15 April 2009

resolution update

i am good at writing lists. wish lists are among my best. but re-reading my resolution list is not my strong suit. today i looked it straight in the face.

it all came about this morning after baking another loaf of bread. after major bread blunders, i've finally gotten the hang of it. i think. knock on wood. so i swiped up the flour and wiped down the kitchen aid and patted myself on the back. you may snicker, but baking bread has been a big fear of mine for sometime. mainly because i hate to fail, and dough has a mind of it's own. and bread is so fickle. a pinch too much salt and it's over. i know, i know, i'm a sissy. a pretty ironic fear for someone who worked morning and evening shifts at a great harvest bread store throughout high school and beyond. my true love made many appearances in that bakery. sparks flew. oh such happy days. i love their bread. and as it turns out, i am a big bread nazi. i guess that makes me a major bread snob. am getting carried away.. more about my bread journey in next week's tutorial, i now bake bread, the edible kind.

all this to say, one resolution down, a lot more to go.


summer said...

oh this post is so wonderful!
you are full of beautiful goals & inspiring triumphs.
it makes me want to get up & get going.
thank you, thank you!

ps. great harvest bread co.. be still my heart.

rebecca said...

marta, you are darling.

Unknown said...

I like your hand writing :) ...that can't possibly be a font, could it?

Kerry said...

Your penmanship is ridiculously pretty. You should totally have a your own font made. Not sure how.

Dani said...

another one of my favorite blogs, schlosser designs (http://schlosserdesigns.blogspot.com/)has a baby book post today. with the shower and your son's book, thought you might take a look. also, i threw a shower for my sister this year...we played baby jeopardy. and it was a big hit! check it out on my blog: www.orangesalad.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, I haven't baked bread yet too...because is scares me! My sister and mom say it's so simple once you get on it, but I'm too nervous!! I feel ya...

What a great Resolution List! You've accomplished a lot! I think I like "Go out for icecream monthly" the best...although "Play more boardgames" is giving it a run for it's money.

Have you ever tried Cranium, Settlers, Blockus, or the Things Game? They're all gooders!

ellen said...

Looks like you're tackling your goals and a swift clip!

Becky said...

I have been doing the same with my resolutions. I wish I had your handwritting though... I have always hated mine!

Anonymous said...

I love reflection posts!

No Big Dill said...

hey, I worked at Great Harvest during h.s. and a bit beyond! Was Steve your boss?

Congrats on conquering the bread.

Jake said...

Isn't amazing how baking homemade bread makes you feel like a domestic GODDESS? If only I could sew...

Gracie said...

Wow! Being able to bake your own bread. Well done. Definitely wish I was more domestic like that. I'm learning to sew and only know basic recipes but definitely working on that.

Looks like your working well on your list.

Tiffany said...

I absolutely love your handwriting.

I also love your list.

I've never attempted bread outside of a bread maker. I think you gave me the itch.

Please post your recipe for us!

melanie said...

FUN! Love the idea of updating resolutions throughout the year, keeps all those marvelous goals in perspective. :)

Lin said...

You are so inspiring! Good on you for keeping to your goals!

crissy // mama boss said...

I've recently started making my own bread too! I was really surprised the first time I ever tried it out that I was successful. Of course, so far I have only made baguettes. Still, very enjoyable. Keep at it!

Also, I don't think visiting teaching counts as a service project, because you should be doing that anyway...but I'm sure you already know that :)

And why does your handwriting have to be so amazing?! I'm a little jealous...love your blog.

natalie palmer said...

that is the longest resolution list i've ever seen! way to go at the re-reading. oh and vt-ing totally counts as service.

Jen said...

You inspire me to be my utmost! Thank you! love the red letter editing bits.

Erica said...

bottom line marta - i think you are amazing. how i wish we lived closer, i think we could be great pals and you could teach me a thing or two in the kitchen!
seriously though...
you are amazing.

Jessica said...

So love love love you handwriting. Which I'm sure you hear all the time. Looks like you're doing well this year.

Whisker Graphics said...

I'm currently reading a good biography (at least I'm enjoying it) on Emily Post by Laura Claridge. It's fascinating to learn about the late 1800's and high society.
Thanks for sharing your list. The best part of lists is when you get to check an item off!
Whisker Graphics

Little Gray Pixel said...

Your handwriting is amazing. Mine looks like chicken scratch.

Anonymous said...

beautiful! love your hand writing.

Alex said...

Your handwriting really is a work of art. I'm so jealous every time I see it!

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