26 April 2010

giveaway: lisa leonard designs

today's giveaway is from the beloved collection of lisa leonard designs.
her handcrafted custom jewelry make a meaningful & unique gift.
giving :: a $75 gift certificate for her online shop.

please comment today to enter to win.
tell me what you love about spring.
you only have until tonight to enter.

congratulations... to the hen coop who commented, what i love about this spring in particular is the fact that my husband is graduating from architecture school and we are moving to a new city. exciting new adventures.

thank you lisa. please visit her blog + shop.


Gibbles N Bit said...

asparagus! (and flowers and rain)

Cass said...

i love spring especially to see the leaves come back to the trees after a very long winter .... nothing makes me feel such hope again as that!

mary plus vince said...

oh spring, how i love thee!!

i love the warm sun on my skin, the smell of the blossoms on the trees, just the feeling of re-newal is amazing.

tarable said...

I love the smell of the orange blossoms in spring (in Arizona). Even though spring wreaks havoc on my allergies - it's worth it!

{natalie} said...

i love when the flowering pears and the cherry trees start blooming on my street.

Bea said...

I love the fact that I can open my windows again and have fresh sweet breezes floating through the house.

katy said...

I love such opposite things: Being able to be outside again, but also the thunderstorms that make me snuggle up in bed with my family! Thanks, Marta!

talesofahummingbird said...

spring smells perfect - a mix of fresh rain showers, blooming flowers and good soil being planted. its a perfect new beginning for every living thing on mother earth!

Hil said...

I love the occasional thunderstorms. They mix things up a bit and make it smell so good outside!

Love the giveaway!

Mary said...

two words: cherry blossoms. i love living in a dc suburb and having a whole festival to celebrate their beauty!

Cassie said...

I love spring for all the buds on the trees and flowers for they hold such beautiful promise of things to come!

EMiller7 said...

I love how everything awakens, fresh and new. Everyone and everything has a brightened sense of hope and good!

Unknown said...

Fresh flowers for sure!!! :)

Monika Wright | I Love It All said...

I adore how attitudes change...everyone seems more upbeat, alive, excited, glad to be! And the spring wildflowers always put a smile on my face, too.

Hannah said...

Sleeping with my windows open and waking up to birds chirps and crisp air.

Alana said...

Being able to leave the windows open all day. I love fresh air.

Tiffany said...

That's easy: blossoms!

Great giveaway!

Michelle said...

The smell of the cool air in the morning--earthy and new.

Katie @ makingthishome.com said...

oh lovely! I was completely ready to talk about the green. Then I saw Hannah's comment and couldn't agree more - sleeping with the windows open!

Unknown said...

I love tulips, and lots of them...and the great feeling you get from the sense of renewal spring brings.

Julie said...

Spring is all about the tulips to me since I've moved to Utah. Love them!

Jessie O. said...

I love the new growth, sunny days barefoot in the grass and evening bbq's.

Tracy said...

Playing in my gardens. Being outside in a t-shirt is wonderful.

Krysta said...

Ahhh...spring! I love that the foilage is blooming, the snow is melting and that the weather is slowly getting warmer!

elizabeth said...

I love the rain and the subsequent yellow wildflowers blooming outside my bedroom window.

This is like the tenth Lisa Leonard giveaway I've entered. Hope I win this time!

RachTurner said...

The warmth! I love the feeling of my bones thawing out. :)

katie said...

i love daylight until 7:30ish... I feel like I can get more done when the sun is up :)

nancy said...

i love how bright green the leaves are and how black the trunks of trees are, especially after it rains.

Anonymous said...

The smell of wisteria!

Heather said...

The sound of the wind rustling the leaves again, apple blossom time and lilacs!

jularun7 said...

ADORABLE jewelry!!!

Spring ....... green, clients calling, wanting photographs. Mmmmm, I love it!

Christine said...

I love how the rain makes everything so very green after a very long brown spell. I love tulips on my kitchen table. I love watching my boy learn about the robin's in our tree and the trees that are budding. I love opening the windows and smelling the fresh air in the house.

Cambria said...

I love the spring rain and that the smell of freshly cut lawns returns.

jenlb said...

Optimism. The flowers know they can bloom, the sun is cerain it can shine, and my toes get to be free from the constraints of socks.

Vee said...

Spring is my favorite season! I love it because my name means spring; it has the perfect weather of sunny days with cool breezes; and lots of bright colors like to pop everywhere!

Andria said...

I love the smell of fresh cut grass! And I love mowing the lawn. That is one of my favorite aspects of Spring...

Amy said...

Spring is my favorite time of year. Opening the windows, planting a garden, and feeling a burst of springtime energy are just a few of my favorite reasons why.

bBchronicles said...

I LOVE watching the WORLD coming back to life after such a cold, cold winter in Idaho! The intense GREEN always gets my attention and the fresh, clean smell of the air. WARM is nice too!!!!

Subliminal Message: Choose me, choose me!!!!! haha!

Bluebelle said...

I love that the sun makes me appreciate everything all the more - rain, trees, flowers, growth, change. And I love the evenings that grow longer, warmer and more wonderful every day. Just writing this has made me smile, thanks Marta for the question!

Anonymous said...

The smell of wisteria!

Chad, Rachel, Paxton & Paizley: said...

I love the smell of spring and being able to go on walks with Pax, visit the local zoo, and spend hours at the park!

Justin + kelly said...

I love getting to get my garden going. Getting down and dirty, and then eating all the yummy veggies later... love it! oh, and my birthday!

Thelma said...

I love that the sunshine is around longer. I love tulips and lilacs and blossoming trees.

Anna Kristina said...

Green everywhere, and everything in bloom - the colors, the scents, it's incredible!

cleverly content said...

the color...greens, reds, pinks, yellows, purples...I feel have been starved for color after winter.

Kathy Reid said...

I love the warmth of the sun. What a perfect Mother's Day giveaway. Thank you.

RW said...

the first BBQ.

Anonymous said...

The dew on the grass, a dandelion bouquet in a chubby fist, and color everywhere you look.


kimmijo at gmail dot com

Courtney B said...

I love walks, hikes, and the smell of fresh cut grass. And taking more pictures outside!


kelly said...

watch the trees bud!

Christie said...

strawberry shortcake and blossoms on the trees.

Betsy said...

Farmer's Market & my birthday! and patio weather at bistros!

Anonymous said...

flower fields & fruit picking! and outdoor walks with hubby :]

Anonymous said...

the best thing about spring is how things come back to life - the trees get green, people come out of hibernation, etc., etc.

Robyn said...

The thing I love most about spring is that after a winter of hibernation, I am able to spend my weekends in our greenhouse, prepping for the upcoming season. I LOVE planning my garden and sowing seeds... feeling nature in my hands on a daily basis is such a great feeling. :)

Unknown said...

Oh, the flowers, flowers, flowers! Flowering trees, flowering tulips and daffodils, bushes of flowering lilacs and so much more.

"Where the flower blooms, so does hope." ~Lady Bird Johnson~

Vanessa Rae said...

all the color! (no more drab days) and the rain!

Anne. said...

I heart wearing floral dresses, feeling the warm sun on my face, strolling along table after table at farmers markets, flowers, spring storms. Everything? I think spring just might be my favorite season.

Eliza said...

Simply the excitement of nature being reborn! LoVe it.


Stacy Hart said...

i love being able to dig in the dirt. can't wait to plant my garden!

amanda fay said...

I love being able to wake up earlier (which is usually a drag) and be able to do so more easily since the sun is already up too!

Erinn said...

i love not going stir crazy from being stuck indoors!

Jamie said...

I love pulling out my sandals and summer dresses.

Julie said...

love, love, love...
...the blossoms and blooms
...the colors
...getting back into the garden
...sandals, and freedom for my toes!

Chrissy said...

I love being able to sleep with my bedroom windows open and the ceiling fan on. I especially love waking up with a fine dusting of pollen on me!

Anonymous said...

Ugh, I just commented and I'm not sure if my email was attached or not: jcpluss14@gmail.com


Anonymous said...

I love the idea of a fresh start, though I know we can get that in any moment.. I also love the blossom trees, they are so often short lived it reminds me to take notice of the beauty and joy the bring in that moment..

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of a fresh start, though I know we can get that in any moment.. I also love the blossom trees, they are so often short lived it reminds me to take notice of the beauty and joy the bring in that moment..

Leslie said...

I have to say I love all the sights and sounds, plus spending more time outside!

jodie said...

Spring means the beginning of baseball season! Oh, and sunkissed cheeks after spending time outdoors.

Alyssa said...

being outside. I love taking the kids on walks, venturing to the botanical gardens, looking forward to swimming, planting flowers, etc. It's beautiful and most importantly WARM! :)

Katie Mitchell said...

My birthday is the 1st day of Spring, so I'm always looking forward to my special day!

aly said...

Warmth and sunshine!

Catlin said...

I love blossoms on trees and chirping birds. Happy Spring!

mj said...

oh, spring. love the new life. new beginnings. just fresh and new.

and i'm loving these lisa leonard designs!

Uno Kidney said...

Spring: how do I love thee? I love the smells of spring, the promise that it holds, and the uncertainty of the weather: cold one day, blistering the next, snowing the next (esp. in Idaho!)

I would la la love to give a necklace to my mom. I received a necklace for Christmas from my little guy with his name on it (with help from dad), but would love to share the wealth with my mother...

Julie A said...

Rain! And all the smells as things start blooming and growing again.

Rebecca B. said...

I love all the green leaves that come poking out. I love seeing the landscape turn from brown to green!

Jen and her men said...

To me, spring means new life and second chances. What's not to love about that? :)

Paula -- CutieFruity said...

I love being surprised \every spring as to where my bulbs are planted. I love the smell of lilacs wafting through the neighborhood.

nicole said...

I live in California so what I love about spring is the green hills and waist high mustard.

Amanda said...

I like the freshness of spring.

Cat said...

My daugter was born on March 23rd 2009. Here in Canada, we usually still have snow in March but having a baby is like a new beginning, just like spring!
I also like the fact that spring says "no more winter boots"!

Kristyn Knits said...

I love:
hearing the birds sing,
watching the foliage turn green, and
seeing spring flowers bloom.

Lana said...

Love Lisa's work and would love even more to win.

Thanks for the opportunity

melanie said...

The warmth of the bright sun, and the act of digging out my flip-flops from their long months of hibernation!

Carla said...

I adore waking up every morning to trees that are blossoming. How I can go to bed and they're bare and the next morning there are little buds and out of nowhere the most perfect pink flowers. You blink and then there are leaves. Gotta love mother nature.

Katie said...

i love so many things about spring. it's like a reawakening for me. i think my favorite -- aside from the tulips -- are the birds singing in the morning. love those darn birds. the louder, the better.

polly said...

i love getting my hands in the dirt, preparing to plant my flowers.

Abigail Howard said...

I love honeysuckle and all the fresh green leaves on trees, which somehow makes the sky more blue!

MA said...

I love the flowers in the spring, it always takes such a long time for them to arrive but it is so beautiful when they do.

Oh Mandie said...

I love living in a small town with a few different family owned soft serve ice cream stands in it. They all open for the season during the beginning of Spring and it's a fum treat for our whole family :D

ellen said...

Packing up all my dark clothes and wearing Spring-y things.

Erin {pughs' news} said...

Spring is my favourite season. I love it when the evenings get longer and lighter, when you can switch to a spring jacket and put away the big coats and hats and scarves. I love freshly mown grass and the smell of the lilac trees blooming. Spring fills me with hope!

megs said...

i love everything about spring. but my favorite thing is to watch the buds come out on the trees. i just love all the beautiful colors. that just breathes spring to me.

Orange Avenue Academy said...

I love getting back out into my garden every Spring!

Emily said...

I love going on walks with my boys.

allison said...

purple lilacs!

Sarah said...

I love seeing things blooms. Went on a walk today and saw flowers blooming along the river and trees where a third have leaves, a third have blooms, and the other third are a slow. I love seeing growth and change.

lori jo rebeles said...

blooming daffodils!
bike rides & long walks!

Amanda P. said...

I love the Texas bluebonnets, opening my windows to let the breeze in, planting flowers, trips to the park, the beauty of renewal and growth.

Andrea said...

I love the flowers...happy spring!!!

heather said...

flowers, warm weather, the return of my favorite flip flops and longer days with the sun!

thanks again for another great giveaway! love lisa and her jewelry!

Alex said...

beautiful weather, of course! spring in a.z. is brief, but gorgeous.

yo.soy.alexa (at)gmail [dot]com

kwindell said...

Daffodils! Grilled artichokes! Little league! And the start of the BBQ season!

Melissa said...

tulips. trips to the park and zoo. yard sales. not having to carry a winter coat around the mall.

Angie said...

I love the sound of kids playing outside and birds chirping while checking out our home-made bird feeder. I even love the unpredictable weather here in Utah!!

Anonymous said...

The weather! I love the coolness of Spring, although lately it's been summery-hot!

Danielle N. said...

The warmer temps but not quite hot, a time for rebirth/renewal, flowers & green everywhere! Thanks.

Kelly said...

i love the light in spring after a long and dark winter.

Christy said...

I love all the tulips and dogwood trees blooming. So nice to see some color after all the gray of winter.

Tiffani said...

That's the kids play outside a lot!

melissa said...

Pink blossoms on the apple tree outside my kitchen window.

debby said...

vegetation. i love all of the new flowers, blooms on trees, and the starts growing on my window sill.

Kerry said...

Our street is lined with cherry trees and they are blooming the most incredible shade of pink. When it rains and they float down, it is piles of pink snow. Love it.

chris said...

I love watching the golds turn to green.

Karen said...

Definitely being able to get outside!

Lisa said...

I love to see my freckles emerge from their winter comas :)

tawnya said...

Sitting on the porch, reading and sleeping with the window open!

Linda said...

Early sunrise, late sunset, more sunshine, chirping birds, milder temperatures, bright greens in the grass, blooming plants and trees, berries, FLOWERS - so many pretty ones to choose from.

Alicia said...

Umm, yes, please. I cannot get enough of the spring blossoms. And the daffodils.

Kelly Kuntz said...

I love how everything starts to bloom, the new life!

Amy said...

Besides being my birthday :-), I love the fresh start it brings...flowers, blue skies, and sweet holidays: Easter, Mother's Day, etc. Thanks, Marta!
Amy in CA

erin said...

oh, i love lisa leonard! and i love spring! i love how one day you are pointing out the single green buds appearing on the trees...and seemingly the next day, all of a sudden everything around you is lush and green. there's nothing like it to lift the spirits!

Unknown said...

I love all the flowers and the warmth. I just want to spend the entire day outside in the Spring


JoLynn said...

I love the robins! And the rain. And the green grass. And the fresh air.

Lena said...

I love the fresh, earthy brightness in the mornings. You just know the world is waking up.


Corinne Cunningham said...

I love being able to breathe the fresh air all day long, and the sleepiness it brings for the kids at the end of the day :)

Unknown said...

The smell of all the blossoms, walks, the colors, the sun and it's warmth, opening up the windows, playing outside with my kids!

lynda said...

i love love love the cherry blossoms in bloom...the way they fall like snow...but it's not cold...it's sunny with a slight breeze...it's calming, soothing, and blankets the streets with pink...i also love the tulip festival...fields and fields of brightly colored blooms as far as the eye can see...

hchybinski said...

what i love about spring? the renewal of color - that bright green grass, sparkling blue sky and flowers in every hue of the rainbow.


leni said...

aside from the nice weather and beautiful flowers, i love that's the perfect season to fly a kite, blow some bubbles and have a picnic outside.

NSMOM said...

The lighter/later evenings but without all the crazy heat of the summer. My boys' birthday, Easter and Mother's Day. Thanks, Maureen (jnomaxx at hotmail dot com)

stacey said...

I love that the sun starts to stay out longer. I love being out in the sun. The warmer weather. The flowers in bloom. I love it all!

Lizzie said...

Tulips & daffodils.

Unknown said...

i love everything about spring- in colorado, i even love the tornado warning thursdays and blizzard warning fridays- right next to each other. i especially like the golden hour when the sun is setting and the colors are glowing and i can actually feel some warmth.

Carol said...

I love to get out into my flower beds to see what is sprouting. I love the fragrant Buffalo Currant that is now blooming and the lilacs that aren't far behind. I especially love that spring in MN is about one month ahead of schedule!!!!

Anna said...

I love just how lush and green everything is after the rain. It's currently a wet mess outside right now, but I know tomorrow, it will be a gorgeous sight!

Crystal Johnson said...

I love everything about spring except this awful pollen! If it wasn't for the pollen, I'd be enjoying more of spring outdoors. Instead, I/m enjoying the view from my windows with the sir on since I can't open my windows. Yay for SPRING! Boo on POLLEN!

carol said...

i love the smell of flowers, the sound of birds, the first kiss of sun on my pale winter skin, the fresh green grass and the neighborhood kids running up & down the street! welcome spring!

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

spring is definitely the best time of the year, I love it because it's my birthday and because I love all the flowers that bloom, and peonies!!
thanks for this great giveaway!!

Janet said...

blossoms, bicycles and baseball!

Krista said...

Color. Leafs. Green grass. Almost pool season!!

Barb said...

I love the gorgeous trees in bloom!

Anonymous said...

when my flowering crab tree blooms. It was a present from my husband for my first mother's day.

Laura G.

sonya said...

fresh air through open windows! peonies blooming!
the smell of cut grass!
My hammock out under the new green leaves!

Joann said...

I love the sound of birds and children playing outside in Spring.

erin wilson said...

I absolutely LOVE the first day I get to wear my beloved flip flops.

Anonymous said...

Love being able to open the windows and let in some fresh air. Love the bird's nest right outside my front door. Love the bright pinks, yellows and greens everywhere. Love the smell of the rain.

Lisa said...

I live in Vancouver, Canada, and to me, spring means that the Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom! SO beautiful!

Christen E. Krumm said...

i love walks in the park with my baby girl!!


wendy said...

tulips. they make me so happy :)

Morgan said...

I love the beautiful flowers and the perfect weather.

Jen said...

I love the foxgloves popping up in my backyard!

Victoria said...

I love the freedom of not wearing a coat and other winter accessories.

hoopty doopty said...

It's Autumn here.
I love the new smell in the air, the celebration of Easter, flowers coming out to say hello, the days being slightly longer and the bright outlook spring always provides.

Shelley said...

My favorite things about spring are flowers and the warmer weather!

Anonymous said...

what i love about this spring in particular is the fact that my husband is graduating from architecture school and we are moving to a new city. exciting new adventures.

Anonymous said...

here in Texas, I love that spring brings the bluebonnets !

Emily said...

Mud and puddles and blossoms and green grass and earthworms. And daily trips to the park with my two little girls (ages 2 and 6 months)!

Thanks for offering such a lovely giveaway.

-etangorre(at)gmail(dot)com :-)

tammy said...

i love the warm air and the smell of freshly cut grass...the green leaves...the chirp of the crickets...and the fact that it is no longer winter!

Miranda said...

I love seeing my little girls in sweet sundresses :)

Jess said...

i love wearing flip flops and jeans in Spring!

Elizabeth said...

Spring is the one, true time of the year that there is green in Las Vegas. It makes it rare and precious to behold. :) Thats why I love it so dearly!

Christi said...

The flowers and the perfect weather that rolls around right before the heat of summer!

tulin said...

Could there be anything prettier than tulips on a beautiful spring day?

Ordue Headbands said...

Other than the flowers popping up through the once snow covered ground, or the smell of fresh rain, i love the feeling spring gives you. That you can start over, clean out , re organize, and be happier .:)

Krista said...

i love the freshness in the air

JustMe said...

Here in Florida we smell the thick, sweet orange blossoms twice a year; late spring and late summer. THAT is what I love most about spring; riding with the windows down, feeling the balmy breeze and smelling the orange blossoms.

al + sar said...

seeing green grass for the first time in a long time

Nancy said...

I love the trade winds blowing across the Hawaiian shores into my window. I also love my annual spring visit to Utah to see the tulips.

{amy k.} said...

i LOVE lisa leonard's work and i LOVE spring!!
oh sweet spring! i love coming home from work, grabbing my great grandmother's quilt and heading out to a sunny patch of grass in the backyard. it's amazing!!

Glenna said...

My favorite thing about spring is all the new life.

Vana said...

My favorite Spring past time is walking with my boys by the water...the smell of the ocean reminds me of new beginnings.

Gretchen said...

One of my favorite things about spring is being able to go for fun, casual bike rides as a family and feel the breeze through my hair and on my face!

Reyna said...

Busting out my linen pants!

Unknown said...

The crisp, clean air and when the flower buds being to blossom on the trees.

Erin Medina said...

My roses come alive, the smell of star jasmine and my kids toes in the dirt!

Jessica said...

i love thinking about baby deer being born :) so cute

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