material girl: a few of my favorite things
i'm making a list of favorites things. of course i believe that the most important things in life aren't things, yet they make life a whole lot more fun. here are some of my most materialistic favorite things. ps. going to nyc is definitely among my favorite things. thank you for the plethora of good advice and expert travel tips! i am beyond excited to try out some of your favorite spots in the big apple (shake shack here i come). onto listing..tried and true. the swiss army watch is reliable and classic. no fuss or frills; simple and perfect. have been a long time lover, thanks to my dad. other than my red minnie mouse watch i wore religiously when i was ten, these are all i've owned.
loving these american apparel yoga pants for working out, lounging around, cleaning the house, and running errands. they work for yoga sessions too.
a true new favorite. this biolage mint conditioner is more delisch than any other i've tried. and i am a mint lover. it's flavor energizes yet still soft and subtle; less intense than the typical peppermint types. i am crossing my fingers for a body wash version.
kiehls is the greatest. soft and sweet. their coconut scented lotion is my favorite. cousin whit introduced me to it long ago and i've been hooked to the light lotion ever since. i frequented their store often when i lived just blocks away from dreamy south coast plaza in the OC. aaah, those were the days.
this is my go-to, must-have-with-me day planner. it's small, it's handy, it's like a preppy coordinating outfit, even when i'm wearing my hoodie and yoga pants. with this as my second hand man, i am always put together. i switch brands every year and i am pleased as punch with 2008's pick: kate's planning organizer. if you're planning to look at something every day, it might as well be useful and adorable. i love leaving my chicken scratch on the pages. i save all of my planners in a big stack on my bookshelf. they come in handy when i need to double check a birthday, look for a lost address or find out when my last dentist appointment was. (or search for the pink post-it note i jotted an important list on last year.) my planner pages will make up a lovely diary someday.
ramekins are a favorite li'l dish you can never have enough of. especially now that they come in all sorts of lovely shapes and colors. they offer much more than you might think. tiny, yes. but perfect for small little jobs such as holding my bobby pins and earrings on my nightstand, serving up chocolate chips to snack on during american idol, perfect for a serving of pears and cottage cheese, to crack an egg into and then pour into your whirring mixer equals no eggshells in your batter, or to keep your paperclips color coordinated. the possibilities are endless when it comes to the ramekin.
purchased these babies around valentine's day and i fell in love with them. the mini spatula is the perfect kitchen helper for scooping, spreading and stirring. it is the perfect thing for scooping peanut butter out of a jar. dan especially loves it since he found it fits right into his mouth; even with a whopping spoonful of cookie dough upon it.
more favorite thing lists to come.
images taken from the websites mentioned.
All great things! I just discovered the wonders of Kiehl's this past year and I too am a believer. And hmmm...I have a sudden, overwhelming craving for creme brulee!
Such great finds! I have to say that I LOVE my ramekins as well...too bad I broke one last night. And also a fan of biolage!
Ramekins are great - so useful! I've also found that the mini latte bowls from Anthro serve a similar purpose and add a little punch of color! I LOVE my Kiehl's Moisturizing Lotion - I was sad to discover that they use parabens which are on the not so good list, but I haven't found anything paraben-free that is as light on my skin...yucko.
Hey marta,
I found your comment on my bookbinding blog. It's hallmark. I was your backyard neighbor for awhile! no worries. it took me forever to remember you were a halverson. :)
I love some of those things as well and will have to add the conditioner to my list.. sounds dreamy! :)
I'm going to get myself some of those yoga pants! American Apparel is awesome. You have a great blog!
so i dont know if this was mentioned in your previous blog (i'm not about to read all the comments you've received), but another must-see (if you haven't already seen it), is Strand's Book Store (or some such name). I believe strand's is located in soho-chelsea area, but my memory could be wrong. great used/new book store. REALLY gigantic. takes up an entire corner of the block and it's endless! one hour and i was still stuck in one tiny corner of the store. and they have lots of really old books that cost lots of money too! and i believe they have several floors (3?) and rows and rows and rows. they have good sales too. last summer, toni morrison's bluest eye was on sale for $4 and it was brand spanking new. a great place to visit for sure. they have a website too if i am correct.
i'll be making a visit to nyc myself this summer for the 3rd time. i can't wait to relocate there someday (briefly - i'd die of consumption! materialism that is).
have fun!
love the little mini spatula set. comes in so handy.
I totally have those little spatulas in red. I LOVE THEM TOO. I just used them Sunday... :)
can we please have another list of m.favorites ?!
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