27 April 2010

make your man a taylor swift fan

taylor swift + def leppard
casually nicknamed, tay + def in this household.
listening to duets these days with my boys while
enjoying another favorite duet, granola + strawberries.


Hil said...

the hubs and I sat down the night this premiered and watched it together. love taylor. love def leopard. love it.

Hil said...

this also reminds me... you must come over so we can jam out on rockband to taylor swift. ;)

KJ said...

it's a great combo, isn't it? do you watch palladia? so many great pairings.

jessica said...

Been there, done that... He loves her!

summer said...

watched this. wow. i am now more impressed with both of them!

ps. granola and strawberries.. oh man. now i won't be able to get that out of my head. just when i thought i was safe from doing any baking for awhile..

Becky Holmes said...

Love them both. Def was my first "tape" that my brother got me with my first boom box when I was little...wow, tape + boom box makes me sound kind of old!

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