15 March 2007

follow your dreams

"Beyond living & dreaming
there is something more important:
waking up."
- Antonio Machado

sunny toile bedding in time for spring.
wake up to buttercup + cream every morning,
thanks to pottery barn.

1 comment:

kelly said...

I just love a pretty bed. I don't know why, it just seems to speak to me. In my effort to find "just the right" bedding I've had at least 4 different comforters in my five years of marriage. But I have to admit my obsession started long before that. My mom would be the first to tell you that I am difficult and peculiar about my bedding. I think I had a new bedspread every year of college. There are so simple to change... and voila! you have a entirely new look. I'd love it though, if my bed were made so perfectly every day. it would be a truly wonderous thing.

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