05 November 2008

eggs extraordinaire

hip hip hip.
three cheers for change.

in our country,
in ourselves.


Anonymous said...

do you mean change to socialism? To completely disregarding our constitution? Time for change to losing our rights? BIG GOVERNMENT WAHOO. I'm sorry I'm just a little confused by what change your referring to. I respect your right to choose who you want to and support who you want to. But I won't be supporting you anymore.

marta said...

one big CHANGE i celebrate today is our first African American President. that alone is something to cheer for.

summer said...

Wasn't his speech so exhilarating last night?

Your breakfast is making me swoon. I'm ridiculously fond of scrambled eggs and toast.

Anonymous said...

I agree first post anonymous. All these people for "change" are going to get exactly that. Here we come socialism. Yea.

When Two Becomes Five said...

Don't you love how "anonymous" people leave comments in fear of being recognized for their opinion? I voted for Obama and am proud of it! Bring on the change and all this crap about socialism is only people being afraid of change. There's nothing wrong with change especially when it's to better the country! People are just afraid. Good for you for being proud of who you support!

Anonymous said...


poor m. I'll cheer with you.

WA HOO! I am so thrilled and happy :)

christine said...

Whoah, anonymous posters why you so scared? Why take it out on Marta? McCain was incredibly gracious, why can't you be?

Its a great day for America. I'm proud to have voted for Obama. I'm proud of what his win means for change and showing that America still is the land of possibilities and democracy.


Anonymous said...

Mart, as you know I didn't vote for Obama, but I respect your right to support the candiate of your choice. And, as McCain said last night, the election is now over and it is time for ALL Americans to work together to solve the problems facing our country. Bitterness and divisiveness will only exacerbate the daunting challenges we face.

I echo McCain's statement of congratulations to Obama and his supporters. Let's put the election behind us and go to work making our country, and the world, a better place.

EliseBlaha said...

marta my dear.
how exciting that your little boy will only know this country?

Anonymous said...

all politics aside I was excited that my little grandson would think everything was perfectly normal to have an African American President! How far we have come and historically next year is President Lincoln's 200th birthday and there have been plans for celebrations long before Obama won! But what a great thing to add to that celebration! I love the idea of looking forward and just waiting to see what wonderful things are in store for this great country of ours! (just so anonymous knows, i generally vote Republican)

Alyssa said...

I am not one of the anonymous posters from the previous comments... and with that being said, I am proud to have voted for McCain. I'm wishing he had won for many reasons, but largely because I don't agree with turning towards socialism. My husband is from Canada and I've seen what that government is like first hand.

Nonetheless, I will always support our country and the ideals it was founded upon. McCain's speech last night was very gracious and I agree that the best (and only) thing to do now is to support the president that the people elected.

Anonymous said...

sorry I have to comment again...I was a little upset by anonymous saying she wouldn't support you because you support Obama and said person thinks he is a socialist..It is too bad that we can't all support one another regardless of our beliefs..that is what the United States is about..to feel that we must all think the same is what they call socialism.

Anonymous said...

sorry I have to comment again...I was a little upset by anonymous saying she wouldn't support you because you support Obama and said person thinks he is a socialist..It is too bad that we can't all support one another regardless of our beliefs..that is what the United States is about..to feel that we must all think the same is what they call socialism.

Ashley Thalman said...

marta, i read your blog daily and i am ALWAYS inspired by your simplicity, calm, kind, love, talent, whimsy and creativity.
what a great post. thank you.
i know that you are, as i am, ever so careful to use your words and your blog wisely. shame on the haters. let us feel sorry for those who hide behind anonymous identities and cannot see the power of a new day, eggs, toast and forward movement from a day when bigotry and racial divide ruled.

Anonymous said...

Marta, thank you so much for understanding what this election means to the African-American youth and families I serve and for affirming how precious it is when we choose to cross the lines that divide. I am a movement conservative who works in Washington, DC, but I too voted happily for Obama ... as did many other elite conservatives I know, for thoughtful and principled reasons.

summer said...

I have to post again too. I keep thinking about the "anonymous" posts and am bothered by them.

Like Dan said, just because everyone didn't vote for Obama (i didn't) doesn't mean that we should hold it against each other or be resentful of our new president. Or give m. grief about the choice that she made. We can put the voting behind us- now is the time to be supportive. We have a fresh start, a new leader, and an adrenalized country- what's not to cheer about? Even though I didn't vote for him, I will cheer with you, m.!
Congratulations to our new president!

kh said...

Though I don't agree with your breakfast m. I do agree that we must be happy to be a part of the *historical* event that took place last night. God Bless this Nation.

Thank you for your soft posts. They really make my day.

Michelle said...

McCain wanted our government to purchase people's mortgages, if that isn't socialism I don't know what is. Keep your negativity.

Marta, I commend you for your beautiful writing. It is so simple, yet says so much.

No matter who you supported in this election, we should be proud that the voters of this great nation got out and voted in unbelievable numbers and made their voices heard.

Karen said...

Hello Marta! I am a fan of your blog and your style. Your posts are a joy and a delight. I think it is an amazing time for all Americans. Thanks for sharing your post-election morning with all of us. I am cheering change along side you.

Saucy said...

I see dear friend that your are subject to some of the same anonymous, hateful comments that I've had this week - and I am only a Canadian who voiced an opinion out of care and concern for all of you.

Socialism is not a dirty word. It means to care for the society that you live in and lift up those who cannot do it themselves. In Canada, I have access to the best health care and I do not have to choose between medicine and my mortgage. Like you in the US, our educational system is funded and overseen by the government... I really don't know what the difference is.

Don't let it upset you if people say they won't read your blog anymore. They did that to me too. Anonymously! Aren't we lucky to both live in countries where we have the freedom of speech and a right to vote, no matter how we do it?

Chin up. I like your breakfast choice.

Anonymous said...

Not only did McCain want to purchase people's mortgages, he pushed for the wall street bailout package that allowed the government to purchase shares in private banks. Again, very socialist sounding.

Having made that observation, I agree with saucy, "socialism" can mean many things, and most of them are good things.

My vote didn't go to Obama or to McCain. However, I am excited to unite as a country behind an energetic, capable, and strong leader - just as I would have been had McCain prevailed.

Anonymous said...

I am a regular reader of your blog but rarely comment. But after the anonymous postings that have appeared today I couldnt' sit silent. Thanks Marta for your lovely blog.

I too voted for Obama, so I may be a bit biased. But I applaud the fact that you didn't try to turn your readers on to Obama. You simply posted a morning after picture, with a simple statement. A powerful, but simple statement. Its a beautiful thing that we can have varied opinions in this country, and not be persecuted for expressing them!! I thought both McCain's and Obama's speeches were uplifting and inspiring last night. And I too am excited about the change this election will bring in the future. I know our country has a long way to go, and it will take a long time and a lot of hard work, but I'm excited!

Yay for change!!

Em said...

Yay for Obama and Boo for anonymous comments!

Im a teacher in Utah County and you would not believe some of the things I was hearing today. Kids came to school saying things like, "Obama better watch out, the KKK is still alive!" or things just like your anonymous commenter left, "Now we are all going to be socialists." When asked what they thought Socialism meant, no one could tell me. I could not believe that we are so stuck. All of these kids' opinions are those of their parents and of people who are not willing to see that our differences are what make us better people.

Thanks Mart for a fun post. Look at all the noise it is making! :)

jeremyv said...


I love this post because it feels purely you. Interesting how your simple post has brought up such a scary word 'socialism' ohhhhhhhh it feels so 1950's the fear people feel despite their inability to define this oh so frightening word.
keep writing and creating

-Mallory, I am commenting through Jer's name

Anonymous said...

Marta, that was sad that anonymous said they would no longer support you since you voted for Obama. I must say, I am beyond disappointed at the results of the election, however, everyone has the right to their opinion. Tolerance of others opinions is what makes this country different than most. That is ignorance to stop supporting you, just because they disagree with you. Wow. I like someone who is proud of their opinions and who they voted for as president. Good for you, and keep up the good work! Your blog is the best!

Anonymous said...

I am the second anonymous post....(please forgive me for anonymous; I don't have a blog and this is the only way I know how to leave a comment. My name is Laura...does that help?:) ). I only echo the sentiments of first 'anonymous' post because of what I believe is my thorough understanding of the cycles of history and the role of the Constitution in this country....and so my opinion has formed over the years.
M., I didn't mean to sound like I agreed with the part about not reading your wonderful posts anymore.....
We're all Amercians! Yea for that!!
p.s. and I didn't vote for McCain!

Sherry said...


I have never read your blog, Saucy sent me over here. I am sorry some people have been so negative to you. Obviously, they either didn't listen to or they ignored John McCain's speech last night. He was very gracious, as was Obama. We all need to unite and stand by Obama. Today is a great day and personally, I feel a new hope in the air. I am proud to have voted for Obama and think he will do his best to be a wonderful president. So many barriors were broke yesterday.

I think we are all in for a great future!

(Oh, some people may desert you because of your choice in voting, but I would feel honored to join you and add you to my blog roll.)

Dave said...


The spitefulness and inane name-calling that followed your initial post is unbecoming of your, as one blogger put it, "softness."

It is understandable, after a prolonged and hard-fought campaign, that there are those who cannot at this time view the events of the past 24 hours as favorable for our country. But when the bitterness and the tendency to revert to the RNC talking points in your conversations is replaced with tolerance, perhaps even "Anonymous" will taste of the hope clearly felt by those in Grant Park last night.

If Obama's acceptance speech didn't make you proud to be an American, I don't know what would. (Perhaps a president who cannot pronounce the word "nuclear.")

Keri said...

Such an exciting event to have witnessed! Truly a step in the right direction. Though we still have many obstacles to overcome (the obvious intolerance of those who have differing opinions from our own, and those who allow fear to govern their lives), I feel an overwhelming amount of gratitude and happiness regarding the outcome of this monumental election.

So, Yay back to your hip hip hip!

Buby + Bleu said...

I'm a registered republican. I usually vote republican. I voted for Obama last night, and I'm really excited. Cheers!

... said...

People who raise the "socialism" fear flag have no real idea what that word even means. They often equate the word with EEEEEEEKKKK!!!!! EEEEEEEKKK!!!! SCAAAARY!!! SCAAAARY!!! COMMUNISM!!!!! SAVE US FROM GRAY JUMPSUITS!!!!

But they're wrong. Socialism is NOT Communism. Also, Obama is NOT a socialist. He worked on Wall Street for a time, yo, that's a capitalists playground.

Also, W's banks bank bail out bunkorama is pretty darn socialist.

I think people think Obama's robin hood style tax system is socialist...but it's not. Really, it's not. Read history folks, and wake up to a new day.

Also, the post about the kids telling Obama to 'watch out for the KKK' is just frightening. Kids saying that means there's some real close minded morons out there raising children.

I hope you enjoyed your breakfast. It looks Obam-tastic!

Alicia said...

Thanks Marta for such a lovely and quiet post (who knew that eggs & toast could cause such heated words). I proudly volunteered and voted for Obama - I can only hope that the citizens of the United States can come together to build a better future for the generations to come. I also hope that those opposed to Mr. Obama can heed the words of Senator McCain and come together in this when the country faces immense challenges. It scares me to read that young children are invoking hatred to describe a man whom they likely know little about - thanks to Em for teaching them that our differences are what makes us a great nation. A happy day here in Colorado!

amy said...

marta. i feel for you. people go nuts about politics. I'm for you and anyone's right to say whatever they want. :)

Robin said...

I think the media has done such a good job of making Republicans look and sound like fuddy-duddies lately that that they/we are often nervous to identify ourselves. Not to condone rudeness in comments but that is where some of the anonymity is coming from probably.

N.E.ways...I didn't vote for Obama but I will support him as our new president and have hope that he will do what's best for America right now.

Linda Summerfield said...

Dear Marta,
I found you through Saucy's blog. I cannot recall feeling this much elation over a political outcome before. The world is celebrating with us!!!

Chelsea and Rusty said...

Its too bad that people base their political persuasion on either extreme left or right political propaganda.

We echo your comment,hooray for CHANGE, hopefully some good will come from Pres. Hussein ;)

Travelin'Oma said...

Wow! Who knew breakfast would be so controversial! I was up 'til the wee hours watching the historic events and I missed breakfast altogether.

I remember watching race riots (on TV) in conjunction with elections when I was a teenager, and I am so proud to see how this country has matured in my lifetime. It thrills me.

I am horrified to hear that little kids would talk about the KKK in conjunction with Barack Obama. Parents who wouldn't allow an R-rated movie in their homes, and who wouldn't utter a swear word in front of their kids, ought to realize the poisoning effect of such a hateful attitude. Come on, people. Prepare to unite. This is the United States of America!

Lauryl Lane said...

hi marta, i never comment despite reading your lovely blog whenever it pops up on my reader, but i feel compelled to say how much i agree with you and how excited i am about change. i grew up in oklahoma, surrounded by radical conservatives-- but i didn't think of most of my old friends as uninformed, hateful and ignorant until i started to see their facebook statuses following obama's beautiful victory last night. whatever one's political beliefs, this was a monumental step for our country-- the first time a minority has been elected president of these united states. we should be jumping up and down in joy knowing that our children will grow up in a country that has come SO FAR from where it was when we were growing up. YES WE CAN!!! {lauryl}

The Miz said...

I just want to offer a different perspective about the KKK comments. I wasn't there so I don't know what the tone the students were taking or even how old they are (em would know better). But maybe it might have been said out of concern for Obama. I have thought something similar, not out of hate but genuine concern for life. There are people that HATE for no other reason than color. It is sad but true and some of those people might feel compelled to be evil. And so maybe it wasn't a "He better watch his back!" but rather "I hope he's careful and no harm comes to him because of certain people." I just wanted to interject my two cents on that issue.
And just want to say to travelinoma, not every person who lives in Utah is mormon. ;)

kati said...

i am very excited that obama has been elected, although i have many friends that voted for mccain. i am trying very hard to see both sides and encourage people to be hopeful. i genuinely hope that obama will prove his critics wrong.

i am also so heartened to read the comments on this post from mccain supporters that are willing to put aside our differences and support our new president elect and join in the hopeful movement. mccain's speech last night was incredibly gracious (although his audience largely was not) and even good old elizabeth hasselbeck on the view was able to be gracious and hopeful this morning. it is so good to see.

to all the "anonymous" (aka fearful) posters here, i find it interesting that you obviously think of yourselves as very patriotic but do not seem to understand the beauty of the democratic process as soon as it doesn't go your way OR recognize m.'s privilege to post as she pleases. shame!

jordan said...

Obama is here, and he has come to save us all.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you need some new less conservative friends Marta.

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Who knew eggs & toast would throw your sweet little spot in blogland into such a tailspin. Regardless of who voted for who we now have to come together and embrace this wonderful change that's ahead of us. Now, about the eggs & toast...let's eat...

::Sylvia:: said...

I think regardless of if we agree or disagree with the presidential choice, we can all agree that we want what's best for this country. We need to give President Obama the exact same respect every President deserves. Can't we as adults get along with others who feel different than we do? What a sad shame...Marta I didn't vote for Obama (or Mcain), but I respect your right to vote and will definitely still be reading your blog.

Jake said...

Wow, Min! You are so controversial. Just think what woulda happened if you'd had French toast!

Love the post. Love you. Love Obama. Love McCain. Love blogging and all its craziness!

whit said...

mart..i'm laughing my guts out, who are these people who don't support your blog because of obama!!! obama all the way man!!!!!

michelle said...

I love this post!
And bird on the lawn's and David's comments.

I agree that you of all people do not deserve haters. It is so in opposition to your beautiful softness.

Kerry said...

There was dancing in the streets on Tuesday night here in Portland. What an amazing thing we have all experienced. I feel rejuvenated.

It's HISTORY. With a side of eggs & toast.

Shirley said...

I think it is easy to be afraid of what we cannot name, or, in this case, describe. (a nod to the inability of many to define socialism).

With that said, just because history has shown us that some countries were unable to manage a socialist society does not mean all acts/forms of socialism is bad. Socialism can become a very great thing so long as the country is ready for it and so long as the people of that country do not use it as a mask for something evil.

Heck, democracy can be just as evil under the wrong hands and used in the wrong sense of the word....

Anonymous said...

hip hip from NYC as well!

whit said...

one more thing..why did anonymous comment again..i thought he or she wasn't supporting your blog. I also liked how they said they support your decision on who you vote. I want to meet this person.

jessica said...

i echo dan's comments.

i voted for McCain, but Obama is my President now and I will give him the support, respect & reverance the President of the United States of America deserves.

Voicing your opinion is a beautiful thing. Difference of opinions is a beautiful thing. I hope we can recognize that the freedom to choose is what sets us apart. And makes us Americans.

the mama monster said...

marta- i can't beleive that someone would not read your blog because of your own personal views.i might disagree with obama on many many things ( as i did with mccain)but how can anybody blame you for how you truly feel about something. i don't understand it. i will admit i am a little bummed out about obama but i will fully support him as our president unless he gives me reason not to.

nicole hill gerulat said...

oh please.. people are so dramatic. sorry you have anonymous commenters.. they are usually mean. :) a late congratulations to you on your baby!

Kat said...

Wow, I am so sorry to see that some people unleashed their ignorant frustration on you. I got similar responses on Facebook and my blog... You are so gracious in how you dealt with it.

Here's to the future! This is a proud moment for America.

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