forever young
hold onto your flouncy hats girls, your new best friend has moved to town.
forever 21 is official here and (almost) open for spring shopping. me and em pressed our noses up to the glass today, while enjoying our free ice cream cones. (thanks for the reminder your heart out!) hooray, indeed the shop opens tomorrow, april 18th. dreamy, ain't it?!
lovely bright shoulder bags, bangles, espadrilles, dainty tops and trendy cheap thrills filled the clean and tidy white gallery space. i imagined what the same space will look like a week from now. but for today, it was pristine + pretty.
utah ladies, your favorite girlie girl store is up and runnin' at gateway. just in time for you to get your really really big sunglasses fix. enjoy. if you haven't noticed already, i must admit, i adore everything feminine, babydoll, floral, etc. this store is what dreams are made of. second best to h&m. cheap, hip and guilt free. mint chocolate chunk {free} ice cream + forever 21 = one very happy girlie girl. this is what i would have shoved into my cart if they had just let me in a day early.
such a guilty pleasure!
i'm SO jealous - everything is pretty + cheap, cheap, cheap (in a cost effective sense, not a tacky one!). I forced myself to stop looking as we don't have this shop in the UK + i was starting to get upset!
Happy shopping - you lucky girl!
we have a store here in Tampa called XXI Forever, {it's a bigger branch of Forever 21} and I sware, it's department store size. filled with inexpensive goodies.
This is the perfect post-pregnancy new wardrobe shop! I can't wait to go... with twin babies. (Everything sounds better when you add that phrase at the end of everything, doesn't it?) Mind you, I will get there - I've got to get me some of those "skinny jeans". They're the answer if you're trying to get back to that pre-pregnancy weight, right?
Hooray! I'm so excited! And Marta, I must say, your quote journals are wonderful. So so adorable. I am a fan of such things and I'm going to buy 2. (for now) :)
it's so easy to buy so much, when everything is so cheap... it's not a question of how much you spent, think of it more as, how much you saved.
I want these clothes only bigger, because my stomach and arms are bigger than I was pregnant with Whit!
I love F21 so so much. Here, the place is freakin' crazy with people and the lines to the dressing rooms wrap around the inside of the store. I never try on...just buy, buy, buy. And sometimes return.
I had no idea! I'm so excited about this. I have never bought anything there but have perused the website some. I am going there right away.
Love the bow clutch, perfect with the polka spotted dress and that sweater is the cutest one ever! Love it all. Do you think everyone can pull off the glasses? Not to be a bore, but I think they are better eyesight wise.
Hi Marta! I saw that you were featured on decor8, I was so excited for you. You make the most beautiful journals! I just wanted to comment on this post specifically because I used to work at F21's corporate headquarters as a graphic designer...and have since left after learning what a morally and socially irresponsible company it is, and all the questionable business practices and exploitation it engages in. So unfortunately it isn't guilt-free shopping...
I think you & I must have very similar taste. I make myself stay away from the F21 web site because I can easily buy everything from there.
Just as church and state must be separate, so should church and big commerce.
Check the bottom of the FOREVER 21 shopping bag. Always a Christian new testament bible verse reference.
I like my religion and spirituality to be personal, and I detest prosletizing.
Forever 21 may be inexpensive, but they are also known to only pay nearly minimum wage and not to offer employees hours at a full-time schedule, all to avoid paying competitive living wages and to avoid paying employees benefits.
Is cheap clothes and accessories really worth it?
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