09 February 2010

giveaway: custom stamps

today's giveaway is by note trunk,
a shop brimming with fabulous vintage + modern stamps
giving :: one sweet self-inking or wooden handled stamp
please comment today to enter to win.
tell me about the best valentine you ever gave and/or received.

thank you lisa!

and the winner is joni! she comments, I surprised my fiance with tickets to his very first hockey game. He had the best time and has enjoyed hockey ever since. I love this stamp! What a delightful giveaway. Thanks!


lalalovely lindsay said...

Beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win!

Lynn Osborne said...

The favorite valentine I gave was to my boyfriend who later became my husband. I was a cross-stitched heart to hang on a door handle or edge of a picture frame. It may have seemed like too mushy of a gift for a guy, but he really loved it and kept it displayed for years and years. Thanks for the chance to win the stamp!

Anonymous said...

i met my wife on valentines day. enough said.

melanie said...

Oooh, I LOVE these stamps! Our first year as a married couple, my husband sent me flowers at work - the gesture falls right into all the hype and marketing of Valentine’s Day, but I felt so special. :)

Anonymous said...

last year on valentine's day my beau took me to Vail. it was magical and beautiful. this year i am making hand stamped valentine's day cards and cookies and we are spending it at home with my daughter. xoxo

Gretchen said...

Ooh! I would love to win this! I have enjoyed finding creative ways to celebrate Valentine's day. Last year I made my husband 14 different kinds of brownies;)

J, K, L, and D said...

Fantastic giveaway! I might just have to buy myself one of these. :)

The best Valentine I ever received was actually from my parents. I was broken-hearted (silly teenagers usually are) & they surprised me with beautiful white flowers. My favorite.

Love parents. They're the best.

Catherine said...

My husband and I don't often exchange gifts for Valentine's Day, but last year I surprised him by making him a fancy love themed lunch to take to work, including homemade mini apple pies.

lindsey said...

Love these stamps! My best Valentine's are always spent snuggling up with my hubby. That's gift enough :)

Vanessa said...

I love this!!!! Thanks for sharing this great find and for the opportunity to win one!

allison said...

my husband is an avid fisherman and i planned an overnight roadtrip to a cabela's store (outdoor/fishing gear galore). i surprised him with puzzle pieces one at a time and when he put them all together, he realized we were headed out to cabela's (about 4 hrs away).

cleverly content said...

my boyfriend (now husband) completely surprised me with a homemade gourmet dinner. i am not one who's easily surprised, and it was all very thoughtful.

Vanessa Rae (vanessarae18@gmail.com) said...

Marta, this looks delicious! And I love the bowl!

Carolee said...

What a great giveaway! Last year, my husband made a cd with all of the songs that reminded him of me... some I had no idea about. It was sooo sweet!

kristi said...

I gave my daughter and 5 of her closest friends a valentine party last year. We made valentine-y crafts, played bingo and ate valentine-y treats. All the girls wore red or pink and brought a valentine trinket for each friend. They loved it so much we are doing it again this Saturday!

mara said...

The best Valentine I will give is the one I am giving to my husband this year. It is a framed collection of postcards with the addresses of the places we have lived since married. We are in the military and move quite often Each card has the love stamp of the year we lived there. I know he will love it!

tawnya said...

A (vintage!) book of F. Scott Fitzgerald short stories. Just, love.

Gale said...

20 years ago my husband was out of town for valentines day on a business trip. The day after he came home with a huge box of chocolate that was half price. It was from Fanny Farmer's. I'm not even sure they are in business today. We pride ourselves on bargin shopping & we still talk about the buy today!

Rebecca said...

I love these stamps! The best valentine I got was from my 5 year old. She told me that she was lucky to have me as a mommy. It made my heart break with joy!

rbalderas at nc dot rr dot com

Anonymous said...

The best valentine I ever received was from my 2.5 year old nephew. I lived far away and he called me, sang "You are my Sunshine," and completely stole my heart. Such a precious gift!

Kelly said...

my junior year of college i was single. my roommate/best friend went out for V-Day with her long time steady and came home with a Valentine balloon for me. when she bought it it flew away in the parking lot and she had to go back in to buy another one! i'll always remember that sweetness. :)


Amanda said...

I think I found these stamps thru your blog not too far back and I fell in love with them! This would be the best valentine I ever got:)

Hayley said...

last valentine's day, we'd just barely been married for a month. he wrote me a letter and it was sweet. we just had a nice, quiet weekend. best valentine's weekend, ever. i have a feeling this year will be just as good.

Cass said...

oh, these stamps are truly some of my favorite things ever!!

best valentine ... when my now hubby completely surprised me by showing up in my city for the weekend ... amazing surprise!!

Anonymous said...

valentine isn't so big over here, so i never got more than chocolate. but this year i am giving away an elise card you're the parmesan to my pasta and a piece of parmesan :) i like my idea

OurSoundHome said...

My best valentines day was when my husband I were still dating in college. He suprised me with tickets to a John Mayer concert for a weekend I was home to visit him. So fun!

kristin said...

My best valentine was actually a phonecall 2 years ago from my now boyfriend, asking me out on our first date!

Kristy said...

Ooh, it's hard to beat the heart-o-gram from an eighth grade secret admirer! I still love that one!

Emma said...

I love these stamps.

So, i think the best valentines i have gotten might be last years, my boyfriend and i had only been together a month or so and we were both a little skint, so he came to my house and cooked me the most delicious meal (scallops and pancetta, and lamb) and i made my own take on 'cherry garcia' icecream.
Much better than any over priced restaurant meal.

Monika Wright | I Love It All said...

Believe it or not...just yesterday I hid a stamped tag with some ribbon on it that said "We make a great pair. Love you." around a pair of my husband's socks in his sock drawer. I had kind of forgotten about it and when I walked back into the bedroom from helping the kids for school, he had a grin on his face. I asked him why he was grinning and he said that I was too silly. I felt so good that I could do something goofy and silly and he receive it so well and I could tell that it made him feel good. It made me feel good, too. http://www.flickr.com/photos/living_wright/4340763243/in/set-72157623183551996/

Tamara said...

lovely giveaway!

my husband and i make hand-drawn cards and notes for each other -- simple, but i love the tradition.

Baboon said...

The best valentine I've ever receives was a super tacky, (purposely chosen) balloon shaped as a pair of lips...

Anonymous said...

the best valentine's day gift I ever gave (there are very few) was to my husband when we were dating. I put together a bucket of popcorn (the kind you put in the microwave), some sports related movies, and some movie theater candy. He loved it and I thought I was pretty creative.

Megan said...

It was a late gift, but my first son was born two days after Valentine's Day. He really wanted to arrive on the holiday, but they sent us home to wait :)

Emily R said...

The best Valentine I ever received was from my boyfriend...now my husband. It was a video of our time together thus far set to music :)

Dawn said...

I remember, it must have been in third or fourth grade, getting a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle valentine from the boy I liked. That was wonderful! :)

Amanda said...

Thanks for the chance to win this adorable stamp! The best Valentine's present I ever received was from boyfriend at the time (now husband), and he took me to dinner, then surprised me with tickets to see Wicked that night! I am expecting this year's present to top it though since it is our first Valentines' Day as a married couple..wishful thinking I guess :)

Anonymous said...

While I was growing up, my mom would always put together a sweet valentine's day gift for me. She would get me a cd I really wanted and some chocolate. It sounds so simple, but that gift spoke so much love to me! I always looked forward to opening that gift from my sweet mama. :)

Jennifer said...

I am now happily married, but some of my fondest Valentine's Day memories are of very sweet care packages my mom sent to me in the two years between the end of a previous serious relationship and the beginning of my relationship with my husband. She is the best.

Jenni said...

The best valentine i ever received was a necklace from my mom when I was sad about not having a significant other. My mom will always be there for me. :)

Crystal Johnson said...

Every year in college my mother would send a box with my favorite candies, clothes and stationary. It was always such a treat!

Molly said...

The best valentine I ever received was a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts from my hubby. We pigged out on them the whole day!! God I love him!!
~Molly P

Sarah Stout said...

I love this! I've always wanted to create my own stamp, but it's harder than it looks.

I think I receive the best Valentine every day of the year. My husband isn't into the whole commercialism of Valentine's. He says that he should love me (and show me!) every day of the year rather than just on Valentine's Day. I agree. :)

Kellie said...

My boyfriend now husband hand dipped chocolate strawberries for me after we promised each other no valentine's day treats!

Blair said...

oh, i love this! when i was in 8th grade, my boyfriend gave me a light gray champion sweatshirt. NOT very romantic, but i thought it was sooooooooo cute;)

Hil said...

so fun! my best valentine ever received was a book full of my husband's journal entries during the time we met and were dating.

cindy said...

best valentine ever received was a love poem from my husband :)

Cat said...

last year I made valentine's day chocolate for my son and husband. I was very proud!
Great giveaway!

jessica said...

SO cute! My husband always writes a song for me and plays his guitar and sings to me on Valentine's Day. Very sweet!

lacey said...

10 yrs ago i was given my engagement ring! WOULD LOVE A STAMP

erica said...

love the giveaway!
two years ago i told my husband we were expecting our first baby on valentine. something we will never forget!

Gayle P. said...

I know my favorite Valentines are yet to come!

I'm officially obsessed with this shop and the stamps!

Cassie said...

When I was in my first year at high school a boy in my class made a really sweet card for me. At the time I really didn't appreciate it enough, he had gone to so much effort; making it himself and finding the courage to give it to me personally. I was pretty horrid looking back and now many years later I often remember that card on Valentines Day.
Fab giveaway xx

Jessica said...

Two of my favorites are tulips and the #19. For Valentine's my boyfriend surprised me with 19 red heart balloons and 19 colorful tulips. Such a thoughtful surprise which I loved!

Kathy said...

I love the handwritten notes in the cards my husband chooses for me. They are so tender and sincere. I am so blessed.
The stamps are great. I hope I win!

Joni said...

I surprised my fiance with tickets to his very first hockey game. He had the best time and has enjoyed hockey ever since. I love this stamp! What a delightful giveaway. Thanks!

jules said...

Best Valentine's gift ever--a diamond ring and a marriage proposal! Cheesy, I know, but it was my best Valentine's day to date!

Love these stamps! Thanks Marta!

Anna Kristina said...

Thanks for doing all these giveaways. I love these stamps! The best valentine I ever got was from my then-boyfriend, now husband. He wrote a whimsical story on notecards about a girl with a 57-story bookshelf and a singing boy - I love to read and he is an amazing singer. I've now scrapbooked it into a book, which I still love to look through.

rebecca said...

my best valentine was a special dinner my boyfriend (who became my husband) planned for me after only a few weeks of dating.

thanks for the giveaway!

Celiece said...

What a cute stamp! My favorite gift was two years ago when my husband and I found out we were pregnant. So I consider our son my little Valentine!!

Stephanie said...

The best valentines I receive are those that my children make for me. Although I love my husband loves me dearly, he is not a real romantic, so the ones my kids give me really warm my heart.

Alyssa Bailey said...

this is the most excellent giveaway yet!!! love it soooo much!!

Celebrate Today said...

Love the stamps and they are exactly what I've been looking for! Thanks for the link!

My best valentine gift ever were "coupons" my kids made me last year. So personal, so simple and so sweet. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

ali said...

I would say my happiest memory of Valentine's was when I was in grade 3 (although, I have had very good valentine's memories with my current boyfriend), and as embarrassing as it is to say this, I was a bit of an awkward child and no one in elementary school ever had a crush on me. Well for Valentine's day, a boy gave a rose and a chocolate heart to me (and yes to every other girl in the class) and I was just so happy, that day I did feel loved and special, not by him, but just in general.
And by the way, I live for stamps. :)

Happy early Valentine's Day to you!

Courtney B said...

the best valentine i have ever received was a copy of my favorite movie (as a kid) on DVD... Rigoletto. it also came with a wonderfully written card that I will cherish forever.

Teri said...

DH worked overseas for a year. Valentines was 2.5 months after he returned. He made secret arrangements for a getaway in the "Honeymoon Cabin" at a local B&B. He "kidnapped" me and drove me to this lovely cabin with a fire going in the fireplace, flowers, chocolates and even my beloved kitty waiting for us. (She loved that fireplace!) It was a wonderful weekend!

Karen Beth said...

My best valentine is every year: My Mother sends me orchids. :)


campsusie said...

My husband and I are still kids at heart and often indulge in our childhood favorite cereals, like Lucky Charms. He made a comment on how he wished there was a cereal that was just the marshmallow charms....so, last year, I got the biggest box of Lucky Charms I could find and secretly separated out all of the marshmallow charms to present to him in a pretty bowl as breakfast on Valentine's morning....he loved the gesture and I loved seeing his face!

Lena said...

In fifth grade a boy I liked gave me a red vine tied into a heart shape.

My husband and I are going looking at houses tonight, so we will need a stamp like this soon I hope!


Whitney said...

I can't think of anything specific, but I'm a total sucker for flowers.:-)

Andria said...

I'm a total sucker for flowers as well. Especially roses.

tulin said...

My best valentine was from my now husband - it was a little card he had picked out, before we were even dating.

Kathy Reid said...

My mom would always give us a little toy or trinket and candy for Valentines Day. It was never anything big but I always looked forward to it and it made me feel happy and loved.


Anonymous said...

Best valentines day was last year. Got to travel to my home country to introduce my dad to his grandkids. We'll all remember that one for a long time.



shirley elizabeth said...

Well, I'm married now to someone else, so I hope this isn't wrong of me to say, but my best Valentine was from the boy I was originally going to marry. Because of multiple accidents he had been in he didn't have a car at the time so he rented one to drive out to my house 45 min away with flowers and jewelry he had MADE for me and he took me to see Les Miserables, me dressed in a dinner gown and he in a suit. And I love every single one of those things.

This will only be my second Valentine's with my husband, and our first we were sick so he's excused for not beating the other guy out yet :-).

Angela said...

my best valentine is nothing to splashy, just a simple letter that said how much I was loved. thanks for the adorable giveaway.

amy turn sharp said...

oooo I need this! xo

Missy said...

How fun! What a cute idea. I'd love this!

Misty Bourne said...

These stamps are adorable!

The best Valentine I ever received was a visit from my boyfriend (now husband). We started dating in high school and then went to different colleges so we didn't see each other very much. Whenever he was able to come visit, it was such a special time--no flowers, no jewelry, no chocolate, just HIM! :)

summer said...

last year my valentine took me on a little getaway to the city. hotel, out to breakfast, shopping.. all my favorite things. i was in heaven.

thanks for this seriously cool giveaway, marta!

{natalie} said...

i honestly cannot think of one memorable valentine. that's so weird.

i would love to win that stamp. it's awesome.

Mom and Camera said...

My favorite Valentine's to get are getaways with my husband or a good pedicure. My favorite valentine's to give are to my children--they get so excited.

iamrobyn said...

Wow, I would LOVE to win this!! Especially the stamp with the birds because my name is Robyn!

I think the best Valentines gift I have ever gotten was a little statue from my dad that says "I love you thiiiiiiiis much!" and it's arms are spread wide out. But in my family, it doesn't just make an appearance on Valentines Day... we make sure to put it on each others vanities/nightstands/counter whenever we're feeling extra in-love with that person. :)

leah charbonneau said...

ooooo! love it!

the best valentine i ever received was a handmade card from my boyfriend (now husband). he put so much time into it and you could tell. i still have it almost ten years later!

Meg said...

My Husband's birthday is on Valentine's Day. When we were dating, I filled his apartment with candygrams that led to his room (each one was very clever I might add) where I had hid bed covered with candy, balloons, and a HUGE candygram professing my love for him :) I also gave him some birthday presents - I think one was a disc man with a tape adapter for his car - and I made him his favorite meal for dinner. I didn't really cook much, so that was a big deal.

Jessica said...

When I was 10, my Mom was out of town on Valentine's Day. In place of her absence, she left my sister and I little baskets filled with foil wrapped chocolate hearts. Nestled in the center was a box. The box contained a small heart necklace. I still have it to this day.

My Mom will be my forever Valentine. Thank you Mom.

Danielle N. said...

I'm adopted and my parents picked me up on V-Day,so the best gift was getting my parents & vice-versa.

Elle said...

my now husband surprised me on valentine's day the first year we were dating. it was a week night, he was in his freshman year of college and i was a junior in high school (scandalous i know). he planned this elaborate scheme using his sister. she had been dropped off at drama rehearsal only to find out that she didn't need to be there in the first place. so she waited and waited until i was ready to go and then had a story made up about how i had to take her home that night. i walked into their house, and there he stood, flowers in hand. it's one of the only times that i've been surprised in my life and it was wonderful :)

and so are those stamps!

maryirene said...

the best valentines gift i ever got was from my best friend and her boyfriend, who set me up on a blind date on valentines day with the man who is now my husband.

steph-a-ronie said...

best Valentines... Probably when I was in college. I was just learning what it meant to be a grown up, pay bills and make decisions.

Those are hard lessons to learn!

But, I still got a Valentine's gift from my parents...I knew that my mom and dad would always be my Valentine... no matter how old I was.

KJ said...

the best I received: a kiss, from a boy who later married me. the best I gave: must have been that kiss, since he married me!

Unknown said...

my favorite valentines days were when my children were little and i would surprise them with special treats and all red food for dinner. we would dress in our favorite red shirts or dresses and just have a wonderful time. special memories of sweet time spent together.

Melanie Anne said...

My most favorite valentine present was the diamond ring sitting on my left hand. My husband surprised a few days before the big day with an early gift!
I LOVE this giveaway and your darling blog!! Thank you Marta!

whitney said...

i love this!

my husband got me a red ipod nano a couple years ago... such a fun surprise.

Jennifer said...

Love the stamps. My best valentine was a scavenger hunt my husband set up throughout the house, leading to a note telling me he was taking me out on the town and had arranged the babysitter and all the details. He actually went to a scrapbook store to make the clue cards. He really went above and beyond and I loved it.

Melissa said...

One of my best friends who is normally quite reserved sent me a beautiful Valentine one year using handmade paper and including the most beautiful, heartfelt sentiments. I still have it in a keepsake box.

NSMOM said...

If I remember correctly, my best Valentine's was a bouquet of 2 dozen red roses - 1 dozen for each of my new twin boys.

Thanks, Maureen (jnomaxx at hotmail dot com)

brandy said...

This year I am planning 14 dates and giving them to my husband for his Valentine's Day gift. I hope he likes it!

Puddle Stomper said...

oooOooOO how I <3 stamps! Thanks for the chance! I adore your blog!

Mari said...

The best Valentine I ever gave was when I made a heart shaped pizza for my hubbie...and then of course we ate it together. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, yes?
Thank you!

McKelle said...

My daughters and I just got invited to a Valentines tea party. Cute idea I think.

Hannah said...

the best valentine i've ever recieved was a beautiful locket with pictures of our kids inside.

those are so darling!

Deborah said...

Our first Valentine's Day married, my husband bought traditional flowers, but spread them throughout the day. One on my breakfast plate, one on my desk at school, one on my desk at work, one in my car, etc. I felt special 12 times that day, instead of just once!


Mefi said...


Liz said...

The best valentine is a day spent with my husband, no distractions, just the two of us. And a nice dinner out is always fun too! ;)

Lovely Little Nest said...

How fun! I think my favorite valentine ever is the one I just made for my husband: it's a homemade card that says "i love you more than twilight & blogging". hehe! It even inspired me to open my own etsy shop because I had a feeling other obsessed twilight and blogging fans would get a kick out of it as well :)

Michelle said...

My favorite valentines was when was when my now husband made me a delicious dinner and somehow got a hold of a Harry Potter movie that had yet to come out on DVD.

Are we there yet? said...

Love the stamp! Last year we flew to San Fran for the V-day weekend, we had some much fun exploring the city!

Rosa Rivero said...

We got the best Valentine gift ever yesterday :) a bit early but a couple of friends that live in the other side of the world sent us a box with items for brunch: tea, scone mix and marmalade...so sweet!

barrentree said...

Every year my mom would give us little trinkets on Valentine's Day. I don't remember anything specific, but the memories of her "extra" love on those days are ones I will cherish forever.

heather mann said...

best valentine recieved:
6 years ago my brand new boyfriend made me a basket full of all of my favorite things and each one had a little note about why he liked that i liked those things. there were flower seed packets with my favorite flowers, cute things with my favorite color, coupon's for homeade favorite dinners, etc. he is now my husband and is always doing sweet things for me.

Britty said...

I would love that for our new place we just move into!

Carrie said...

It actually happened the day after Valentine's Day, but it was my first date with my husband. (He thought a date on the 14th might put a little too much pressure/weirdness on the date.)

Anneliese said...

my boyfriend (now husband) drove 2 hours to where i was going to college on a monday (but the actual valentines day) to surprise me! he even made me a card. which i still have!

i received a custom stamp for a gift & it is so fab! great giveaway!

Christen E. Krumm said...

i'd have to say last year when my hubby took me out for a great weekend. we were in between apartments and living with another couple so to get out of the house for the weekend and just have one on one time was splendid.


Missy knits said...

My favorite Valentine was the first year my husband and I were dating, he sent me flowers to my office. I am a sucker for flowers, and it was the first time I got flowers at my office!

Irene said...

that would be one Valentine's my older brother came home with a dozen gorgeous roses each for my mom and I - I think that my mom's were red and mine were pink. It was completely out of the blue and so so sweet.

[eeny] said...

My favorite Valentine was a big bear hug and a kiss from a little girl named Maddy. And she said: I will love you forever and ever and ever and ever even when you are a 200 year old grandma. Thinking about that still makes me smile.

Lovely giveaway by the way.

TMac said...

My husband was in graduate school for our first married Valentine's Day so he spent the day doing homework and I spent the day sulking about it. He made it up to me that weekend with a copy of Much Ado about Nothing, fondue and chocolate. Now that I'm in grad school, I realize how awful I was!

whitney said...

Last year, my boyfriend (now fiance) gave each other books, because we're both bookworms. I gave him a copy of James and the Giant Peach because it was the book that he said made him love reading. This year, we're doing the same thing, and I'm most excited about a tradtion we can carry on when we're old and married. Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous stamp and for your wonderful words!

Erica said...

okay, i really am wanting one of these stamps. so cute. so perfect. love that it is wooden.
fav valentine?... i think it would maybe be last year - we had a new little babe, were living far away from family and he came with us on our date. the three of us celebrated love together. it was really quite special.

Sheri said...

I Love your blog, I use your calendars for my kids for chore/behavior sticker charts.
My best valentine was having my first child a girl 3 days before valentines Day!

Jaclyn said...

I was in Grade 3 or 4 and my crush brought a ring to school and asked me to be his Valentine in front of the WHOLE class! Very brave. I will remember that moment always. We broke up the next day but that is beside the point - ha ha. Thanks for the chance!

~Kristina said...

best gift was a single orange gerber hand delivered by the sender to me at work complete with a smile and a "see ya later". it was beautiful.

aly said...

Once I'd outgrown the stage when you have to bring a valentine to everyone in your class, my mom would make me a batch of large heart-shaped sugar cookies to bring to school and pass out to my friends during the day. It was loads of fun!

sarah chong said...

i think my favorite was when i was in elementary school, i think, when my crush (who was my best guy friend at the time) gave me candy & a card. simple, indeed, and didn't have any implications, but i treasured that thing forever. in fact, i think i still have the wrapper in my memory box..

Anonymous said...

The best valentine I ever received was last year. My boyfriend surprised me with some flowers, dinner at home, and dessert! We baked the dessert together. The entire evening was my "valentine" and it was the best because it was the first one I received from someone I truly loved.

karen said...

my ex boyfriend was an electrical engineer. before he graduated college, he rigged a heart-shaped dove box so it had a button and when i pressed it, it would tell me how much he loved me (in his voice, he had recorded it.)

Season said...

This is hard. My mom used to do a whole birthday and Valentines week for us. (My bday is the 12th.) So she wins.

ashley morgan said...

I heart that stamp!

The best valentine I've received from my husband was a scrapbook (he's so not a scrapper!)filled with pictures of us and a list of things he loves about me.

Krista said...

All I really want for Valentine's Day is to spend time with the whole family and enjoy!!

Jen said...

One of the best Valentine gifts I received was from my boyfriend, now husband, when we were poor college students. Of the traditional conversation heart candies, the white ones are my favorite. He bought several packages, picked the white ones out and refilled a few boxes with only those. Very sweet!

Amanda said...

would love this!

Have never really gotten that amazing V-day gift, but I like writing notes to my future hubbie!

Camille said...

a cuisinart - this may not seem very valentiney - but i really wanted one but they were too expensive. i loved it. and still do!

Jacq said...

I just started collecting stamps, so this would be great.

The best Valentine surprise I gave was the most enormous boquet of balloons EVER! He was so surprised.

Jenn N.G. said...

best valentine was homemade heart shaped cookies I watched my mom bake for my dad...

carrie said...

I'm not the best at valentines. i remember growing up my mom always gave us a cute pair of valentine undies or valentine socks. I'm now doing the same for my girls.

Micayla said...

Wow, those stamps are just what I need....thanks for the sweet giveaway.
My best valentine was from my hubby to be..........sad but true a trumble dryer. I seriously did not know what I wanted, he had no idea but I needed a dryer and he delivered. I do rib him about it though!!!

Kristin said...

When my now husband surprised us with a trip out of town filled with relaxing activities!

We're Not in Kansas Anymore said...

Oh do I love stamps! My favorite valentine was a love letter. Is there anything better?

Katherine Vargas said...

My hubby & I don't celebrate valentine's & I always told past boyfriends not to get me anything b/c I'm not a huge fan of the holiday. I am, how-ever a huge fan of that stamp! I suppose the best valentine's day "thing I ever recd were the cute paper valentine's from the other kids at school!

Dawn said...

gives me an excuse to write letters and not dread paying bills... or at least addressing the envelope :)

w and w said...

Last year I made a heart shaped collage of our family photos on the wall infront of my husbands desk. He still has it up. This year I just have to update it.

Karen said...

My favorite Valentine I've ever received was probably one that was mailed to me by my then-boyfriend overseas. It was a sweet card with his true sentiments written on it; it made me cry.

Original Kos said...

My husband wrote me a book for our second Valentine's together. It was beautiful type set, light blue and creme. No frills. Just how we met, our story in its simplest. I love it.

Lizzie said...

Last year my husband woke me up on Valentines Day to give me a pair of earrings and a few Audrey Hepburn books before we left to spend the weekend in Washington DC. It was a lovely morning. He's a keeper.

ellen said...

I love making my grandmother's raisin filled sugar cookies in the shape of a heart for my family.

Allison said...

these stamps are adorable! last valentines day, i made my hubby (then finance) a little scrapbook with 101 things i loved about him. i still enjoy looking at it and seeing the pictures and memories.

Sarah said...

If I really really want these does that gives me a better chance of getting them? Cause I do!

Anne. said...

Homemade chocolate chip cookies are the way to any man's heart. :] The ex-boyfriend-turned-friend still gushes about our first Valentine's together because of those cookies.

Lisa said...

Last year my husband gave me a beautiful painting of the Sacred Grove. I loved it!

Kim said...

The best valentine I've ever received was a ring and then he asked me to marry him. He's still my valentine 15 years, 4 kids, and 2 dogs later.

Love the stamp. It would make me want to send more snail mail to just about anybody. :)


Jennine said...

I would love to win this.

LRH said...

My boyfriend and I had just started dating seriously around Valentine's day and I did not expect anything...but he surprised me on our lunch date with a gorgeous Tiffany's necklace. I think it was how much thought he put into the gift that mattered and knowing that I would love it.

Jillaire said...

When my daughters were just 3 and 1 (now 7 and 5), I was out doing errands on Valentine's Day and came home to find that my husband had snuck home from work and tidied up the house. He probably did dishes and put away toys, but what I remember the most was the freshly-vacuumed floor with those great carpet lines! It was a thoughtful surprise after coming in the door with 2 little ones.

Laura said...

I love the sweet valentines that are often gifted among children in school - puppies, hearts, action figures. They're adorable!

aqua said...

One year I suggested we write each other a poem, as we didn't have much money to spare. His was amazing...it started with the first time we met, and tracked all the important milestones of our relationship, and all the special quirky things too. Priceless.

Catherine L. said...

long-stem pink roses from my brother ... they made me cry

(love the stamp)

Anonymous said...

I would love to win!!!! I have been wanting on of these since we got married ( two years ago! )

ailie said...

Love it. This Valentine's Day is proving to be a special one. My husband and I will be celebrating with my parents (sounds romantic, right?). Well, it's special because my Dad is coming back on the 14th after being in Haiti for 3.5 weeks. He's been down there doing relief work.

Janssen said...

My dad left one on my bed with a candy bar. That is SO not his style at all, I kept it for years (not the candy bar part, obviously).

Amandaf said...

I honestly think that my best Valentine's Day was the one when my now husband, then boyfriend gave me a pink monkey & asked me if there was anything I would like to change about our relationship. I had made him this big homemade dinner & I seriously thought he was going to break things off with me after that comment. But then, he asked me to be his girlfriend. Well that was 16 years ago and I love him even more.

Elizabeth said...

I'm hoping this will be a good valentine to receive...I'm giving my husband a handwriiten list of things I love about him.

I'm hoping it's just the beginning of many lists. There are so many things to love about him!

LMT said...

I once got a Valentine from some mystery person in my home mailbox. It was just like in the movies. I was so excited but still don't know who it was from. That was pretty cool.

katie said...

Before my husband and I got married, I gave him a Valentine's card every day the week leading up to Valentine's day. He loved it because he never knew where it was coming from, especially on the days we didn't see eachother.

Anonymous said...

the first valentine's my husband (then boyfriend) had together, he got me the sound of music dvd, which is one of my fave movies. i had been eyeing it at costco, but never wanted to spend the money. i got him a book he had been wanting to read, along with a picture book called "smitten", a story about a sock & a mitten that fell in love.

J Bird said...

I give/receive candlelight breakfast every Valentine's Day to/from my husband. We get up early and make breakfast together :)

Kim said...

it's nothing very romantic, but I entered a raffle at school when I was in 3rd grade for a gigantic heart, filled with individual chocolate candies and I won...and I gave it to my mom.

Abby said...

The first year we had Jake, Mike got me some Harry and David tower, but he took a picture of Jake with it and blew it printed it out on Valentine paper. Really cute that he went to that much trouble.

MeganKP said...

LOVE the stamps!
But sadly i don't have a valentine's story to share :(
But Thank you for the giveaway!

megan P

katherine said...

I love to make valentines by hand to share. Valentine's Day might be considered a "greeting card" holiday to some, but it's a great day to remind the people in your life (especially the ones you don't see very often) that you love them.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Jenna said...

the best valentine was one that i didn't get, at least not straight away. my husband wanted to propose, and kept saying how great my valentine present was going to be. i ruined it by saying, "you're not going to propose, are you?" it took him until june to get the courage back up.

swell.life said...

Marta, let me tell you about the worst Valentine I've ever received...Long before we ever began dating, my (now husband) high school sweetheart surprised me with a giant stuffed parrot. It was 2 feet tall, horribly hairy and looked like a rainbow threw up on it. Can't believe I stuck with that boy. :)

Quelly said...

my favorite valintine gifts are always the ones I give to my nieces and nephew.

molly said...

one valentine's i so wanted an orla kiely bag from anthropolgie and hinted like no other to the husband that's what i really really wanted. i ended up getting sick and so he took our two boys out for the night. lo and behold he walks in the bedroom later with a huge anthro bag. I grab it, it is really heavy. I gently pull back the handles. gasp, it was a mac book air! I was beyond giddy, my very own laptop. hands down, best valentine. ever!

{kate} said...

my husband and i were highschool sweethearts and to surprise me one year in the 12th grade, he plotted with my mom to have chocolates, a cute little teddy bear and flowers in my room when i got home from school :) it was really sweet, coming from him :)


Mel said...

Last year I sent my daughter (age 9) and son (age 7) a tiny letter from the World's Smallest Postal Service. They loved it!!

Miss Five said...

When he walked into class with a dozen roses and asked me in front of everyone to be his valentine. Bold and beautiful.

jaytee'sbtw said...

the year that jesse and i were dating we gave each other ipods, without knowing what one another was getting for the other!! the best thing is that he didn't have the actually ipod for me-it was being engraved-so he made one that was 3D!! we had such a great valentines...and even better this year.....!!!

Elaine said...

I think this year is going to be the most memorable because it will be the first Valentine's Day my husband and I won't be together because I will be across the country at my Mom's to celebrate her birthday on the 15th.

allyson elizabeth said...

I've always made Valentine's for friends, and one year the theme was "Love is..." and each description of what love is was tailored to that friend.

I gave my good friend one that said "Love is felt" and glued a felt heart to the front of the card. I didn't know he loved it so much, but after we got married three years later he still had it.

Linda said...

This is a wonderful giveaway! Thank you. Valentine's hasn't been a celebration in my family. But ever since my husband and I go married I try to make it special. Although, I spread the love throughout the year not just on the one day. My most memorable Valentine's was when my husband prepared a puzzle, the pieces of which I got one at a time prior to Valentines. He then planned a date on the beach and gifted me the last piece in a box that also held a ring. So it also a sweet reminder of our engagement.

jaclyn said...

when i was a little girl my mom gave me a blown up balloon that had a tee shirt and other fun goodies.

Anonymous said...

It was my engagement ring.

CharityMay said...

my favorite was when i was a newlywed. i had gone away just before valentines, and when i came home my macho manly-man husband had decorated our bed with rose petals and had a cute teddy bear waiting for me, along with a gushy-mushy card. it's so unusual for him to be romantic in that way, i loved it.

Cat said...

My high school boyfriend lived on the other side of the country for part of the year (his parents were divorced) and he had his Dad bring me over a dozen pink roses for Valentines Day . . . so not only a pretty amazing bf, but a pretty cool Dad to take part in the puppy love!

kari n. said...

The best Valentine I ever got was the first handmade card from my daughter last year. Just the fact that she spent so much time on it and was so proud to give it to me...melted my heart!

Anonymous said...

My best valentines definitely are my two sons, born in 2005 and 2006 !

Unknown said...

My best valentines definitely are my two sons, born in 2005 and 2006 !

Aimee said...

I love simple valentine's days. I appreciate daily love all through the year.

colleen said...

My husband's mom made us a quilted valentine for our oldest son's first valentine's day and it was so beautiful. In the middle of it was his darling face peeking out from some wonderful fabric! It still makes me smile

hoopty doopty said...

received: hand written poetry/love letter to me. a cherished keepsake.

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