cup of liquid love: only the chocolate kind will do
there is nothing better than a mug of cocoa on a freezing/blustery morning. dan and i are what jer might say, "smitten" - and not just with each other. we are addicted to the 'bucks cho (starbucks hot chocolate). i mean not that we don't love the 7/11 cho. which is also high on our list. we aren't above the complete convenience store which gives you the ultimate choice: Pina Colada & Banana slurpee or hot chocolate? (i idle over the two while dan inevitably saunters over to the infamous 'cheeseburger hotdog'. which is about the most revolting thing you can imagine. my sister didn't believe such repulsion existed, so on the wedding day of pete + anna, right after the ceremony, dan decidedly took a sharp turn and into the Sev we went to rest his case. lucky for us the Dunford Chocolate Chocolate donuts were on special that blessid day, so we took advantage. while also giving me yet another opportunity to browse the glossy loves of my life; behold the magazine rack. i do prefer the endless lovely display at barnes and noble, but i can always find myself a browse-worthy winner, no matter where we are or what state i'm in. i am pretty easy to please when it comes to glossy pages.
so starbucks, it was dream because on every block in Orange County there is a starbucks luring you in. for instance, take the local albertsons a half block from our previous little flat. within that Albertsons is a friendly mini starbucks stand. though never appealing to me since it was smashed inside a grocery store, it must do amazing business with the bleach blondes who somehow have nothing else to do except for work out and since they are constantly working out, they must constantly wear their skimpy work out clothes, at all times. i guess that just goes without saying. anyway, i'd watch these types run in for organic snap peas and grab their 'bucks mocha latte and hurry out. no time, must hurry, hustle into the black bmw and get back to those free weights..
no no, dan and i prefer the freestanding starbucks shop and no, not the one in the parking lot of said Albertsons, that one was too crowded. yes, we prefer the one two mini malls south and four chevrons in between. the cho would be swirled, whirred, smoothed, whipped and ready - giving us the beverage of choice at the determinedly perfect temperature. oh, jason we miss you. you and your excellent service and your stellar faux-hawk.
I feel your pain...never in my life did I think I would effortlessly pay $5 for 2 ounces of pure chocolate heaven. NY has destroyed me!
I still prefer the 7-11 kind. That Starbucks cocoa is too rich for my bland taste. Though I do enjoy a grande, skinny-style steamed milk with a shot of vanilla, all sprinkled with nutmeg and cinnamon. I also enjoyed your too-cute narrative/review of chocolate liquid love.
hi miss marta!! well, really mrs. marta, but...:) how are you? i miss seeing your cute face! and i ABSOLUTELY LOVE your blog site...i have been on it for the past hour! i am currently in the big apple with jay! but i wanted to suggest delving into beans and brews hot cho!! it is awesome! i do, love love love the sev's and always will but sip on some hot cho from beans & brews!! we could go together:)
-jenny j
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