15 November 2010

thanksgiving snack mix and printable

find me at no biggie today guest posting with a dollar download and thanksgiving snack mix recipe. watch your friends gobble it up this holiday. thank you, kami for letting me crash your blog!

Buy Now

on a tangent.
in spite of my giddiness for pulling out a roll of tiffany blue snowflake wrapping paper this weekend, i am still very much looking forward to thanksgiving and all the festivities, downtime, and eating that goes along with it.

i am not one to say that getting pumped for christmas means i'm doing thanksgiving a disservice. no way. i am feeling in the spirit of things for all the holidays from here on out. even the ones i don't take part in celebrating, i'm just happy about this time of year. there is this bubbling buzz happening, i love it. i even did some wrapping and movie watching. i love wrapping gifts early enough so that even i am a little surprised when they are opened.

saturday i got out and about and crossed a few big things off my list. this is totally not-typically me. there i was, at toys-r-us browsing the aisles, wondering what santa might bring. i avoid that store like the plague all year long but it felt almost merry-like seeing all the shoppers, their loot, and frenzy of coupons clipped together. i saw four women with heaping carts discussing what typical six year olds like and then, after agreeing, loading up on buzz lightyears and cupcake makers. they were obviously donating the toys and it made me smile. i scored the last set of play pots and pans, in red. which also made me smile. even though they are mini sized, they look nicer than the real set in my kitchen.

i also met a blog pal at target. (thank you for saying hello, lauren.) yay for bumping into bloggers in real life! and hip hip for plastic produce in the dollar aisle. i fell back into childhood eyeing the plastic lemons, hot dogs, bunches of purple grapes and tiny boxes of make-believe cereal. i'm seriously excited about filling up his stocking with this stuff!

happy snack-making and holiday prepping.

coming up...
• i have a big deadline soon, wish me luck (and lots of productivity).
•  a giveaway from the mini mart shop.
• a thanksgiving storybook and favorite advent tradition.
• another informative & fun how-to post goes live tomorrow.
• more holiday inspiration from my christmas binder.
• your thankful thoughts featured right here with project: thankful.


jeanette from everton terrace said...

That snack mix looks yum but too full of gluten for me. Though that might be the best treat for me to make friends because I wouldn't be tempted to nibble. Good Luck on your deadline!

Jordan and Jandee said...

If you are looking at getting kitchen stuff for you little boy, they have the cutest fabric food at Ikea, here are the veggies: http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/70185750
I had not known Ikea made these until I found them there once, but I think they are so darling and a major bargain.

Marisa said...

Oh yes...holidays are much more fun with little ones. :) Enjoy!

Gibbles N Bit said...

Saying hi to you at Target was one of the hi-lights of my weekend. My advent calender is coming along nicely. I'll send you pics or a link to my blog when I'm done with it.

kami @ nobiggie.net said...

Thank you Marta for sharing your darling post on my blog today.

I was recently considering selling our Dora kitchen (it's plastic and rather ug.. if you know what I mean). Maybe I will bring it upstairs. I bet Aiden will like it.

Little kitchens are fun, he will love it!

Thanks again Marta! <3

chloecolette said...
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chloe said...

thank you for the freebie marta- cant wait to wrap up some holiday gifts

Lizzie - The Dancing Toad Blog said...

Thank you for your fun blog. I really love it. So much.

Travelin'Oma said...

I went to Toys-r-us, too, and felt like a 5-year-old. I just went from aisle to aisle wanting it all. An eighty year old lady (she told me) was pushing TWO carts full of cool stuff for all her great grandkids. (I bought some ABC magnets.)

Cassie said...

I love that first look around at a big store for Christmas ideas, it always makes me giddy!

Once we get to November it is never too early to think Christmas!


Nancy said...

just found you. like what i see.

i have this same recipe for fall snack mix. i made a batch this past weekend, bagged it up and handed it out to friends/neighbors. love this stuff.

Unknown said...

Nice Post~ i love it~

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