03 February 2010

happy birthday norman

if you google anything today you will see the sweet little spooners, a tribute to norman rockwell's birthday. he was always a beloved artist in my childhood home. i enjoyed thumbing through the glossy pages of Norman Rockwell Behind the Camera before i gave the book to my dad for christmas.

like my parents say–every time they give us a book–it's nice to have a good selection to browse on other people's shelves.


Tiffany said...

I love Norman Rockwell. What a great book!

Kayla said...

I saw this on Google, and instantly knew who it was about. I love his work, what a great man.

Thanks for sharing.



Teri said...

The boy scout museum in Irving, TX has quite a collection of Norman Rockwell paintings. They *used* to be in Cadiz, KY - just up the road from us. Like an idiot I put off going to see them. And now they're gone. -sigh-

sonya audrey said...

Norman Rockwell will forever remind me of both my Nana and my dentist office growing up. I love things like this that bring me straight back to my eight year-old self. :)

P.S. You totally need to make your handwriting into a font. I'd buy that in a heartbeat!

summer said...

what a terrific gift idea! oh man. who wouldn't love it? norman rockwell is the man. i dream of having a calendar of his work for every year of my life.

Amanda Jean Inez said...

I found your blog the other day through "a devine life" and I've spent hours looking through your archives.

I love your blog! Love the photos, colours, pretty things, blank printable calendars, stocking stuffer lists, ideas, quotes, so many things.

I've been inspires since I started reading. Thank you!

Carol said...

I love Norman Rockwell's work. He really did capture everyday life in America.

leni said...

aww, that inscription is so sweet.

Shanley said...

just noticed the google sign - and loved it. and love this too.

Shanley said...

never read norman behind the camera - is it a book i need on my shelf?

Connie said...

I love Norman Rockwell

kh said...

i luv him! i did my 10th grade 'term paper' on him and got an A. i guess my teacher liked him too. ;)

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