popable peterskivers
The Amazing Aebleskiver: A Danish pancake that has a round ball-like shape rather than a flattened rounded shape, like a crepe or a traditional flatbread pancake. The aebleskiver is made with a batter that is often mixed with fruit or other fillings and poured into a pan with individual round indentations that are molded into the pan. It is a cooking utensil designed specifically for making this pancake ball. One half of the pancake bakes and when the bottom half has turned golden brown it is rolled over manually to bake the other side. Aebleskivers are most often served for breakfast or brunch, but they can also be filled with a savory filling and be served as an appetizer.

my brother josh lived in Denmark and came home with a love for these Danish pancakes. his wife has perfected her batter and served us these (pictured above) the morning after our big race. (her kids lovingly call them Peterskivers after my other brother... ) these li'l darlings are the soft & spongey consistency of a donut hole, yet taste like a german pancake. their party potential is huge and i've already imagined up a soirée with these as the guest of honor. delicious as an appetizer (loaded with a bit of spinach dip), the entree (served up with sausage & emmental cheese) and the dessert (dunked in dark chocolate, frocked with whipped cream and fresh strawberries on top). wouldn't they make a perfect addition to a fondue night!? after a little research, i've found an entire blog on the subject. (the one post makes me giggle.) find even more here..
christie claims these pop-able babies are pretty simple to make. that coming from a gal who bakes twisted ropes of dough to create Thanksgiving braided bread napkin rings. still, she says all you need is this special pan. once i am good enough (a Peterskiver Pro) perhaps i can stuff their round bellies with luscious cream, raspberry jam or blueberries. christie, thanks again for not only the scrapbooking inspiration but the gourmet cook lessons too. {when you are available for 'round the clock catering, please give me a call. and yes, consider this my order for 12 braided rope rings come Thanksgiving.}
these are my fav. my roommate and dear friend introduced me to this danish delight. we make them on saturday mornings with a side of eggs benedict smothered in hollandase sauce. yummmm.
We saw a pan at DownEast yesterday, and I tried explaining how they worked to the husband. I'm not sure he got it. But they look so yummy!
They are totally easy and once you've done them yourself, you will laugh at my pathethic attempt. That recipe though is THE BEST (and I've tried a few). The key is that it's not too sweet, so you can add whatever you want to it. Send an invite our way when you have a Peterskeever party and we'll come hungry.
Hey! I'm feeling pretty famous right now...that's my handwriting on the recipe for those 'skivers :)...they're from a Danish grandmother. Very weird to see it pop up when I clicked on your site. Our best tip for perfecting these is to use a knitting needle or crochet hook to flip them over midway through. Mmmmm. Love those little gems.
It makes me happy to see your recipe, too! Kind of like all my worlds are colliding (but in a good way!)
Why have I never tasted these? I think I'd love them in every variety!
Oh aebleskivers! I love them so. We used to beg and plead for them for Saturday brunch all the time. So so good! I'd love to come to your aebleskiver party. That sounds delightful!
Every year in my town we have an international festival over Labor Day weekend. It's quite the big "shindig" 'round here. All the international foods are served. Every year I eat aebleskivers served from local Dutch living in the area wearing their national costume. They are so tastey.
I never really thought about them with savory flavors, but mmhhh....I'm liking that idea. I think you are on to something with a soirée in their honour. :)
those look YUMMY!
I used to live near a small danish town in california called Solvang. Tom and I visited this recreation of denmark last summer and enjoyed these yummy treats. Every restaurant served them. I'd love to try your variations.
My Grandma always makes aebleskivers..and I love them. Especially when they are covered with powdered sugar and homeade raspberry jam. ummmmmmmmmm.
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