02 April 2007

button button who wants a button..

i appreciate all who have signed up so far for the first m. swap. it's quite exciting! and to answer your kind question, kat i actually don't mind the free Mellow Yellow Swap advertising! the more the merrier. like i said, you're all invited to sign up & thanks for spreading the word.
feel free to post this bitty swap button on your blog, if it suits your fancy.


ali said...

I want a button! Is there any coding I need to use to use this as an image link in my sidebar?

Um, I guess this is my reply too. Or I can go reply on the other one.

Sarah said...

Thanks Marta! I'm really excited about the swap. I'll post about it on my blog now. Cheers

marta said...

ali, you can either post it simply as picture or if you want it a link add an element to your side bar: html/java and it's a teeny bit more complex but you code it like a header.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and am LOVING it! I definitely want to participate - I'll email my details over now!

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