how-to pack a car safety kit
by kami of
Hi there Marta Writes fans! I was so happy to be invited to be a part of Marta's How-To series.
To be honest, it was hard for me to pick which How-To to share. I couldn't decide between:
How-To pretend like you are running when you really tripped
How-To give a back handed compliment
How-To Pack a Car Safety Kit
I ended up going with the not so visually appealing but good info to know option (I didn't want to share all of my secrets). So here it is, the Car Safety Kit. With road trip season in full swing, I thought this was a good one to share. All items are listed below:

01. Old towels: great to have on hand to soak up blood
or for a last minute swing through the car wash
02. Ice & Snow Scraper
03. Water! 2 gallon container (refill with fresh water at least every 6 months)
04. Antibacterial Wipes
05. Small Fire Extinguisher
06. Small backpack filled with necessities (listed below)
in case you need to travel away from your car
07. Small blanket with water proof backing
08. Road Flares
09. Hiking water bottle with head lamp inside
10. First Aid Kit
11. Bungee Cords
12. Hand cranked FM/AM Radio

Inside the small backpack:
01. The backpack
02. Ponchos (enough for each person in your family)
03. Emergency Survival Blanket
04. Emergency Food Rations
05. Wet Wipes
06. Small First Aid Kit
07. Coin Change/ or cash for making a phone call
08. Tissues
09. Water
10. Light Sticks
11. Granola Bar
12. Hand Warmers

1. Reuseable cloth grocery bags
2. Plastic Produce bags: great for dirty clothes or cleaning up after your dog
3. Large Light weight canvas bag to pack all the Car Safety Kit items in
This Car Safety Kit is great to always have with you. You just never know when you might need it.
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." - John Wooden
Hi there Marta Writes fans! I was so happy to be invited to be a part of Marta's How-To series.
To be honest, it was hard for me to pick which How-To to share. I couldn't decide between:
How-To pretend like you are running when you really tripped
How-To give a back handed compliment
How-To Pack a Car Safety Kit
I ended up going with the not so visually appealing but good info to know option (I didn't want to share all of my secrets). So here it is, the Car Safety Kit. With road trip season in full swing, I thought this was a good one to share. All items are listed below:
01. Old towels: great to have on hand to soak up blood
or for a last minute swing through the car wash
02. Ice & Snow Scraper
03. Water! 2 gallon container (refill with fresh water at least every 6 months)
04. Antibacterial Wipes
05. Small Fire Extinguisher
06. Small backpack filled with necessities (listed below)
in case you need to travel away from your car
07. Small blanket with water proof backing
08. Road Flares
09. Hiking water bottle with head lamp inside
10. First Aid Kit
11. Bungee Cords
12. Hand cranked FM/AM Radio
Inside the small backpack:
01. The backpack
02. Ponchos (enough for each person in your family)
03. Emergency Survival Blanket
04. Emergency Food Rations
05. Wet Wipes
06. Small First Aid Kit
07. Coin Change/ or cash for making a phone call
08. Tissues
09. Water
10. Light Sticks
11. Granola Bar
12. Hand Warmers
1. Reuseable cloth grocery bags
2. Plastic Produce bags: great for dirty clothes or cleaning up after your dog
3. Large Light weight canvas bag to pack all the Car Safety Kit items in
This Car Safety Kit is great to always have with you. You just never know when you might need it.
the how-to series was created to encourage confidence in the creativity and skills we have to offer. to focus on what we can do rather than what we can't. i am excited to showcase your talents and unique ideas. if you have a specialty (and i know you do), please submit your how-to guest post by emailing me. marta{at}martawrites{dot}com. i will be delighted to feature your how-to in the future.
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." - John Wooden
What? No jumper cables on the list? You must drive a very reliable car, because I never leave home without cables! :) You never know...also, I'm heading to NYC this weekend...I think you need a "special" list for an NYC road kit! LOL
Thanks for the how-to! I'm a huge emergency-prep fan, and I always love a thorough list. This looks like one to implement.
great, great list! but I agree about the jumper cables ... I have needed them way too many times (or have had to share them with someone in need) to not have them in my car!
Agreed, ladies! How'd I leave that one off the list?! I guess I figured that one is just always in your car. Oops.
Thank you, Marta for inviting me to be a part of this fun series!
This is WONDERFUL! Thank you so much for taking the time to share (and show pictures).
You had me at "to soak up blood." Gracias.
This is so helpful! We dont have most of these emergency supplies in either of our cars - we better get on it!
to add to this great list, we always keep a roll of small plastic garbage bags on hand. we have had kids puke more times than we care to count and if you are traveling, it starts to smell... really bad. so stuffing all the nasty clothes, shoes, etc. into a bag helps.
Thank you for sharing! I've been wanting to put together a box for my van but just didn't know where to start
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