recently / february
+ rifle paper co. calendar. (on sale right now!)
+ our hutch all heart attacked for valentine's.
+ the heart wreath i made up with the contents of my ribbon stash.
+ my favorite spot for reading; day or night.
+ carriages for lovebirds all lined up on temple square valentine's night.
+ the perfect chevron quilt for the aqua studio. i absolutely love it. thanks abby!
+ orla kiely pencils make me entirely happy. thanks suz!
+ a fancy salad from pizzeria 712. the start of our food frenzy of sista weekend 2012.
+ i brought jars of homemade salt scrub for the ladies; we stayed in for a spahhh party.
+ chit chat into the wee hours with a surprise baby shower / birthday party too. with heidi's lemon angel food cake. just the beginning of a weekend full of amazing sweets.
+ we dined at communal in provo for dinner one night and were all oohing and ahhing over every single dish. (not pictured.) i love sharing food and drawing out a long dinner. it was so awesome to eat at 'local favorites' (thanks to the suggestions of dear internet friends).
+ the rest of the photos are from our last stop before shopping the boutique scene. we headed to the chocolate, a dessert cafe in orem and happily passed plates and forks around. everyone took a little something sweet to their husbands at home too. it was an unforgettable weekend. i'm so grateful for family.
p.s. thank you so much for the warm, happy encouraging comments on our baby announcement. we are so thrilled. telling all of you feels like it's officially official. benji and i heard the baby's heartbeat again yesterday at the doctor's and all is well. hooray. more baby love soon.
Adorable. Felt like a cozy hug as I scrolled through. I love the "Heart Attached" hutch, what a cute cake platter in there :) Congratulations on your new baby on the way!
I'm so glad you liked The Communal and The Chocolate. I always worry giving recommendations; but I'm glad you enjoyed some of our favorites.
Your home looks so festive!
i love that quilt! and the mug for your pencils is so charming.
still so happy for you. looks like you're surrounded by love.
Two of my favorite eateries are P712 and Communal. You need to make your way to Utah County more often- I'd be happy to meet you for lunch. :) I am envious of the sisters getaway but was lucky enough to enjoy one with my bff a few weeks ago- heavenly! Can't wait for more baby love posts- I'll be 24 weeks tomorrow and love the chance to talk baby-things with willing listeners.
I'm so ELATED for you Marta! I remember reading about your loss and teared up last night when I read your good news. You're an amazing mommy and I'm just CERTAIN that Benji will be a fantastic big brother! xoxo
Wow Marta, congratulations!! I just read the awesome news!!! I am so happy for you and your growing family. I am really looking forward to following your pregnancy.
xoxo Dawn
that quilt is amazing.
communal is so, so good. i wish i could afford to go there more often but it serves us well as a "special occasion" kind of place.
i love the half chocolate chip/half peanut butter cazookie at the chocolate. i've actually been thinking of it all day.
lovin' the heart garland, so adorable! thanks for giving us a little peek into your cozy home.
and now, i must find some delicious baked good to eat because my mouth is watering....
How did I miss this annoucement?!?!?!? CONGRATS!!! So excited for you and your family! When are you due??? Are you going to find out what you are having???
The picture of Temple Square is beautiful!!
Thank you for posting the tip about the Rifle Paper Co sale! I'd been wishing for a calendar for a while, but seeing it at 50% made me take the leap (even if it is now the end of February) :)
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