25 August 2011

today you are three.

today you are three. you are enthusiastic about life and continue to fill our lives with joy. we are so in love with you. i'm grateful you show us what life is truly about. you have a mighty big heart and a fierce sense of loyalty. you make friends easily and find life mostly rosy. you love your teddy and want me to snuggle him while you are busy playing, just one example of your kind heart.

this year has been full of adventures; from hospital stays to finding a new home. i often thank you for being so flexible and you always ask, what's flexible? i chuckle a little and feel glad that i get to explain new words to you. you've learned so many in the past six months; what big (dinosaur) steps you've taken in one year! you also know about good manners, pushing elevator buttons, blowing bubbles, asking for a couple more minutes to play, whispering in church (trying to at least), telling me which foods you like and which ones you don't like. you notice a car / truck / bus / train from miles away. you tell me about the strangers you spy; i see a construction worker. you keep the world new (and bright). you are curious and thoughtful and sweet and wonderful. my heart holds yours. happy birthday.

in related news // last night we headed into the mountains for a family photo shoot with blue lily photography. what fun we had together. i can't wait to see the shots they took. benji thought it was a birthday party for him; games and a make-shift tent included! dan said the family photo session was way better than he imagined. tyler and wendy laughed and agreed; family photo shoots should be short and sweet (and fun)! we headed home and as benji noticed the moonlit sky (he loves telling me if the sun is up or if the sun is down) he requested a bedtime snack. thus the birthday banana splits were born; a new tradition for the eve of birthdays.

i've decided one of the best parts of being a mom is declaring something a tradition. family traditions are my fave. off to make some happy birthday memories at the pool. we're having a very basic birthday party with the grandparents tonight. i'm excited. but what's even more awesome is how excited benji is.

// a few archived birthday links
+ last year's birthday on the playground: here and here.
+ the birthday box is so handy for special occasions like today.
+ still my favorite birthday wreath (still haven't attempted it yet).
+ benji's first party; all the little guests tried to eat rocks.
+ create your own celebrate party banner (so glad it's laminated).


Anonymous said...

What a darling, sweet-natured little boy Benji is. And how lucky to have you as his mama making life so special. How time surely does fly. I can remember reading posts when you were pregnant with him. Enjoy the day and wishing Benji a great big Happy Birthday and wonderful year ahead!

[eeny] said...

Sounds like a great new tradition.
benji is so adorable. and the way you write about him is just wonderful.

Happy birthday to benji.

PS: can't wait to see some of the family pictures. sounds like a great set up in the mountains.

Dansie Family said...

happy birthday benji! james just informed me he wishes we lived with benji.

Hil said...

A big happy birthday to Benji boy. I can't believe he is 3! I hope you all have a wonderful day spoiling the cute little guy.

I can not wait to see your family pictures!!

ellen said...

happy b-day benj. too bad they don't make a $3 bill. :)

whit said...

Happy Birthday Benj!!! I love that little man and I love this post..call me and tell me every detail about the photoshoot!!

quilter5706 said...

Happy Birthday to Benji. Hard to believe that he is 3. Please give him a big Birthday wish from Scott and Ronda.

Can't wait to see the family pictures.

{amy k.} said...

LOVE the new tradition. might have to adopt that one myself!

can't wait to see the photos, they sound fabulous!

marilu said...

I can't believe it has been three years ! I have been reading your blog since you where expecting him.

how awesome

Destri said...

Happy Birthday Benji!
I love traditions too, and find just about any excuse to make a new one. shall have to borrow this one!

Christie said...

Beautiful words, mama. What a special boy you've got there. Hug him tight from his Auntie Stie. Miss you tons!

Erin {pughs' news} said...

I remember last year's post clearly. Has an entire year flown by again already?

Happy Birthday to Benji!

I can't wait to see the Blue Lily photos... I bet they are FAB.

talesofahummingbird said...

oh what a lovely little captured moment - i love that you snapped up the perfect image of his 3rd birthday and the little-big-boy that he is. thanks for sharing him with us on his big day!

Tracey said...

MARTA! You HAVE to make the birthday wreath! It's SO simply and easy! Enroll your favorite neices and nephews to help out like I did and you'll be done in no time. And EVERYONE enjoys it! I actually made it for the next birthday that came after your blog post. And don't regret a single minute of it! Congrats on being a mom to a 3 year old. As a mom of 3 kids (aged 5, 3 and 1), I know first hand 3 is awesome. ENJOY! It only gets better!

Cassie said...

Oh how your little boy has grown and how very quickly the past year has flown by!

Happy Birthday Benji!


Amanda said...

Happy belated birthday, Benji!

I can't wait to make traditions with my family (in the probably very distant future)!

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