01 June 2007

more me

i am off for an adventure across the country. {this being my first official summer vacation.} while i'm away, you may go through a series of withdrawals. i realize that and have come prepared. here are my faves from the martawrites archive. peruse them if you wish. bon voyage, good friends.

i love. i create. i work. i write. i try. i read. i bake. i wonder. i am.

{truth be told, i'll be missing you way more than you'll miss me.}


Sarah said...

Happy travels. Looking forward to hearing all about it.

maggienikole said...

happy trails

love.boxes said...

Have a marvelous time and come back with pictures! :)

whit said...

Mart..have so much fun. Thanks for spending the day with me...it hasn't started yet, but I just can't wait.

mama jo said...

what a cute idea, you're so clever

celeste said...

Say hi to the east coast for me, and enjoy the humid greenery.

Travelin'Oma said...

I think you'll be in withdrawal from the whole blogging world. You'll be in a different world altogether, jumping on the tramp, waking up to Twinkies and Tweenies, taking bites of The Big Apple...have fun!

Em said...

Hey Mart,
We miss you here at work. Nothing fun to report....have fun!

Nicole said...

how fun! take some photos for us :)

jamieanne said...

Hope you have a delightful trip. I'm sure you will.

Anonymous said...

Have a great trip!


Have a wonderful time! I'll be adding your site to my Martha Moments blog! I just love it.

Polly said...

Marta- I love your mini mart..you are so talented and you also take your dreams and make them into reality.. I'm glad you are Whit's twin so I can claim you too.

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