just a typical englandy day
have discovered something new thanks to this vast blogosphere. who knew i had so much in common with total strangers!?
in a strange way - sitting in my li'l studio alone with my mac, it feels not so alone with all of my new found friends. what great company you are. welcome, welcome.
in a strange way - sitting in my li'l studio alone with my mac, it feels not so alone with all of my new found friends. what great company you are. welcome, welcome.
venture on over across the seas for something better than a spot of tea. journey to such great sites. i love this londonrubbish photo blog and i know you'll like it too. meg seems to have a perky persona and a whole lotta fun. what an adventurous gal.
The cobblestones, the moss, the roofs, the misty sky...I see pictures like this and I can feel it...I want to breathe it in..."Oh to be in England now the summertime (anytime) is here."
Me too.
Hey Mart--we should go shoot photos together sometime.
Hi, Just a little note to thank you for stopping by my site Absolutely Beautiful Things and for your comment. I have enjoyed just now reading through your gorgeous site and I love in particular your recent Valentines Day post!! Hope to chat again.
Aahhh, to go abroad... what is it about January, February and March that just has me screaming, "Get me out of here!" If I got a telemarketing call today from Wisconsin - I think I might sign right up. Well, maybe not Wisconsin - I guess I'm looking for someplace a little more cheery than that. Is it hot in Kentucky? It's about time to push spring.
Love, Heed
thanks again for your kind words! don't you just love londonrubbish? so good. i really look forward to exploring your blog more this weekend when i've got time (just me and my coffee in the early hours of the morning). megxx
There's just something about England, not quite sure what it is, that just makes me long for it. As Shanna would say, 'Tres Charmant'!
Marta... so interesting how many people i find going through everyones blogs. i found you on marianne's site. i just thought i would quickly tell you i love your style, your so incredibly talented! and i have to say i am secretly in love with your husband just from your list you wrote about him. you can write girl! you inspired me to attemt to do the same for my husband. anyway, thought i would just say hi!
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