20 March 2008

awaiting spring

strolling (what would become) a favorite street in kyoto, japan

a peaceful perfect green garden in kamakura, japan

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.
— Anne Bradstreet


anna jo said...

oh, miss marta, spring is here! officially!!

Unknown said...

I love your beautiful pictures, and I especially like Bradstreet quote. To every thing there is a season, and thank goodness we have them otherwise I would go crazy!

nikole said...

me too, waiting patiently for it to arrive. and japan, so lovely.

Christina said...

These are gorgeous very spring-y pics. Green is just delighting me these days, and the green in these pics is perfect!

lmnop said...

I traveled around Japan last May, and the greenery was exactly like your pictures. Thank you for the reminder.

Anonymous said...

oh, kyoto in spring. i was just there. seems weird that i can get there in just over an hour. so close. and so tranquil compared to my city. spring is definitely here. in japan. i hope it arrives where you are, too. very soon.

Anonymous said...

oh, kyoto in spring. i was just there. seems weird that i can get there in just over an hour. so close. and so tranquil compared to my city. spring is definitely here. in japan. i hope it arrives where you are, too. very soon.

all over the map said...

i have spent much time in Japan and oh how i miss it so now. i took much of it for granted and now i miss her beauty, her culture and her ways.
the fotos are lovely. they capture the beautiful soul of Japan.

KJ said...

if we did not suffer 4 long months of frigid winter, we would not appreciate the hope and light of Spring. That's what I keep telling myself.

love.boxes said...

Gorgeous. I would love to visit there someday.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I just returned from Bolivia on vacation and have wanderlust now. Japan looks tempting...

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