giveaway: SeptemberHouse calendar
today's calendar is a charming creation from SeptemberHouse.
i love that you can customize it with your own do-it-yourself stitching.
giving :: one 2010 diy calendar :: 14" x 20" fabric panel
please comment today to enter to win.
tell me your resolution for the new year.
thank you, corinne + co.
{don't miss this mini version}
loved hearing your resolutions. congratulations to e.louise, you've won this calendar! she commented, I would like to work on more sewing projects (I have several that need wrapping up) and I would like to start a quilt.
please email me your shipping details. enjoy..
My resolution is to learn to sew. Doable & practical...and will make great use of the sewing machine my parents just got me for my birthday!
two words: craft. more. am convinced this lovely fabric calendar will be the perfect start. have a wonderful day marta!
i've been thinking about this, and still am not totally sure. basically, i want to be better than last year. i want to improve myself and become the best i can be.
I graduated this weekend and now I will be finding a new job. With less time focused on school and more time on myself I would have to say...find a great hobby and master it.
Flossing. I like to start small.
I would like to work on more sewing projects (I have several that need wrapping up) and I would like to start a quilt.
My resolution is to finish a bunch of craft projects that I've started and never really finished -- mini albums, sewing projects, etc! Lots to do :)
My resolution is to try and live in the moment more (I'm terrible about worrying about tomorrow, next week, a year from now!) This is a beautiful giveaway!
Resolution....hmmmmm. I really haven't thought much about it yet, but I do give myself a reading goal each year.
Read more.
New Year's resolution 2010: less store-bought, more handmade.
my resolution for the new year is to craft more!!! and stop being so scatterbrained.
my new years resolution is to be more positive about things! and to draw as much as possible.
My resolution: Blog more! :)
to not use a single plastic shopping bag all year. am giving cloth grocery bags to all the ladies in my family with hopes that they'll join me.
To learn to embroider....this calendar would be a perfect daily reminder!
Thank you for your generous offering.
laugh a little more, cry a little less, love a little deeper and continue to always have hope.
such a cute calendar.
Too many resolutions to name then all, but near the top of the list is to refoster my love of playing the piano. It has fallen by the wayside for too long! Love the calendar!
love this!
So sweet. I am always astounded at the creativity of people all over the world.
sew cute! ha!
my new year's resolution is to not stress about the little stuff and to enjoy my family more.
my new year resolution is to be more grateful! i hope it help all the areas in my life that need a little help.......
"thou that hast given so much to me, give me one thing more...a grateful heart" george herbert
More yoga, less meat. I feel so much better with that combo and need to commit to it.
This calendar is perfect for cozying up on the couch with some teevee after Z is asleep.
love this! i want to live each day with purpose and bake bread each week. :)
My 4 year old has been asking me when am i going to stop sewing (very new hobby) and buy her a new calendar to hang in our kitchen. This would make us both extremely happy!
My New Year's resolution is to be more of a missionary to help more people know Christ. He has blessed me and my husband so much this year that we feel like we need to help people who don't know Him, hear His Good News and Gospel!
Merry Christmas!!
~Molly P
I'm going to say I have a few more goals than resolutions. I will be a more thoughtful wife and amore patient mother. I WILL lose the weight I've put on since becoming a mom. I will learn to sew, and I will continue knitting. And I will not procrastinate this upcoming semester as much as I did this past one. That was just super stressful and unnecessary. :)
My resolution for 2010 is to focus on and take care of ME. Period. That's it.
My resolution this year is to learn how to budget and stick to it.
I love that calander!!
My resolution is to break the grip of grateful for what I have, enjoy the little things, focus on the good in my life.
My new years resolution is to actually exercise... crazy I know!
read more, craft more, relax more and eat less...
resolution: 2010 is going to be a no fast food year. hard for a college student.
remember people's birthdays!
Be a better wife and mother!
Well, now. This one I definitely need. That said, I resolve to sew less and go to the park more. Maybe I can stitch this at the park?
My resolution is to stop eating dairy if it makes me sick...I'm looking at you, ice cream.
To make more arttop, and actually read the book of mormon (aka my failed resolution for this year.)
i resolve to practice showing gratitude every day of 2010. there are other things i wish to commit to in the upcoming year, but none as important as that one.
less sugar! :)
What an adorable calendar!!
My resolution is write in my journal more often. I really want to record more of the day to day things that easily are forgotten.
counting to 10. i seem to lose my cool sometimes when dealing with the 3 kiddos arguing and not listening to me, so if i count to 10, i may just decide i don't need to get upset after all. we'll see. btw-i remember cloth calendars from my childhood
drink more water!
i love this calendar!
my new year's resolution is to finally start taking ballet lessons again.
Not be a bridezilla :)
This is the year I am going to stop drinking Diet Coke. I could use this calendar to stitch little diet coke cans to represent this goal...
That is super cute. Love the stitching idea.
My resolution will be to take time for me. For some reason, I always put myself last on the list... this year, I want that to change!
become a better cook and organizer. wonderful giveaway, ms. marta!
my resolution is to organize all my pictures sitting in random files on my computer =/
thanks for the chance..lovely giveaway!
My resolution for the new year is to make more crafty things, such as mini albums. :) I get so caught up with other things that I don't allow myself time for this.
I want to learn to manage my time better.
My resolution is to try one new recipe a week! Should be able to keep this one.
slow down, enjoy more!
wow! i lllove it:) I love calendars and being organized:) for my licensure exam and take it!!!
i love the calendar!
new year's resolution (for the third year in a row): master homemade bread.
Are you kidding this is DARLING! My resolution... hmmm, I don't know yet! haha
yikes, resolution? to actually eat a little healthier, I know everyone says things like that but I really really need too, I've slipped big time the last few months
Too dang cute. My resolution is less TV time, more baby playing time.
hmm that's a tough one! but I think my resolution this year will be to eat more healthy food, rather than things I can microwave or that come in cans. :)
sew cute!!!
my resolution is to be more organized.
My resolution is definitely going to be to not procrastinate and to get tutors in the classes I need help with!
My resolution is to sew more and hopefully get better at it and take a photography course.
I love the calendar, it is gorgeous!
Get back into running. My body AND mind need it.
read more, craft more, cuddle my kids more, get my pre-preggo-body back.
Gasp. Yes, please!
sew cute!!
i haven't EXACTLY formulated the new years resolution yet, but it will have to do with eating healthier.....
I resolve not to be so stupid.
(Just kidding, that's from a musical and the first thing that popped into my mind.)
I resolve to follow through on projects.
to compose a song
hmmmmm. live more 1 day at a time, take some crochet classes, travel
hmmmm. take 1 day at a time, learn to crochet.
left that off the earlier one!
oh this is so lovely!
my resolution is to slow down and focus, focus on those around me, focus on the things I love and that make me happy....i am going to be an anti-multi tasker in 2010! -kb
i resolve to figure out "what's next" for me...i've been feeling a change coming on for a while. looking forward to seeing what 2010 brings: for me, my family, my work, and the world :)
{thanks for the amazing giveaways!}
Please pick me. :)
My resolution is to cross stitch more. :)
I will resolve to keep my resolution (haha) and finally, take that sewing class that I've been saying I'll take for some time. tndmail3(at)yahoo(dot)com.
i resolve to spend more time making things!
I would love one of these!
I want to learn to crochet—I've been putting it off for years for no reason.
My resolution is to learn to love and accept myself
my resolution for the new year is to stop thinking of myself so much and start thinking more of others. i have a terrible habit.
my resolution: during the crazy time of applications and other things that force me to think about myself, I want to be sure to keep caring for those around me that I value so much, and to make sure they know that!
What a lovely giveaway!
I am resolved to learn to sew. I bought a starter machine almost a year ago--and still have not used it. i have 5 little boys and move across the country to blame...but I am determined to get that baby stitching in 2010!!
get my body baby ready. yeap (don't tell the husband). trying to make my body healthy as possible & ready to be the starting grounds for a little something sweet!
Stop reading some many blogs:) Or quit wasting so much time sitting on my behind in front of my computer.
Thanks. I'd love to try my hand at one of her calendar panels.
Knit from my stash as much as possible in 2010. The other one is to try and be good to myself next year. I work full time, have 2 kids under 10, a husband, a house, a dog. All of that comes before me right now.
my life needs a lot more simplicity in it, and that is my goal this next year to learn to live the simple life!
to bake more! I recently just got married and my hubby loves yummy treat. In 2010...I will take the time to please my man through his stomach . Cheers
oh my gosh am I too late? because I really want this. my new year's resolution is to be on time for things...
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