'm so glad I found your blog!

Hannah said...

It has been going great. I have to learn patience after not writing with a pen like that for a couple years. I am way too attached to my computer. It was therapeutic to write in a journal.

Anonymous said...

Oh man I am loving this writing club. I'm editing a novel right now and it's like stomping through swampland--these prompts are the perfect way to recharge.

Mikaela said...

I love your blog! and your baby is adorable!
Anyways, I love that you started this writing club. It's such a good idea. I read Writing Down the Bones in one of my College English classes and we had to do the same kind of thing (write for about 30 minutes each day from a long list of prompts). It was really hard at first but became easier and more fun each day.
Good luck & happy writing!

Ashley said...

I journaled for over 12 years until I stopped a few years ago. Your writing club has inspired me to break out my books and pen again. Whether it was trivial thoughts, inspiring quotes and lyrics, prayers and cries for help, I immensely enjoyed the time I spent writing. Though I don't believe time got your memo about the writing club, I just don't have enough ample time to spend writing!

Meant to tell you - I posted about my lovely bride book that you designed for me:

thanks again!

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