19 March 2010

same blog. new name.

important announcement.
this is my weekend news flash for those m.writes subscribers who never got the news about my name switch. i don't want to leave anyone behind! i've graduated from blogspot to my very own domain. www.martawrites.com. same blog, same marta, now i'm carrying a dot com purse instead of lugging along a blogspot bag.

please come along.
you'll have to do a little leg work and update your martawrites feed subscription yourself via your favorite rss reader (click on this link for assistance). or for those of you not into google reader or bloglines, sign up on my sidebar for an email subscription instead.

a big thank you.
i appreciate your readership. your support makes my blog go 'round. the dot com launch will be official on monday. join me right here for a bit of a party. please excuse the repeat if you've already updated the rss feed this week. i feel like i've been on the campaign trail, thanks for your patience while i make the big move. merci.


Anna Kristina said...

I used your link to update my subscription, but the "new" one is still directed to mwrites.blogspot.com (I think). Am I doing it right?

marta said...

Depends on your reader. Check to see if you now have two subscriptions.

If all else fails, you can add a new subscription manually with "http://feeds.feedburner.com/martawrites" as the feed URL.

Travelin'Oma said...

Thanks for the link. It was easy to update, and I'll now be getting your posts by email! Cool!

Amie aka MammaLoves said...

Congrats. I just did the same thing a month or so ago and I don't think I'll ever be unpacked.

amy said...

marta you're so big time.

summer said...

you ARE so big time.

i do hope you get your comments back, my friend!
and i hope the ones that i wrote yesterday haven't disappeared too! hmm. they don't seem to be here..

maybe you still got them.
at any rate, happy spring marta!

Amy said...

I am about to do this in a couple months but I am scarred! I don't want to leave any of my great readers and links behind!
It does seem worth it. Good luck, I know you will continue to grow because your voice needs to be heard!!!

Emily said...

Congrats Marta. Can't wait for the party. :)

Lovely Little Nest said...

Congrats on the new site! :)

Leslie said...

Hi there.

I found your blog from I Never Grew Up, and I love it! I was enjoying all the craftiness and beautiful pictures and then I saw the Idaho link. I grew up in Idaho and loved seeing your take on places that are close to my heart: the Tetons, the always beautiful cloud formations and sunsets, the "really big pop cans"...and I just ate at the Snake Bit when I visited last month.

Anyway, I've bookmarked you and am excited to keep reading.


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