21 February 2008

amish friendship bread: pass it on

i didn't realize how ignorant i really was about all things domestic + deliciously fabulous until i was given the dough for this amish concoction. i boasted of it's greatness and innovative qualities for the circle of friendship to my sisters. they quickly burst my bubble, telling me that they had seen this little pass-along-the-bread project hundreds of times. oh well. it was new to me and that's what counts. i still love the whole idea of it. it made me feel like i was a pioneer with dough sitting on my counter just waiting to be baked. i made mine into baby sized loaves so i could spread the love even further and freeze it for later baked delicious bites of cinnamon goodness.

if you want to play the amish friendship game, make up a dough starter and follow the rules. 10 days later, print out 4 copies of the recipe below to give to friends and family who will then give it to their friends and so on. the circle of tasty goodness goes on forever. and maybe, just maybe you'll introduce someone to domesticity.


Stephanie ODea said...

I love this bread. We went gluten free, and one of these days I'd love to come up with a gf starter.

Shelly (Nicole) said...

I wonder if you can use something other than cinnamon? This bread screams of wanting nutmeg or cloves to me... :)

A little late to the part, but congratulations about the expecting of a wee one!

alyson. said...

one of my co-workers daughter made this for everyone at work. it's delicious!!

another alternative is to use lemon extract instead of vanilla.

Dansie Family said...

good stuff. i have passed this yummy stuff once before. we definitely enjoyed it.

{amy k.} said...

Oh yea! I love this bread and haven't had it forever! I was wanting to find the recipe and here it is... thanks! Do you know if there's a way to make it without passing it along and doing all the other steps- don't get me wrong, I love that part of it but I need a yummy treat for something and love this bread!

Eugene Lim said...

This is an adorable idea! I had no idea of such a thing and I think it's absolutely sweet. I'll be trying this out soon, especially with the cold weather in my area lately!

Melissa Mae Johnson said...

Marta! How are you? Crazy you came across my site! Did you just happen to see one of my three (I'm addicted) blogs or my etsy shop?

Enjoy Celebrations and Occasions said...

OK, well I hadn't heard of this either, but I LOVE the idea behind it. Looks like I have a project this weekend!

love.boxes said...

I love this idea! thanks!

Stephanie said...

I grew up only an hour from Amish country so you can imagine how many times I saw this recipe come our way. Result? I'm addicted to it. Yuuummy.

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