26 March 2011

fifteen fill-ins | guest post by stephanie | nie nie dialogues

fifteen fill-in-the-blanks by the amazing stephanie of nie nie dialogues. stephanie is the one you look forward to reading about; what her cute kiddos say, her real life snapshots, what they're cookin' for dinner, her day to day recoveries and funny stories. her optimism about life and gratitude for God sinks into my soul whenever i click onto her website. she kindly filled in the blanks while i'm saying my goodbyes and boarding a flight, toddler in tow. 

:: no matter what mood i'm in, i can always go for a: Dr. Pepper, good cheese and crackers.

:: my favorite go-to outfit would have to be: Loose short skirt, leggins, boots and long shirt.

:: a good source of inspiration is: Anything on ETSY and this talk.

:: am so glad my parents taught me: To understand that everyone is different, and we all come from different backgrounds. I was always taught to include everyone, be confident and to know when to be a strong girl or a feminine lady.

:: a song i like to dance to is: Katy Perry's Firework.

:: i wish everyone knew about: How to use and make Letterpress cards, announcements, etc.

:: the best thing in my makeup bag is: MAC lush mascara in black black.

:: my dream spring break vacation spot is: skiing in Germany with my husband.

:: this may be a surprise, but i am passionate about: beautiful flowers on my dining room table. Motherhood.

:: a favorite book that changed me for the better:
The Book of Mormon of course, but also I love the book These Is My Words.

:: one of my pet peeves is
: anything stinky. I hate gross smells-especially when I am in a public place.

:: my favorite daily ritual would have to be
: getting in the hot tub then watching a movie (in bed) with Mr. Nielson with a nice big bowl of Mini Wheats.

:: i am trying to be better at
: running (exercising in general), knitting, and yoga.

:: the most recent rad thing i found online was
: this sofa that I want.

:: i can't live without
: My husband, Christian.


Shorty said...

What awesome questions and answers! I'm also inspired by Nie each time I visit her blog. Her words have helped me get more in touch with so many deeper levels within myself since I first read about her in 2008. Thanks for having Nie as a guest and thanks to Nie and her family for being such a blessing in so many lives!

Melissa said...

Yay Stephanie! I am also inspired by her tenacity and love of God and family. I think of her often when I am at a low point in my day, and these thoughts help pull me out and get my rear back to living in gratitude. :)

carina said...

i just adore this series and am smitten that nie nie answered: "How to use and make Letterpress cards, announcements, etc." when posed the question: "i wish everyone knew about..."

my business is being a champion for independent stationers and amazing designers, so her answer makes me heart sing!

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