07 June 2007

completely quacked up..

i am out here in gorgeous Pennsylvania. the roads are winding, the trees are towering, the homes are picturesque. the neighborhoods bloom with quaint shops on all sides, the sun is shining, the kids are adorable.. i am in a whole new world.

we fed the ducks today and i haven't laughed so hard in a long time. it's difficult to keep startled twin three-year-olds calm when i was scared silly myself. perhaps i shouldn't have watched The Birds at such a tender age. we survived and have the photos to prove it. {more adventures in babysitting to come: the jersey shore, flea market, nyc matinee, kindergarten picnics. stay tuned.}


Travelin'Oma said...

It looks like you're in great company for quacking up!

kelly said...

looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

so cute! glad to hear you're having a splendid time. :)

Christie said...

Oh, we love those Pennsylvania kiddos...wish we were there!

Anonymous said...

Mini Mart!! SO cute! Sounds like you are having a Fabulous time!! Sole Sista's are incomplete without you! Miss ya lots! Is that your nephew? He is So cute! :)

Sarah said...

Those geese have their eyes on that bread don't they! The ducks've got no chance! Lovely picture :)

whit said...

Mart..I'm glad you are having so much fun..miss you

liz said...

i am surprised your feathered friends are getting so close...brave lil'dudes, aren't they? or possibly just hungry.

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