24 November 2010

thanksgiving plans & rolo turtle sweets

i am guest posting on simply modern mom today with my favorite new sweet recipe that literally takes seconds to assemble. rolo turtle candies. in fact, i'm taking the supplies on the road for my edition of show and tell with dan's family this weekend. enjoy.

thank you, tiffany for including these tasty treats on your blog!

wishing you a safe and happy thanksgiving! even though we are a bit snowed in, we plan to brave the storm and head to sun valley. we might be ice skating there. the high temperature there is currently 2 degrees!! i plan on living in my darn tough socks and cozying up to the fireplace. it will be fun to have the perfect excuse to stay inside all weekend. of course i know dan will bring up the grand plan for going on our traditional thanksgiving day mini hike. we do this every thanksgiving and christmas, no matter what the weather! it's always so fun to stretch our legs a bit for the upcoming feast. later, i will totally make dan's family watch the taylor swift special with me on thanksgiving night! 

am fondly remembering our own thanksgiving meal from last year. i love mixing it up with holiday traditions, last year was intimate and low key. what a fun experience it was to make a turkey ourselves. wishing you first-time-turkey cooks lots of luck in your kitchen. wear an apron and turn on the tunes! i swear by brining the bird, just like my dad does. it makes the juiciest turkey. i have answered a few questions (along with some turkey bird tips) on formspring, so click over if you want to know the skinny.

one more thing. if you are driving this weekend, refer to this how-to post to create a car survival kit! furthermore, my goal this weekend is to take some time and write my grateful list in a journal. i have been lacking in real writing and think it's the least i can do to celebrate this heartfelt holiday. posts are scheduled until i return next week with a snowy holiday recap! 

p.s. don't forget the cranberry sauce or olives, like i did last year.


ashley sullivan said...

happy thanksgiving to you, miss marta! i'm a bit envious of your impending blizzard... the cold still has not arrived to us!

Melissa A said...

Yummm! I'm adding this to my list to make. Happy Thanksgiving Marta. We are enjoying the snow here in Washington, same as you. Praying safe travel for you and your family.

{kate} said...

when we make these we drizzle them with white chocolate - it looks so festive!
happy thanksgiving!

Erin {pughs' news} said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Marta! Hope it's wonderful.

Beatnheart said...

lookin good gotta try those sweets happy thanks!

Anonymous said...

Please have a great Thanksgiving. Be safe in your travels. Relax and enjoy time with your family. We will visit when you get back. Have a G-R-E-A-T Thanksgiving. Give that little one a big hug from us.

[eeny] said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Marta.
Enjoy the time with your family.

Melissa A said...

Just wanted to let you know these are the best. I made them twice for family over the Thanksgiving weekend and they were gobbled up so fast and everyone wanted to know how I made them. This is one of the easiest and best recipes ever. I'm not too much into cooking, but if it is easy and good then it's in my recipe box. I'm planning on making more for Christmas gifts. thanks Marta!

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