say it with sugar
i really do love the bulk foods section at my local grocery store. i love it so much, i find myself constantly referring to it when telling my family members all the reasons they should come up for a visit. there are spices and croutons and nuts and soup mixes and pastas and honey and chocolates and mints and jelly beans and dried fruits and a healthy supply of sugar.
so every time we head home for a road trip, i like to tote along something to say thank you. a sweet hostess gift or two. which allows for the perfect excuse to go willy wonka wild at the bulk foods. it has become my go-to one stop shop. i pick out favorites, wrap them up with cellophane, tie with ribbon and stash in my carry-on. i take along tiny white tags too. for the charm factor. it's nothing big or grand, but it's my thoughtful way to say thanks for having us. it's nice to be nice.
the outcome: my dad seemed so happy with his honey. the fruit sours were the perfect thing to pop in our mouths at the zoo with my nieces. and i snuck the licorice nibs into dan's backpack before he left for his boyz trip. everyone loves a li'l unexpected sweet treat.
There's no better way to get invited back than being a great guest!
(Do you get to shop at Winco? Lucky girl, if so!)
i know those twist ties like i know the back of my hand. The best place to restock my herbs and spices and goodies like chocolate chips :)
yep, yep. you did tell me all about the bulk foods section and I was completely jealous. why doesn't my local grocery store have a bulk foods??? I guess we just need to take a trip up to see you guys {+ your fancy-schmancy bulk foods sectioned grocery store} sometime. road trip!!!
What a darling idea. I'm absolutely going to steal this.
You shop at WinCo! I love that store. Esp. the bulk food area. When I saw that it was in Boise, I told my husband that moving there would be okay (which we are doing in 10 days). Just today, when went sweets crazy at our Winco and the kids spent a whopping 50 cents each on their personal bags of candy. Penny candy is here again!
And this my friend, is one of the reasons why I absolutely adore you! Always paying attention to the details. What a cute idea. I love it, and I love Winco even more now then I did before!
Bulk foods are beyond me. I can't figure out how to hold the plastic bag open and open the floodgates without spilling hundreds of red hots all over the floor. I want to be cool, too, but I'm not coordinated enough.
Blackberry is a honey of a honey. Thanks!
oh how i wish we had more american stores in canada. we've got some good ones, but none with the bulk section you describe.
what is this blackberry honey? is there a recipe to go with it? :)
And... Candy is so pretty!
i know that place...
I can't tell you how much I love this idea.
i'm glad that i'm not the only one who goes wild in the bulk foods section!
I'm wondering how one gets cellophane. I live in a small town secluded from the world. I love this idea and feel the cellophane really knocks it out of the park.
Thank you so much for pointing out a simple but GORGEOUS idea. My local store (pick 'n save) has a huge bulk foods area that I rarely spend much time in.
All that is about to change. I sense little gifts appearing for my friends and family from that section.
Once again, Marta, you make something special out of the ordinary! *applause*
I can tell you are talking about Winco! My Idaho favorite, I miss that place solely for the bulk section. I can't find anywhere else like it.
blackberry honey sounds so good.
brilliant, marta. i love your signature crisp white tags. so sweet. and those fruit sours look amazing.
your originality and thoughtfulness continue to amaze, marta! your ideas inspire!
I love your lettering Marta, you are amazingly talented. I'm following your blog now. It's beautiful! Come visit mine any time. :)
Oooooh, that's the best hostess gift idea ever! I'm totally going to remember that one. You really can't go wrong with candy.
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