03 March 2010

12 o'clock quote

wow. thank you, thank you for all the discussion on my last post. your comments are such good mini follow-up essays for me to read. i appreciate it! that blog & jealousy post really just poured out of me the other day. however like most writers, i didn't know if any one would relate to it. i almost didn't post it because i thought it was just over the top. thanks for the affirmations. i love knowing that you and me are so very much alike.

p.s. head over to jennifer's blog to wish her a happy birthday! i was honored to list a guest post of 30 things. i wrote about some simple ways to focus on each other, as she is a newlywed. (not that you're tired of my really long posts or anything.) xo.


Amy T Schubert said...

There's a great related quote by Ben Franklin

Anonymous said...

I will embroider this quote into a pillow, I keep forgetting that im not a $100 bill to make everyone happy

summer said...

an absolutely perfect quote! i need to commit this one to memory. thanks for sharing all this good stuff with us, marta. twice or 3x a day! i know how much work this must've been and i'm just amazed at your generosity to us. what a time commitment for you. and what a gift to us. thank you!

ps. even comment sections are full of awesomeness in this workshop! i hadn't anticipated to be reading through all of those, gleaning goodness all the way. it's a true sensation you've got going on here.

summer said...

ps. the homemade pizza news made me one happy girl! hearing that something is a hit is honestly one of my favorite feelings. and bbq chicken! genius. we have to try that next. our latest trial was ham & pineapple.. grant's new favorite.

(how you have time to still comment on my blog while running your very own marathon workshop astounds me. i so appreciate this. you know i think the world of your comments!)

taylor said...

this list of 30 things absolutely made my day! i love that most of them don't involve any money, and they're things that can be done every day. thank you so much!

Moments and Impressions said...

I have been reading your blog for a little while and wanted to say that I appreciate your generosity and encouragement to others. Thank you

Travelin'Oma said...

I'm late to class but I'm fully alert and ready to learn. I love this quote!

AmberLee said...

love the quote!

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