giveaway: shabby apple dress
today's giveaway is from the folks at shabby apple.
who doesn't need a new dress for the obligatory office christmas party?!
giving :: one pretty party frock (the 90 words per minute dress).
please comment today to enter to win.
tell me your dress-up protocol. (bubble bath? hot rollers? heels?)
thank you to everyone at shabby apple
{don't miss their new line of fitness wear}
am glad i'm not the only one who has a little one clinging to my leg while i attempt a smokin' smoky eye. congratulations miss katie. you're the winner. katie says, I just need lots and lots of time - if i'm going to look hot, i don't want to be rushed! amen, sister. please email me your shipping info & details.
p.s. i have a mini announcement to make. so get excited.
I love Shabby Apple. Dress-up protocol: babysitter comes early!
What an awesome giveaway! I love Shabby Apple's dresses.
Dress-up protocol - leave enough time to do nails, buff, tweeze, wax & shave. I think it's the little things like this that make me feel extra polished & girly in a grown-up dress.
I love Shabby Apple! I've been dying to get one of their dresses.
My dress up protocol is to have some fun with the kids, take my time getting dressed. I love putting some curl in my hair, a sweet dress and some high heels. I love getting dressed up in a girly way.
rbalderas at nc dot rr dot com
This dress is ridiculously cute! Thanks for the giveaway!
My dress up protocol: freshly painted fingers and toes, and heels.
Love the dress!
Dress up protocol: add a little bit more mascara and some color to my lips. Think ahead and have my eyebrows waxed. I did this the other day in between grocery shopping and picking up the preschoolers and I felt like a million bucks!
How I adore Shabby Apple!!! I am wicked excited about this giveaway!!!
alright, first I need to lose a few pounds.
d.u.p.- fill in my non-existent eyebrows and put on some pumps. A little lipstick never hurt either.
a double layer of mascara
My dress-up protocol is that I have to shower & dry my hair HOURS in advance so that my hair will have time to poof on its own before I straighten it. Otherwise it will poof after I straighten it and not look dressed-up at all!
Cute jewelry, lipstick, perfume!
wash my hair, do my usual make up, but finish with some lipstick. specifically, clinique's black honey. easy but classy, you know?
Long shower is a must! Then fantastic heels, lip gloss, and jewelry (mainly earrings!) are the final touches. :)
luv it! dress protocol: hot shower, pedi, lots of yummy organic loation, rose body spritz and a good blow dry!
must have pretty eyes and nails.
love shabby apple dresses!
1. Freak out about what to wear
2. Choose any dress that matches my favourite leopard print heels
3. Quick shower
4. Black eyeliner and lip gloss
5. Out of the house
i love shabby apple dresses! (i have yet to own one though...) and to get dressed up- for me its jewelry everytime. maybe just earrings or earrings and a necklace- thats when i feel like i'm dressed up!
i love shabby apple- what an exciting day this is!
concerning dress up.. shave legs, paint nails, tweeze brows, big earrings. maybe i'll also throw in some drama eyes and gloss lips, too.
That dress!
Sexy eyes. That's my dress up must. Something subtle but sweet enough to warrant a second stolen glance.
my cute skinny sister would love that dress!
and dress up protocol ... gettin' the music pumping while gettin' ready!
such a cute dress...i don't really have a protocol, i'm a big fan of "less is more."
Gorgeous dress!
I usually put rollers in my hair, put on a dab of makeup and accessorize with a pair of my favorite shoes.
beautiful dress! Straighten my hair, and I have a slightly more "popping" makeup color scheme.
I have admired Shabby Apple from when people ask where did you get your stunning dress....I can finally say Shabby Apple!!!
Oh - I love the Shabby Apple dresses! My dress-up protocol: nice hot shower, blow-dry and curl hair, sparkly eye shadow and a killer outfit!
heels, always heels.
Yes please! My dress-up protocol is quick shower, quick getting dressed, take a long time with makeup and then deliberate over the perfect bag to carry ;-)
Dressing up means wearing a "big girl bra" for me! LOL! Not a pull-over-my-head-Gap-jogging-bra, but a real hook-and-eye bra! Embarrassing, but true!
Love the Shabby Apple - cute cute cute - (and I think I could easily get away without a "real" bra!!!
Thanks for the chance!
Very cute! Love your blog!
shabby apple has the prettiest things!
dressing up: plenty of time to get ready....long shower, take my time w/ my makeup & put on a little extra of everything. and if it is winter time, i hate to admit, but i love nylons or tights! i feel like they give a finished look.
dressing up for me is pretty low-key: run a brush through my hair, throw on some mascara and a little blush, and i am good to go.
Gorgeous dress!
Dress up: Very long, hot shower, glass of wine and some music and of course and quick run around panic before heading out the door!
If I'm lucky, getting ready in one long stretch (hair, makeup, getting dressed) without the kids needing me, or husband needing me. If not, then just 10 minutes here and there until I'm finished and frazzled before we get out the door! Ha.
Love their dresses.
Dress up protocol - shower, hair, make up, the works.
It's all about a deliciously hot shower with some good music playing!
that dress is gorgeous!!
let's see.
blow dry my hair.
wear earings and jewlery.
and MASCARA! i never wear makeup otherwise. :)
What a dress I love the blue and with a blue dress boat oh my and a scarf...pure heaven.
LOVE this!!!!!! i'd love to wear it to the family christmas party (I tried to delete my last comment
My dress-up protocol is...
long hot shower to destress and think about the wardrobe. A moment wrapped up in my towel and putting on lotion. Time in front of the mirror turning my face into a masterpiece and then getting dressed. The last thing I always do is slide my stockinged feet into my heels. It always feels so good! Indescribable even!
Great dress, very excited!
I'm pretty low-key, but I'll almost always curl my hair and put on heels and more jewelry than normal when I dress up
long shower, blow dry hair (all the way dry - this doesn't happen very often over here), pluck & tweeze, lip gloss, and heels.
I rarely wear lipstick. When I'm doing something fancy- the lips are tinted.
cute dress!
for me, it's hot rollers and smokey eyes.
Gotta love Shappy Apple! My dress up protocol is shaving :)
Love Shabby Apple!
Dress-Up Protocol: having plenty of time to get ready, a great dress and killer heels!
I dig out the eyeliner and lipstick, products that pretty much don't get used otherwise.
blow dry, then make up.
Extra attention to the make-up application, special jewelry, no heels- I'm already 6 ft tall!
I'm not generally a dress up kind of girl, but when I do, I love it! Shower - hair - eyebrows - makeup - cute outfit - fancy jewelry. That about does it for me!
I have heard so much about Shabby Apple! There clothes look so lovely! I would love a new dress for the Holidays!For me i am usually rushing to get my 5 boys fed and settled before we go out--so it is usually rush rush to shower, blow dry and make up. Oh and i never forget accessoriesd and a scent! I love pretty jewelry and perfume!
love shabby apple! The Dress Up Protocol I go by is spend a long time in the shower, using every product, use hair products, rock the smokey eye and the perfumed lotion and perfume. i love the process!
cute dress! my most important protocol is to wait until the last minute to change into what i'm the dog doesn't have time to get hair all over me!
My oh my that dress is just too cute!
SOOOOO looking forward to the min announcement.....I love news!!!
I love Shabby Apple. My dress up protocol: Do the nails, straighten the hair, remember to shave the legs!
My prep involves a shower, eyeliner (you know, gotta be fancy), and a curling iron. I love getting dressed up.
Shower, deep condition my hair, shave (for real), lather lotion, spray something good-smelling, put on slip, hair and make-up, dress-up, jewelry.
I rarely wear lipstick unless I am going out.
Oh I love their dresses! I'm still trying to embrace the girly side of myself. Make time to shave legs, dry and style hair and put on a bit more make up then my usual mascara and lip balm. I try and do my nails a day or two before because I've found why I try to do them day of there's usually a disaster
OH the best giveaways this week Marta! (Please world, I need something winning this week.)
I love to put on my "special" perfume - then I know my husb and I are headed out.
happy christmas marta...dress up means, manicure w/ dark nailpolish, music blasting..while showering and shaving, extra make up, heels..helping my husband pick out his clothes...then kisses goodnight to the kids before we leave!!
Love, love, love the color of this dress. Dress up protocol is shower, dry hair a little bit, let air dry, put on make-up, put on clothes, turn head upside down, finish drying hair with cool setting so it doesn't frizz.
shave, spicy massage oil on the gams, hot curler on the tresses, what seems like waaaaay too much eye make-up on the peepers, dangly earrings, feisty perfume, and a quick dash to kiss my wee lad & scurry out the door before he covers my dress with loving slobber...
Entering on behalf of my teenaged daughter. Her dress-up protocol: Argue with parents about whether you need a shower, whether you need to dry your hair, etc. until 15 minutes before time to leave. Then shower, dry hair, apply makeup, and ready to go with time to spare, looking incredible. Any adult women in the vicinity curse you for this.
I am reading everyone else's sweet comments about dress up protocol and all I can think of that is a consistent part of my protocol is a melt down moment when I complain about not having anything to wear. So this dress would be fabulous!
I'm excited to hear the mini announcement :)
i own a few shabby apple dresses ... LOVE THEM!
dress up protocal - sleep with wet hair. gives me that messy cute look in the morning with no hassle. :)
Nails clean and polished. Hair either stick straight or curly. No inbetween for going out. Red lipstick.
Clothes and accessories very.
I have a tendency to listen to Britney.... I know I know, uber lame, but she pumps you up!
SO cute! My dress up protocol: wash, dry and straighten the hair. It always looks best the day of.
These are killer giveaways. How fun!
As for me, I am a simple girl, as long as my face is clean and I have time to apply some nice eye cream (Kiehl's Avocado Eye Cream) then I'm ready!
Love this adorable dress!
dress up protocol--smoky eyes, a great bag, and some fun music to listen to while getting ready! :)
Freshly shaved legs. Bright lipstick. Great earrings. I have almost bought this dress a few times--if I don't win this giveaway, maybe I'll finally just do it!
Love the dress.
And dress up protocol? Gosh, it's been too long - I don't have any...
i'm a pretty simple girl so when i'm dressing up, it's a shower, dry my hair (as opposed to just letting it air dry) and then maybe a little makeup. : )
who needs a new cute dress? that would be me. I feel like my life revolves around sweats and grubby tees too much these days.
dress up protocol? time ALONE in the bathroom. no children. make my husband get ready fast and watch the kids while i primp.
Well, I would hardly call it protocol. In fact, I can't remember the last time I dressed up at all.
I would have to say that there will be a shower and clean hair, eyeliner and lipstick, polish for the toes and buffing shine for the fingers. And, yes, heels. Because I am far too short.
A long hot shower, drying my hair with a blow dryer (instead of air drying), and just a little more makeup than usual!
Getting dressed up is an all day event for me, starts w/ an at home mani/pedi taking extra time on hair and makeup, plus a nap somewhere in the middle so I can make it past *:)
I'm finding that making enough time to dry my hair makes all the difference in my Getting Ready Protocol (those curls aren't going to set themselves!) (actually they will, but it just looks so much nicer when I've not let them air dry). Shower & shave (waxing done ahead of time), clean face + moisturizer, regular makeup + extra eyeliner for nighttime. Natural lip balm atop an Aveda (long-lasting) color. Enough perfume that people notice, mention, and compliment. Fishnets and heels. Smile. Ta-da!
Love the dress...heels, curls and alone time to get ready :)
We don't dress up and go out often, but most recently attended the Wine Gala. I went and got my hair done for some much needed "me time." It was lovely...and so is that dress!
love their dresses!
protocol: good hair :)
i've almost purchased this dress i can't tell you how many times!! love it!
lovely dress
my dress up protocol:little make up, straight hair(usually very wavy)
Fun! I love Shabby Apple Dresses...I don't get dressed up nearly enough these to get a fresh mani/pedi, heels with the toes popping out...basically just lots of little things to feel pretty!
Hmmm...I try to get a new pair of nylons! I'd love that dress (and I can type about 90wpm).
Last night it involved hair shine, blush, and clothes that my little ones hadn't stained. My wardrobe needs this!
love the color of the dress! i so need this!
I'm quick! Fast shower, blow dry har, straighten (or curl) hair, iron clothes - ALWAYS, even jeans, apply make-up, out the door, all over a cup of coffee, my husband even takes longer ;)
I love getting ready to go out. I don't get glammed up too often so it's nice when I have the chance...and with this dress, I would make the chance!
Wow, love the dress! I have never heard of Shabby Apple, but I checked out their website, and I may have to treat myself to something special for the upcoming holiday parties! My dress up protocol is to enjoy a glass of wine after getting dressed and then a quick once-over with the lint brush to pick up any stray dog hairs off my black pants before sprinting out the door! Happy holidays--thanks for the fabulous give away. Pick me, please!!!
I love wearing dresses! I have to do my hair first since I have extremely curly hair. Then it is the obligatory 10 minute try-on period where I try on a ton of options (and usually end up with the first). Make-up last and then out the door. Since I am an inpatient person this whole process can not take more than 40 husband loves that!
i love shabby apple, and i could use a new dress. beauty protocol - lip gloss is a must. other times it's just my favorite trusty ol' chapstick.
Great dress!
Dress up protocol: hot shower, undergarments/hose/slip as applicable, blow dry/style hair, snack!, make-up, and then dress! If I'm in a hurry the make-up gets saved for the car - with 3 little kids this happens fairly frequently. Hubby drives and I try to get make-up in the right places on my face! :)
With two year old twins,, I figure if I jsut can brush my teeth, I am happy! Lovely dress. Hugs, Mandy
ooh! Love Shabby Apple.
My protocol is all of the above. When we go out, I need at least 3 -4 hours to feel prepared. A long bath, toes painted, hair done, makeup perfect, dress ironed. I love getting all dolled up!
Love the dress, love the color.
Protocol: make sure I have plenty of time to shave, tweeze and time to pay attention to all my hair not just the top layer!
dress up protocol: hot curlers, plenty of mascara, and a gentle spritz of perfume before I walk out the door.
Extra mascara, line my lower lids, big earrings and a good upside-down head shake to release my hair from the grips of its office bun format.
Beautiful dress.
Dress up protocol: nicely groomed eyebrows, mascara, and heels!
Dressup protocol? What dressup protocol w/ 2 kids under 3~! Shower, blow-dry, straighten, makeup, get dressed, did I forget any piece of clothing, any food stuck to me??
I love this dress!
Being a new mom, I'm lucky if I have time to check myself out in the mirror before heading out! Time to rediscover a protocol
Mascara and a hot pair of heals!
Love that dress!!
My dress-up routine involves make-up. I wear next to none regularly, so when it's time to dress up, I put on my face. :) I finally learned how when I got a tutorial from Sephora before my wedding. Is it bad that I was very near 30 before I learned what to do?
cool! i'm finally able to make it to your site in the morning! pretty dress. tndmail(at)yahoo(dot)com
love, love, love shabby apple
definitely leave enough time for a relaxing shower and i always make sure to have my fingers and toes painted!
I love the color of that dress!
When I dress up I must have a flawless manicure or else I feel incomplete. I do it myself, too, so it's cheaper ;)
Shower, a little make-up, hair up, perfume, and a final glance in the mirror!! :)
Cute! My protocol is, husband dresses first then takes baby. Then I dress while the baby spits up on his outfit. Then we hand off to the babysitter while he quickly changes his outfit. We have learned that baby spit up on Mommy during date night equals a clothing crisis. Daddy has a ton of dress shirts.
dress-up protocol: usually involves a triple barrel wave, pinned back in a classically sophisticated style.
My Daughter is turning 13 she would love a new dress!!
Dress Up protocol for me...would be make-up, hair spray an actual hair do Whoo Hooo...I guess I need to update for me a little bit....
Very cute dress my daughter would love.
I have a glass of wine while getting ready!
Love, love, love Shabby Apple dresses! I would adore one of my own...
My dressing up protocol involves a long soak in the tub, eyeliner, a darker/smokier eyeshadow, hair in an updo, and jewellery!
LOVE Shabby apple. I really wanna win this one. Makeup is a must when I'm going out!
Super cute dress. My "protocol" is starting when it's too late, harrying around and leaving with half the hair done, half the make up done and an accessory thrown in trying to conceal (or override) the totality of the mess :) )
To dress up: I usually tear myself away from my beloved jeans and/or look for some shoes that match a nice pedicure.
Because I have naturally curly hair, I don't have to do much in order to dress it up! Instead, I put on more eye makeup than I normally do and maybe even add a touch of lip color. I LOVE wearing high heels whenever I get the chance (and it's not too cold to reasonably shave my legs).
Dress-up protocol would be clothing, make-up, hair, shoes and perfume at the last minute!
so very cute!
my dress-up protocol: fancy undies.
Thanks for the giveaway!! Their dresses are adorable!
My dress-up protocol: heels, a sassy outfit and my hubby by my side! Never felt better!
Oh man, I put make up on, wear something nice - usually a dress since I hardly ever get to otherwise, and put my hair up in an unusual and fun way. I love to do fun things like that since I never usually have time to.
That dress is amazing!!
My dress up protocol: pedicure and perfume!
I ♥ Shabby Apple! What a cool giveaway!!
definitely accessories! me, please!
Dress-up protocol: Make sure my nails are painted - put on extra mascera and gloss my lips.
my dress up protocol is eye shadow. makes me feel lovely and fabulous!
love their dresses!
my usual regime involves painting fingers and toes, a little extra time on the hair, and the addition of eyeshadow for good measure!
Lipstick and heels is what I usually do... makes me feel dressed up.
I absolutely adore Shabby Apple!
d.u.p.- pedicure, lipstick, heels
Love the dress! That color is terrific!
Getting ready for me entails flat ironing the hair, smoky eyes, high, high heels, and a killer cute purse!
I love this giveaway! My dress-up Protocol is wearing jewelry and spraying perfume.
I love Shabby Apple! Dress up protocol: Hot shower! And turn on some Ella Fitzgerald while I finish make up!
I always make sure the 'brows are plucked and the nails are painted!
What a cute dress!
dress up protocol: curl my eyelashes more and extra mascara, curl my hair (now that I finally learned how), lip gloss, a cute outfit with adorable shoes, and perfume!
What an adorable dress!
Such a cute dress! My dress up protocol (if I can even remember what dressing up is like!): long hot shower, dry/flat iron hair, makeup and earrings.
Dress up protocol--My favorite perfume and a manicure (or pedicure in the summer)!
Thank you for the chance :) Taking the time to do my hair and make-up ... heal boots, long, dark jeans and a glittery top. So fun!
Cute dress! Unfortunately, I don't get to dress up too much, but I love it when I do! I do up my nails, put on a great pair of heels, make up the eyes, and spritz on some perfume.
what a beautiful dress. to dress up i wear makeup. this doesn't really happen on a regular basis.
I like to primp without my husband in the room. That way, it's like getting ready back when we were dating. Grand reveal, and all that. Heels and something sparkly means I'm set!
i want. a lot. please draw my number!
Marta, these are top notch give-a-ways I must say.
My protocol is as follows.. shave legs, rub on a little tanning glow, and put just a bit extra eye makeup on.
(I just read that, and it sounded like I was running around town naked when I was all finished. I do put on clothes at some point.;)
1. shower
2. exfoliate so my skin is silky smooth!
3. shave
4. straighten hair
5. dab of moisturizer and concealer (lovin' the fresh natural look)
6. heels that make my calf muslces "pop"
7. splash of vera wang perfume
that dress- sigh.
dress up protocol- take my time, and wear a cute dress, something other than the jeans + downeast basics t-shirt that I wear EVERY SINGLE DAY.
here's hoping!
Shave, heels, something bold (ring, necklace, scarf).
Super cute dress! If it's a special occasion I soak my wedding ring in the cleansing solution the jewelry store gave me and give it a nice *sparkle!*
definitely shave and slather on the lotion :)
I've been wishing for a Shabby Apple creation for far too long.
A long hot shower without little interruptions (kids!) is a great way to start.
a long hot shower with salt scrub (trader joes...stuff is A-mazing!), do my hair and clip it up on top of my head to dry (I have naturally curly hair), then make up, then waltz around in a robe picking out accessories until I feel like getting dressed at the last possible minute then let my curls down before leaving!
Oh my, it usually involves multiple outfits! But first, a shower earlier in the day, so my curly hair has time to dry on it's own appropriately and not frizz, there's this lovely body scrub from Bath and Body Works, that they don't make anymore :( that I love to use, leaves my skin smelling great, mmm. trying on many outfits, heels and dancing in front of the mirror to some pumped up music.
Would love to have a new dress! Reason to get a sitter...if i can get away from the boys from an hour before going out I like to give myself a quick pedicure, put on sparkly eye shadow and give my hair some extra attention!
Love that color! I have a "going out" playlist on iTunes with lots of upbeat party/dance songs. And I often sip on a beer or glass of wine while getting ready.
Shaved legs - and a pair of earrings. Would love to win!
this dress is darling, LOVE shabby apple!
i just try to take my time... long shower, no rush on doing hair + makeup... i feel pretty when i can take the time to get dolled up!
I love that dress..
I think adding heels makes you just feel sexier...haha...they are fun!
so freakin cute.
my dress up protocol-manicure.
This dress is awesome.
Dress up protocal:
Flat Iron
what a pleasant surprise, yet again! i was just looking at their dresses again today.
my dress-up protocol means more hair spray (i hardly use any, if any at all), taking a little longer on my hair and maybe a little glisten on my lips, if i'm feelin' it.
Dress Up Protocal-Spanx under anything makes you look great! Would love to sport this to a X'Mas soiree that I must attend.
i just gave away this dress on my blog last week...glad i get to enter for it now! my dress up protocol = some sassy earrings, they always top off the outfit.
Love give-aways! Dress up protocol - curled hair and eye lashes
Ooooohh! I'm totally holding my breath for this one! That dress is so cute! What a great giveaway!
Dress up protocol: Tweeze, shave, lots of mascara and blush and a great handbag.
love shabby apple!! Dress up protocol: a big fat cocktail ring, some great girly "going out" music mixes, definitely high heels and dangling earrings.
Such a cute dress!! Dressing up has to include freshly painted nails, shaving and actually wearing earrings (if we aren't taking the baby.
Love that place! Definitely the rollers, some cute new heels and some sassy jewelry! And with all of that you are feeling sexy!
when dressing up, i love to give myself lots of time, because i think you enjoy the process more that way. the absolute first thing i do is turn on my ipod and blast music throughout my apartment. i love to listen to regina or ingrid while i prep. i also try to play with my makeup and experiment with glittery eyeliner or a bright lipstick. colored tights and a wild nail color also add some spice. and i never forget the perfume at the end because it makes me feel pretty.
love the dress!
dress-up protocol: shower, a glass of wine while running around in my bathrobe. :)
a dressing up must:
always always right after you get out of the shower moisturize it makes you feel comfortable in your skin all night.
I like to add fun jewelry when I dress up.
Oh, my getting ready routine has changed from the days of listening to fun music and having a pre-party drink to listening to fun music with my 16-month-old and letting her comb my hair, putting vaseline on my lips, and patting eachother's faces with my makeup sponge. It's pretty cute how she just knows what to do with those things....
Hot bubble bath with a little music playing, an ice-cold diet coke, paint nails and then hair and make-up time....well, that's not really the truth. The reality is, run to closet, find something quickly, spend 5 minutes on hair and make-up (no bath, no music, no coke), and my kids are usually crying, wishing we weren't leaving them for the evening.
I am in deep smit with Shabby Apple..sigh.
Dress up protocol: even though I'm 5'11, heels are a must for dressing well as red lips..making me a 6'2ish red lipped woman.
Dress-up protocol: black liquid eyeliner and red lips. That dress is so adorable for winter!
I just need lots and lots of time - if i'm going to look hot, i don't want to be rushed!
Beauty protocol: red nails, red lips and fun jewelry. Not tart-y red, but a good red that adds just enough.
My go to style for those moments that require a bit of dressing up, due to my ability to procrastinate, is... have a 'go-to' dress, throw it on, toss my hair up in a loose side bun, toss on a few accessories and be on my way. This dress would be perfect!
lipstick, eye lash curl, blush and eye liner. perfume.
dress-up protocol - mascara, eye shadow, shimmer powder, and cute shoes.
my dressing protocol is getting ready to some awesome music to get me in the mood for wherever it is that I am going.
Plan the time, put on some fun music, and spend lots of time doing my eye makeup.
This is a beautiful dress- thanks for doing this giveaway!
Perfume. mmm.
Dress up protocol: Try to fend off children, while I flat iron my hair at warp speed, then hold a baby in one arm, while I put on makeup with the other. Finally try to get out of the house before the kids spill or wipe anything on me. ;)
My life isn't very glamorous these days, but it's fun.
lotion on the heels, shave the legs, buff the nails....
hope I win!
Dress up protocol: a good shower, a bit of extra makeup, some nice perfume, and a cute dress!
My protocol is wear the list knit/stretchy outfit I have, since as a mother of four littles I live in knit separates. Date night is heels, tight jeans, and actual lipstick, not gloss. Whoo-wee!
Shabby Apple has super cute stuff! My dress-up protocol: curling iron and eye shadow!
I could totally wear this to holiday festivities!
Dress-up protocol: Actually wear makeup!!!
Uh...are you kidding?!! Yes Pleeease!! I would la la love a new dress...especially from Shabby Apple! I love their dresses!
Dressing up: a good long shower, some lite make-up, definitely heels of some sort, and fun coat, hat, and gloves(for winter), and a fun silky/sassy shirt...or a shabby apple dress!!!!
totally the clay mask for my face+ deep conditioning for hair + extra time to go smoky eyes+ sassy heels and bling to make me feel fab!!!
I play peppy party music while sipping something yummy and take my time doing my hair and makeup (while hubby watches kiddos). sigh. Now I want to go out to a party!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Oooh, I guess I got so excited about actually making it before the comments are closed that I didn't put in the dress-up protocol.
Dress-up protocol: get dressed, do hair, make sure there are no toys stuck to me in unsightly places. =)
It has been so long since I was out I don't remember. I'm guessing a hot shower to get me started.
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