always at the ready
life is a speedway and i always like to have a few things at the ready. among these little luxuries are gift tags. they can make a brown paper lunch sack look posh. i even keep a spool of ribbon, small scissors and gift tags in my glove box. have used them in more emergencies than my emergency flashlight.
so here's a new essential for those of us who bake a thoughtful batch of cookies, deliver them to the new neighbors and slap a scrawled post-it note message with our names and digits. may as well duct tape my business card on top of the tinfoil dome. although it really is the thought that counts, i believe details do too. new tags are hanging out over at the mini mart.
I at first thought it was a kit we could buy! love it.
That is a great idea, Min. I would buy the kit as well. Instead I will get some of those little note cards! Cute, cute!
So cute Marta! I love your emergency kit.
What a cute kit. I have a pretty yellow tin and haven't found a good use for it. This is clever.
glad you found my blog. email me your address and i will send you your handmade gift ( though i wish i were the one on the recieving side- your work is beautiful)!
what a great way to be prepared!
great tips.
these gift tags are gorgeous!
love them!
What a great way to be prepared. I so need to make a kit for my car now. Thanks for sharing with us.
Your tiny touches make everything even more special.
Always at the ready is so attractive on your blog. Mine includes a collection of flattened breakfast bars, some old tissue, and lots of pens at the bottom of my purse, with hair & lint & things.
what a brilliant idea, marta!
gift tags are far sweeter than i knew.
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