26 May 2010

going on a camera hunt

suddenly last weekend, my camera died. yes, my dear old camera is kaput. its soul is still in there, but it's been acting funny. (a little like old yeller. please raise your hand if you watched old yeller too many times to count while you were in elementary school. why did the school board think that movie was a good choice? why not parent trap or calamity jane? i blame that movie for my fears and suspicions of big dogs.) i am still hoping my camera will take another gasp. sure, it's an oldie and i complained about its painfully slow shutter speed every time i took a picture, but still i loved that trusty sony sidekick. remember all our good times together?! oh i am sad. and i'm sure there will be a thousand amazing photo ops while i wait for a new camera to join the team.

after the mourning period, i'll muster up the courage to wrap my head around the task of finding a new camera. i want to research just the right one to place in my palm and in front of my little one's face, to take on roadtrips and cloud hunts, for birthday parties and quiet mornings. so i ask of you, please steer me in the right direction. the canon rebel xsi and the canon G10 and G11 have been highly recommended for my type of shooting. (and when i say my type of shooting, i mean completely non-professional. just a wannabe.) thoughts? do tell, what kind of camera do you use?

my one big requirement, it must go click, click, click.
snapping rapid pictures takes my breath away.

images from


Tiffany said...

My camera is missing that click, click, click sound! It's so important to the experience!

My condolences on your old camera.

Catherine said...

I got the Canon Rebel XSi and I LOVE it! It's perfect for my kind of non-professional, wannabe photography. The pictures are so much better than the ones my point-and-shoot took. Absolutely worth the money.

Christie said...

Get the Rebel. You would love it. You will never go back to your point and shoot again. Nor will you miss a picture and get the back of Benji's head. It is FAST.

If you do get it, I have a list of camera books for you to get next. :-)

Raejean said...

One of my kiddos bought the Canon T1i last year, and we love it! Her father and I did a lot of research with the awesome kiddo before the big purchase. We found an awesome deal at Costco and couldn't be happier (except if we had another cool lens and an external flash). I'm so glad my children share with their parents!

Megan (Best of Fates) said...

I'm a Nikon gal, so I used a Nikon d90, which I love. I also love that camera cake - it's just amazingly well done!

jeanette from everton terrace said...

It's getting close to that time for me as well so I'm going to be checking back in and reading all the comments - hearing what real people who probably use their camera in the same way I will is better than any research I could do myself.

Hannah said...

I have an xsi, and love it. The only problem is that the kit lens stinks. (I'd recommend buying the body only and getting a better lens.)

My sister, Sarah, uses a Canon G9 and it takes amazing pictures...as good as my little rebel. And it is much easier to tote.

Amanda said...

Under no circumstances should you buy a Kodak EasyShare Z1285. It cannot focus on anything within 20 feet of it, so no close up shots of yourself or anyone else! However, it does take great pictures of landscapes. Not nearly as awesome as my boyfriend's $900 Nikon can though...

Good luck!

Emily said...

So sad Marta but very exciting at the same time. I love camera shopping. I am currently using the Canon G10 and I love it. It's big enough to be a sophisticated camera but small enough to fit in my pocket or purse. I think you would like it too and I'd love to see the pictures you get from that camera. Good Luck!

Hil said...

You know I love my xsi... and it survived a chocolate milk drowning! I was told to sell the lens that came with the kit and got a great one in place. However, my mom uses the kit lens and it is still a great lens, you really can't tell the difference between hers and mine.

Good luck! Buying a new camera can be overwhelming, but oh so fun in the end.

See you soon!

Brooke Ann Dove said...

My very first camera was my dad's Olympus OM-1 and it has the greatest click click click of the shutter. I currently shoot with the Nikon D300 and I love her too; she is fancy, lots of bells and whistles. But speaking from personal experience, the body doesn't matter as much as the glass, so choose good lenses if you are going with the DSLR.
P.S. That Nikon Camera cake is amazing!

summer said...

marta, i love my rebel xsi! (and i think you might too!) the ONLY drawback i've ever found is that it's a bit of a burden to keep handy for the little things. but if you don't mind another bag on your hip, it's really not bad at all. for disneyland and trips to the park, i still take our canon powershot SD. (which is a gem of a tiny camera, if you ever need another.)

i saw hannah's smart thinking about the lens.. i will have to ask grant what all he purchased when we were starting out. he always thinks of everything. will e you about it later!

ps. old yeller.. amen.

{natalie} said...

i have a canon rebel xsi and i love it.

we also have an older canon powershot and it is great to through in a pockets and go (when i don't want to carry around the rebel)

Hannah said...

One thing I wanted to add. If you are plan on shooting in manual, the kit lens probably will be just fine. It is better than any lens on a point and shoot. But, if you are wanting to get into photography as a hobby, you probably want to think about upgrading. (This advise was given to me by my photography teacher, Nicole Hill...)

Holly said...

I've had a Canon Rebel xti for the past three years and it has changed my life. Okay, that might be a tad dramatic, but it has opened up a whole new level of photography for me (in a totally amateurish way, wannabe photographer kind of way). It's a great entry level camera to the world of DSLR and is not too intimidating to figure out. Pinky swear.

I also use a Canon Powershot point & shoot when I don't feel like lugging the big mcdaddy.

Good luck! Can't wait to see which way you go (after an appropriate mourning period for your Sony of course).

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

Can’t wait to hear all the advice, I have been looking for a camera too and Im thinking to get the Panasonic DMCL X3

Nadine said...

my guy has a nikon d70 and even though
it's a rather old model, it's quite
a charm. I have a sony digital camera
which is pretty compact and handy
when you don't want to lug a huge
dslr around ^^ and we have an instax
mini that shoots really lovely things
;D I have a few polaroids as well but
film is really hard to come by. plus,
it's really expensive ):

Anonymous said...

i'm a nikon girl and i love my dslr! i have an older model d50 that i think takes rockin' pics. ;)

i love the continuous shoot mode.

Camille said...

I recently graduated from a Nikon CoolPix (yes, a purple one that fits in the pocket and doesn't click, click, click) to a Canon x1i and I love it! I found it in a neat little package deal at Costco (extra zoom lens, larger SD card, and bag) for a reasonable price.

Jules said...

I'm a Nikon girl. I use a Nikon D60 and love it!

Jordan and Jandee said...

If you are looking for a nice non-pro SLR, I would highly recommend the Canon T1i, but I would definitely follow Hannah's advice and just buy the body (I think its about $620 on Amazon) and then get a nicer lens than the kit lens (preferable one that has a fixed aperture).....however that being said if you are just going to shoot in auto you may be paying for a lot of features that you will never use by buying an SLR. I recently purchased the Canon PowerShot SD780IS for my husband (who will not touch my Canon Mark II with a ten foot pole). I've been super impressed with how awesome this point 'n shoot is and it is literally tiny, much easier than lugging around an SLR. It also takes great HD videos (better than the flip) which is really nice for capturing impromptu fun things my toddler does, so if you are interested in another point 'n shoot I'd steer you in that direction.

Unknown said...

We bought a rebel T1i in December, and LOVE it. We would really like a wide angle lens, as the kit lens isn't awesome, but it's still WAY better than my point and shoot!

jenn (+ will) said...

i shoot with the canon 5d professionally. but i started with the rebel. and i think you should definitely get one! you'll be blown away by the rebel. and by getting a DSLR over a point & shoot, you'll not only get better pictures, you'll be able to buy better lenses in the future if you decide to (ie, when you are over the kit lens, you should get the 50 1.8 for around only $100). happy hunting!!!

k. said...

The Rebel really is a small camera. It's not as big as everyone makes it out to be. :) If you want an DSLR, it's a great place to start - especially the new model that shoots HD video (although it's admittedly a little tricky to use w. manual focusing, etc). Anyway - I used one for several year (the XSi & the XTi) & loved both. 98% of amateur photographers do really well with a Rebel.

I'd love to get my hands on a Canon G11 - it offers similar manual controls as a DSLR but is almost pocket-sized. I think it's great.

I currently use a Canon 5D Mark II (but it's big!!) & also play with my Polaroid + Fuji Instax on occasion.

Good luck!

Abby said...

In Jake's short little life we have owned a Rebel, a nikon, the rebel again, and now we are usin the canon G11 (or G10 I can't remember).

I think this all depends on what you really want out of your camera. The Rebel for us was too big and bulky, so we didn't use it as much as we thought. That being said it does take amazing pictures. I agree with the others about the lens it comes with, it doesn't zoom well which is really annoying.

The Canon G11/10 takes amazing pictures also. I love this camera cause its so small and I actually take it with me. I haven't tried the click click click on it, but I'm sure it has it. (I'll bring it to dinner on Saturday you can play around with it).

We didn't love the Nikon, didn't take great pictures (it was a point and shoot).

Hope that helps. Love my canon!

Unknown said...

Another Canon Rebel girl here! I love my xsi (upgraded from the canon powershot in Oct). I'm really happy with both cameras. I keep the point in shoot for quick, easy snapshots, and bring the bigger camera for events, travel, etc because I find that the dslr can be a bit cumbersome in certain situations.

I also second the comments that the kit lens sucks and you may find that you'll want another lens really quickly once you realize the limits of the lens that's included with it.

Good luck with the shopping!

jularun7 said...

If you're going to go the Canon DSLR route, I might recommend the T2i (or T1i) for it's HD video capabilities ... :) Grab the 50mm f/1.8 and you are SET! :)

Vanessa said...

I'm a photographer and use Nikon's and love them... a good entry level model would be D5000 or D90. You can't go wrong with either Nikon or Canon in my opinion! Happy shopping!

Anonymous said...

i think half your readers will say nikon and the other half will say canon. i am personally a canon gal and have been for years (back with film slrs). but the best article i have read to help you decided the best camera for you is http://photo.tutsplus.com/articles/the-ultimate-guide-for-buying-your-first-digital-slr/

good luck with finding a new one and farewell to the old!

Ashley said...

I have a Canon 20d and 40d and love them both. heck out this helpful link about cameras and lenses from Karen Russell. She is an expert in this area. She has used both Nikon and Canon and compares them by each model.


Marne said...

I have a Canon Rebel T1i like some other commentors and I love it as well! It is my first DSLR though so I have nothing to compare it to. I LOVE IT.

If you are looking for a good point and shoot I have loved my Casio EX-Z850. For a point and shoot it is actually fast. Plus you can do some aperture/ISO manipulation on it as well.

Good luck hunting! When I have been on the lookout for a new camera I have loved this website and found it very helpful:


Daisy said...

Knowing your love for beautiful things and capturing beautiful things, don't question getting a DSLR, you'll never regret it! I'm a Nikon fan and have been shooting with a D50 for 4 years now. It has been a great starter camera and I've transitioned from Auto to manual and am loving it.

If I were in your shoes, I'd purchase the D90 - it has more focal points and great HD video as well.

And I second the comment on the lens matters. If you can scrap the kit lens and go with Nikkor glass, it makes all the difference.

Dana said...

After stressing over the choice for months I finally sucked it up and picked one and I am so happy I did. My nikon d90 is perfect for chasing 3 kiddos around and a dog.
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

marta, i use a canon rebel xs & love it! it is for beginners, but i think the pictures can also turn out quite professional-looking with a little bit of practice. a lot people think i use a much more expensive camera. you should totally go for it!

Sarah said...

If I were you I'd pick the top left camera. Yum.
I don't have a SLR - but I love my point and shoot - it is the Canon G9 - has some SLR features (shooting with manual settings, etc), but is nice and compact.

Johnna Riddell said...


I am about to sing the praises of my ultimate, wonderful, perfect camera...

I got the Rebel Xsi last February, but I dreamed of owning it for a year or so. It's perfect. Really.

The kit lens is really capable, it's a great bargain and extremely user friendly. I am amazed at the control I have and at the same time, it isn't overwhelming. You can really ease into it. Start on auto, and then move to P, and just work your way around. It's really easy to set the iso and a good weight. I am so happy with it!! And I think you or anyone else would be.

I actually shot my Brother in Law's wedding with it! :) And I do a lot of real life snaps, and some set ups of the kiddos.


Good luck picking, and I adore that camera cake!!

Alicia said...

I'm probably going to sound like a dork but... We've been camera shopping for me and chose an Olympus, the 'pen' epl-1 or some such. It's a combo of point and shhot and dslr. You can buy interchangable lenses, but it also has a lot of built in features and settings like a point and shoot. I know there are nicer ones out there, but I am choosing that one, partly for features and partly for price ($600 and includes a good all around lense)

amy said...

I consider myself an amateur photographer and I've been very happy with the results I get using my Nikon D60. I'm not sure what you're looking to spend but I did a ton of research and found an incredible deal on Amazon. Have fun getting to know your new camera - looking forward to finding out what you decide.

Kari said...

Click, click, click, eh? You need a Nikon. Many friends have Canons and they all ooh and aah over the "satisfying" click of my Nikon. They're all good. The D40 is a good place to start.

Ashley said...

There are so many great choices! I shoot with a Nikon D700 (and an ol' Nikkormat film camera), and I really love it. But it's intimidating, and it's heavy-duty, I think. I've been really impressed by Nikon's D5000... video capabilities are so cool! I wish my camera had those. The rebel is a good choice, too, but like the others said: with any of these choices, scrap the kit lens and get something a little more standard, like a good zoom lens or standard lens like 50 mm f/2 or something like that (the glass is better on these than a typical kit lens, and you'll get stunning results).

Sorry for such a long comment! And sorry to hear about your camera... best of luck picking one out.

Amber, theAmberShow said...

There are 2 main kinds of consumer cameras: point-and-shoot and SLRs.

The Rebel is Canon's base-model digital SLR.

The G10 and G11 are Canon's best point-and-shoots.

The G10 and G11 and the Rebel are TOTALLY different animals!

[This sounds rude, but I don't mean it to be] If you don't know the difference, get the G11.

I'm going to bet you'll be thrilled.

Good luck!

Sarah said...

My sister got the Nikon d5000 and absolutely adores it. I have a Canon T1i, and it's a really good camera, too. Of course, I just use my point and shoot fairly often, too. I'd probably get a panasonic, though, if I were getting a point and shoot again (i think mine is now 4+ years old and only has 6 mp!). Definitely look at the DMC-FZ35. Lumix glass is awesome. Really snazzy? The gf1. Also expensive, though! Anyhow, just saying don't discount Panasonic because it isn't Canon or Nikon. Also, I took some great photos with a Pentax dSLR. Feels sturdier than my Canon, too. I think it was a K20, but K-7 is the new model.

Good luck!

Our Little Beehive said...

Nikon D80 and I love it!

ls said...

i used a film nikon SLR back in the day, so when it came time to buy a dSLR, i naturally gravitated to a nikon because it was familiar. i use a nikon d90, usually with the nikkor 18-105 lens, and i love it so SO much. i pop on the nikkor 55mm (f1.8) when i am wanting close up shots of my babies or if the light is low. you will never regret investing in a dSLR. i kept my (nice) canon point and shoot thinking i would want to use it for little jaunts when i didn't want to haul the dSLR, but once i started using the d90 it felt like a crime to go back to point and shoot. i have compared nikons and canons, and though i think canons take amazing pictures (every bit as good as nikons), i just liked the feel of the nikon body in my hand better. it (along with the nikkor lenses) feels more substantial and well made to me. i also think the click click is better on the nikon :). but i am sure you can't really go wrong either way. try a few out. good luck!

kate reymann said...

I will agree with ls (and others if they have said it) the Nikon just felt right in my hands. I have the D5000, not as fancy as the D90 but it is enough camera to take some amazing photos. I am constantly incredulous at the quality of what shows up on my computer screen. I, untalented, untrained Kate, took those? We got the kit lens and then splurged a little more and got the 35mm, which is what I use 90% of the time.

The whole kitten kaboodle cost us around $900 here in Salt Lake at Pictureline, which I cannot recommend highly enough. Wonderful staff, great selection, totally no pressure buying situation.

Good luck!

Oh, and yes, this camera goes click click click so fast you feel like a total pro.

AmandaB. said...

Have you heard the song "Click Click Click" by Bishop Allen? Excellent.

Shanley said...

i accidentally kicked my camera off my bed. needless to say, it's broken. heading out to africa for the summer and ABSOLUTELY needing a new camera. i'm going to come back and read all your recommendations! hope your weekend is fabulous.

Kayla said...

I have the Canon Rebel XTi but since it is outdated by now, I'd recommend getting the XSi. (:

elizabeth rosemond said...

I have the rebel and LOVE it! the best $$ we ever spent. and the click, click click? icing on the cake!!

good luck :)

the whyte house said...

i bought a used rebel xti from a friend this year. i'd recommend a
t1i if you can swing it. it has video on it! :) i have the kit lens and a telephoto lens(50mm-200mm), but my fave is my 50mm f/1.8 lens. i use it A LOT. $100 on adorama.com. check out cameras on that site, too. their site and i are very good friends now. nikons are great, too, but there are more lenses available for canon cameras.

good luck!!

Leah said...

whoa lots of rebel recommendations! i bought the canon s90 a few months ago and can't say enough good things about it. it's a point and shoot, but a very VERY good point and shoot. offers a lot of manual controls, if you're into that kind of thing, and takes fantastic pictures. and fits easily into your pocket, no extra bags required. check it out!

Becca said...

Oh how sad that your camera is on the fritz!! That is heartbreaking .. I hope you are able to find a new one soon.

I love, love my canon 7d! :)

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