21 January 2013

thoughts on making an imprint.

image source // photography by maree turner.

these days i can't stop from thinking about the impression one can make. the lasting imprint that one life can create. the ripple effect; the story that your life tells. the unfolding of all of your flaws and goodness and the habits and small wrinkles and dimples–in character and appearance–that make you you. the small details that weave you into the person you have become. then there are the colorful sparks that connect you to others and suddenly make you fall for someone. not just in a lover, but a dear friend too. the awesome magic that makes two people click and just get each other (don't you love that!?). the commonalities and differences and moments that you are there for each other. the memories that you never forget. the times that cement two friends into friends for life. even if you just know each other for a season. it's the magic that was meant for that season and you never forget them. and you have this understanding: we knew each other then–our lives have moved on–but our friendship remains.

i've been contemplating what i've taken from my past and how i am shaped by who i've been connected with. i then carry the wonder of what i'm creating for my future. who i am and what i'm adding to the people in my life. what imprint am i leaving on those around me? and more importantly, is it a good one? is it an impression that will last? does what i do count? these thoughts motivate me to make moments matter.

a tragedy has befallen my friend and my heart is going out to her. it is one of those times where you feel helpless when you so badly wish you could be helpful. if nothing else, my prayers are full of her and i am reminded once again to love the nitty gritty of life. to love the wet shoes piled on the rug by the back door. the legos and the laundry. the warm bodies who land softly and surround me in my bed in the morning hours. i am reminded to love deeper and say what i mean and mean what i say and let grudges go and forgive freely. to make more pancakes. to text funny hellos and scrawl mirrored notes with lipstick. to not hesitate when i feel an urge to do something nice for someone else.

i've been reflecting on how fragile life is. how can i squeeze the most out of the opportunities i've been blessed with? how can i shine right where i am? how can i make life brighter for those who know me? i am inspired to leave an impression. to be the me that i want to be and to try to bring out the best in others. to start a revolution of loveliness in my own home. today i held my boys in my lap, rubbing their soft hair and smoothing their angel cheeks and listening to their honey-laden voices and watching them with more intensity than usual. my amazement directed at their growth and strength and innocence and potential(!!!). what a gift it is to be a mother. to be their mother. not to forget, to be a wife. a wife to my best friend. (what a joy. i have the best job on earth.) i can't help but wonder, what will they remember? and what is it that i am giving to them in my daily living–my attitude, my language, my touches, my praises–as a lasting impression for them to hold onto. it's good for me to set aside the stuff that doesn't matter much to pause and contemplate what does.

your days make up your life.
live them well.


Julia at Calm Cradle said...

Beautiful thoughts, Marta. Thank you for the inspiration!

Hil said...

You will never know the impact you have had on my life, for the good. You are such a dear friend and have inspired me to be a better friend to those around me. I too have been thinking of your friend and keeping her in my prayers. Life is very fragile, which gives us even more reason to make it beautiful! I love those last lines Marta. Thanks for the motivation to do some good today!

tawnya said...

Hm. A tragedy has befallen a friend of a friend and, given our proximity, I can't help but wonder if it's one and the same. Life is just seeming...fragile and precious lately. Of great reflect. I need to sort it all through my head!

Amanda said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for this timely reminder, Marta. I've been thinking things along these very lines lately.

I sent a long note to a friend just yesterday with a sentiment similar to this:

"the commonalities and differences and moments that you are there for each other. the memories that you never forget. the times that cement two friends into friends for life. even if you just know each other for a season. it's the magic that was meant for that season and you never forget them. and you have this understanding: we knew each other then–our lives have moved on–but our friendship remains."

Travelin'Oma said...

Your writing is so lovely.

Melissa said...

I really loved your post. I've been thinking a lot about the very same things, but your words expressed my thoughts more beautifully than I ever could. I'm am energized by your commitment to live more fully; I'm sad that I get off course and forget to do that. Sometimes I cannot, but more and more as I am getting older, I see the importance of those connections and the impressions I will leave. I want them to be good ones. I shared your post on my blog for my friends and family in hopes that your words will inspire them too. xoxo

Anonymous said...

What a beautifully crafted post. You have such a way of writing words that matter. We are all touched and inspired by your writing. Thank you for adding an extra helping of chicken soup for the soul today. You're the best. Ever.

Mills (héron + hibou) said...

Such inspiring writing, Marta. Thank you for sharing your beautiful words and sentiment.

Debie Grace said...

Thank you. Thank you for this reminder. I know sometimes life can be fast and you forget to just appreciate the things around you. I sometimes forget to appreciate other things and other people that make me think, at the end of the day, what impressions did I just give to the people I was with? I'm glad that most of the time, I end up smiling in bed and excited for another journey the next day. It's just amazing to live life that's full of good intentions. :)

Claire said...

I needed to read this this morning. Thank you for following your gut and writing what you know. I love that about you. Such beautiful thoughts to kick me into gear about unselfish things.

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