candy boxes :: a sweet idea
i am always one to opt for a crisp cellophane bag for gift giving, but i recently turned to these clear boxes instead. dan took a business trip to denver and he promised to deliver some sweets to my nieces and nephews. i was happy to hear they made it through airport security in carry-on luggage unscathed. triumph for the sweet toothed.
these rectangle clear goodie boxes are now available in my shop, set of 4 boxes for $3.00. i've used them in the past to box up my greeting cards but am even more thrilled to see how nicely they house my candy fetish.
wishing you a happy weekend. i've got a few posts scheduled, hope you'll pop in to say hi. plus, i have some surprises in store for december. will be giving you all the details on november 30th.
p.s. wasn't last night some seriously good television? i came home from yoga and sat in front of the tv all night. (is that better or worse than waiting in line for the premiere of new moon?) first of all it was all about the project runway finale. so much talent. yay for ruffly dresses and funky mohawk hats. yay for carol hannah actually using some color in her collection. and yay for martha stewart on nightline. a true inside look. i'll leave it at that. and then charming nicole kidman on conan. isn't she downright darling?! not to mention anderson cooper. so funny. and so is conan for that matter. good tv is definitely my guilty pleasure.
This is a very sweet idea. Thanks for sharing.
It's funny... I filled some candy in fillable ornaments this morning. I want to use them as gift tags for Christmas. Just posted about it on my blog.
Great idea! And yes, some good TV, although Martha Stewart's rag on Rachael Ray was soooo distasteful. Bad Martha!
i love this idea marta!
i am now wishing i had a handful of gumballs. they are very christmas to me. one year we got a gumball machine! it was great.
You have great taste in candy! Cute idea! :)
Hello, my name is Brit and you don't know me but I'm very thankful for you today. Sadly I just typed "husband in law school" into a google search. Your post about your husband graduating came up. I'm four months pregnant and my husband is just finishing up his undergraduate. Then we're off to law school. I know you don't need to know my whole life story but I want you to know that your post REALLY eased some of my fears about being a widow for the next three years. Thanks!
only you could think up something as perfect as these candy cartons, marta. love them!
also, will definitely stop by over the weekend. i don't like the feeling of nothing going on over those two days. i'm always happy to see some activity in blogworld. thanks for keeping it alive!
yes! last night was awesome for tv. grant and i have been watching nbc's newest- 'community'- and think it is just hilarious. but nobody else seems to be talking about it, so maybe we're wrong. regardless, i'm going to keep watching. i heard john mayer was going to be on letterman and totally forgot to watch. sad.
How fun about the girl googling husband in law school and finding you. She'll be hooked like the rest of us. I love the bright candy in the bags and containers. They look so fun and cute.
I also loved Anderson Cooper (the Gray Fox!) He did such a great job last night.
Cute idea. I think I will do one for each color and stack them in rainbow order.
I love runts and such a great simple gift idea...
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