i typed this with my own two hands. again.
for those of you looking for the post i wrote about copyright infringement, i am sorry, but i took it down. it was just too muddy. i don't want to dwell on it and the violator has taken down her website and (hopefully) has learned her lesson. writing it out was simply a therapeutic session for my anger on the issue. because i got so many instant reactions via email, i had to put up something in it's place. so here is the best part of the deleted post...
although i was steaming at the thought of someone stealing my words and photos without asking, i haven't let it get me down. i will continue to use original content that comes from my mind and is typed with my own ten fingers. i will continue to post my ideas without being afraid of being copied. because life moves on and there are bigger things to worry about than worrying about getting your stuff copied. i will continue to make blogger friends and i'll continue to look for the good in people and believe that blogging is mostly good and not mostly bad. i will continue to blog without letting li'l miss copyright infringement get in my way. my sitemeter tells me i have many daily onlookers who i get to interact with, thanks to those of you who comment and add to the exchange of ideas. i appreciate those of you who link to me and say nice things and ask for permission to publish my photos. i am flattered at that kind of thing. and am jazzed to find new people through this type of online communication. when it's good, it's magic. i'd hate for a few bad bloggers to ruin it for the rest of us. so carry on, my good friends. type it out. with your own hands. using your own minds. from the bottom of your own hearts.
all this because i know those of us who are expanding our minds, exchanging ideas, growing our hearts and living out loud will come out on top.
{thank you for your support + goodness.}
hi m. i'm glad you're staying positive and hanging in there! and you're so right; those who engage in the blogging conversation while embracing their own uniqueness will definitely come out on top. megxx
I am sorry you had such an experience, but it appears you are staying very positive. And you should - there are so many people out there who silently love and appreciate your words (like me).
i must admit i liked reading both versions. it's good to know that you can fight back & stand up for yourself without ever being nasty.
hopefully that person will try to come up with their own ideas and inspirations. or at least be willing to give credit where credit is due.
glad "li'l miss copyright infringement" saw the light. glad you came out on top, mud-free.
I support you a 100% on this and am glad you have been able to see a positive in it. As one of the daily onlookers out there who love your words and wisdom, keep up the great work.
marta- i must have missed whatever happened but i just wanted to tell you that i seriously love your great outlook on things. you are always so cheerful and sweet and i truly love to read your blog. sorry that some silly person stole your stuff.
ugh sorry sometimes i'm logged in under my other name.... it's me jackie.
I'm glad you've got closure and now are once again lookin' on the bright side-o-life!
It only goes to show how incredibly talented you are. Way to be the big person here!
You are full of grace and class. Thanks for all you do!
still... everyone wants to be an original (most everyone anyway) and we hate being copied.. but you have a good attitude.
i did not read the 1st version... this is lovey way to sum up an uncomfortable situation. marta, you inspire!
ox kelley
good for you! and remember, imitation is the best form of flattery :)
you're a classy, and uber-talented, lady... I'm glad you expressed yourself, on both sides, but even gladder (I know that's not a word) that you landed on the cheery side...
i can't believe someone would do that! i guess i don't even think that way...but, you have certainly shown what a great person you are...you have so much talent...please keep sharing yourself...
marta...i'm sorry that happened but i'm pleased you decided to keep calm & carry on. you inspire me daily & i'm grateful to you. just so you know i typed this with one hand because i'm lying on my side in bed! lol! enjoy your weekend!
I love your blog and I check it out everyday - Your blog creativity is awsome, and your style is superb. Keep up the good work! I feel the same way about someone snagging my pics or thoughts, that is why I've set my blog to private. I would really hate it if you had to do that... I need my daily does of Marta.. LOL
thanks for continuing to share with us. one person can't hold you back when there are so many others on your side. :)
Marta, you are truly the original..no one could copy you...i would know a knock off immediately. You are lovely, good, unspoiled, a positive force in all our lives and I'm glad you are my twin daughter, separted at birth.
Well said Marta. Good for you you.
oh my goodness, I had no idea!
what a frustrating situation.
i'm such a "rule-follower" - i like things clear and simple. when it comes to copyright rules, i feel confused at times... which makes me downright scared. I wish that someone would sit me down and explain everything once and for all.
but anyway, i'm sorry that you had a "counterfeiter" on your trail, marta.
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